In addition to donations, this website needs your prayers. Since authentic private revelation is a key way heaven can speak to us in these end times, prayer is needed to protect this website from the evil ones. It is spiritual warfare between the demons and angels but we have a part to play in this great drama.
Almost everyone seems to be suspicious of private revelation and are not open to it in an extreme fashion. We must be prudent but not paranoid… Hence, I really need prayer partners who will pray regularly for the success and safety of this apostolate. I, in turn, pray primarily for the donors and “Heaven’s Helpers” and their intentions daily.
Without support, this website would never have become what it is today: a bright light in the darkness. If you are interested, please send me an email to: privaterevelation33@gmail.com . Thanks for your consideration and God bless!
Pope St. Pius X: “Give me an army that prays the rosary and I will overcome the world."