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Two Messages of Hope from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

Uruacu (Goias, Brazil); October 7, 1995

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Anniversary of the Victory of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lepanto

First Saturday

My Victory

"I am the Queen of the Holy Rosary. I am the Queen of Victories. The task that has been entrusted to me by the Most Holy Trinity is that of directing the battle and leading to victory the cohort of the children of God who are fighting against the powerful army of the slaves of Satan and of the spirits of evil.

I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring; she will crush your head, and you will lie in wait for her heel.' (Gen 3:15)

Each day I am carrying forward this struggle and attaining my victory.

My victory takes place in the hearts of all my children who consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart and allow themselves to be formed and led by me as little children. I open up these hearts to the purity of love, and in this way I am able to achieve the victory over every form of egoism, of hatred, and of violence, and to spread everywhere the sweet perfume of divine charity.

My victory is being achieved in the souls who are being assisted by me in fighting against and in conquering every form of sin. The souls of my children, enlightened by grace and in possession of divine life, sing with me the perennial Magnificat of perfect glory to the Most Holy Trinity.

My victory is being accomplished in the Church, which I enlighten with my faith, assist with my presence, and comfort with my motherly tenderness. I myself am leading her by the hand, in this time of the purification, toward her greatest splendor that will reclothe her, making of her the greatest light for all the nations of the earth.

My victory takes place each day over this poor humanity, which is so sick and far from God and which has wanted to build a new civilization without Him. I am opening up new roads for its return to the Lord, who awaits it with the love of a Father. I am calling my little children to become instruments of salvation for all, and thus, in silence and hiddenness, I am preparing each day and spreading among you the reign of God.

My complete victory will come about with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. Then the miracle of divine mercy, in the power of the Holy Spirit, will renew the face of the earth, and it will again become a fragrant and precious garden in which the Most Holy Trinity will be pleased to be reflected and will receive from the whole created universe its greatest



Capoliveri (Livorno, Italy); April 16, 1995

Easter Sunday

The Triumph of Divine Mercy

"Beloved children, rejoice with me, sorrowful Mother of the Passion, and consoled and joyous Mother of the Resurrection.

Your joy is united with that of all the angelic cohorts, who bow down to adore my Son, Jesus, as He appears to them in the dazzling splendor of his divinity. It is united also with the joy of all Paradise, which welcomes the Son of God, risen and seated at the right hand of the Father, and in that of the just who, in the lower regions, salute the moment of their liberation. Today new quiverings of life are running throughout all creation. All humanity exults with greatest joy because, in Jesus Crucified, dead and risen, it contemplates the triumph of divine mercy.

The triumph of divine mercy is accomplished in the debt paid to divine justice, because of the sin that was committed by our first parents and that has brought condemnation upon all their descendants. Today, in Christ who rises, there comes about this marvelous return of all humanity into the arms of its Heavenly Father. Jesus is offered as victim of expiation, so that the merciful love of the Father might be able to receive, into his communion of life, this humanity, now redeemed and saved.

The triumph of divine mercy is accomplished in the victory of good over evil, of grace over sin, of love over hatred, of life over death. In Christ, who comes forth victorious from the grave, a way of light is traced out for all humanity, so that it may thus respond to the great gift that it has received from Him. It is the way of love. Now love is called to triumph over egoism and hatred, over violence and war, over misunderstanding and all divisions.

The triumph of divine mercy is accomplished over Satan and all his wicked spirits, because this day marks the moment of their greatest defeat. Satan can still act to lead to ruin and perdition this frail humanity, even though it is redeemed. But in the end the triumph will be totally God's, because Christ is the only Savior and your Redeemer.

In these last times, the struggle between good and evil, between grace and sin, between God and Satan, is reaching the summit of its power.

It seems that, in your days, Satan has attained his victory, as during the Sabbath when Jesus lay lifeless in the sepulcher. But the moment is close when Christ Risen will manifest Himself in all his power; evil will be destroyed; Satan will be defeated forever; and then will appear in all its splendor the triumph of divine mercy over the world."

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