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“Third Secret” to Luz de Maria Regarding October 2 is Fulfilled

Updated: Oct 7

Today, October 2, was the Solemn Inauguration of the Second Session of the 16th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (also known as “The Synod on Synodality”). Here is information on this:  .

Here is the Third Secret that was given to Luz de Maria:


This infamous synod will conclude this month or, at the latest, sometime this year. It will be the end of the Church as it always has been. Christ gave His Church to St. Peter and the Apostles, who became priests at the Last Supper; this is the government He set up, and it therefore was never meant to change. Laypeople will vote with the small number of bishops. Francis seeks to democratize the Church, but it is precisely the job of the pope to be the center of unity in the Church. Thus, anarchy will reign. False teachings, too, will undoubtedly flow from this synod. The disunity and dismantling that will follow will make it possible for the Antichrist to take over the above-ground Church (the underground Church, as in China, will be the true Church). Our Lady of La Salette (approved already by the Church) revealed this: “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.” It is also ironic that Francis today sat before St. Peter’s original chair. And, as Jesus said in the above secret, suffering for the world then began in earnest. Directly after October 2 was the horrific Hurricane Helene. And next will be Hurricane Milton. And that is only to speak of the United States...

I have no doubt that Francis is part of the “ELITE” mentioned in the secret. 11 years of chaos in the Church since he was named pope are not a litany of foolishness; it is mostly intentional and has the markings of the secret societies that have been undermining the Church for a long time now. Confusion and division come from the devil, whom the secret societies worship. It is no secret that some prelates in the Vatican are Masons, as Our Lady told the Servant of God Fr. Gobbi. According to revelation to the messenger Sister Amapola, Francis is “an imposter pope.” I firmly believe he is "the False Prophet" mentioned many times in the Book of Revelation who cooperates with the Antichrist.

If this sounds crazy, read the second and final public message of Our Lady of Garabandal (June 18, 1965), which was so painful for Her that She had St. Michael deliver it for Her:

“Since my message of October 18, 1961 has not been complied with and has not been made much known to the world, I will tell you that this is the last one. Before the chalice was filling now it is overflowing. Many Cardinals, many Bishops, and many Priests are on the path of perdition and they take many souls with them. To the Eucharist, there is given less and less importance. We should avoid the wrath of God on us by our good efforts. If you ask pardon with your sincere soul God will pardon you. It is I, your mother, who through the intercession of St. Michael, wish to say that you amend, that you are already in the last warnings and that I love you much and do not want your condemnation. Ask Us sincerely and we will give to you. You should sacrifice more. Think of the passion of Jesus.”

And then there is the 1973 private revelation of Our Lady of Akita, which has already been approved by the Church:

“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres...churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord."

"The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them”.

Thus, the beginning of the final session of this synod was today, October 2. I recommend that you again read the full message Christ gave to Luz de Maria on September 30:  . She has also received many revelations on the Antichrist:  . The true and faithful Church will be forced to go underground very soon now. Francis is already promoting the One World Religion here and there, and there are a number of heaven’s messages that say that the words of consecration at Mass will be changed so that communion will be only a symbol.

We must be faithful to the Church of the last 2,000 years, which is essentially not subject to change since it is both divine and human. I strongly urge you to buy a Douay-Rheims Bible (which contains no doctrinal errors) and one or more of the good catechisms: the Roman Catechism (the Catechism of the Council of Trent), the Baltimore Catechism, the second edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (for bishops), and/or the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (for priests). The average Catholic needs only to know what is in the Baltimore Catechism as far as catechesis.

Thank You, Christ, for this Third Secret, and lead us to follow You above all.

Our guardian angels, enlighten us to the truths of the one true Faith and help us to be faithful to God above all.


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