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John Leary – “she has avoided hell thanks to your prayer and the Mass for her soul.”

Messages from Jesus to John Leary

February 18, 2025

Jesus said: “My people, in Noah’s time there was a great evil on the earth. I had Noah prepare a large ark to store the animals and the eight people of Noah’s just family. I then cleansed the earth of all of the evil people with the Great Flood when it rained for forty days and forty nights. Soon you will see a great evil on the earth with the Antichrist in the tribulation time of less than 3½ years. I am having My refuge builders set up refuge arks with which My angels will shield you from harm. I will cleanse the earth of all the evil people and the demons with My Comet of Chastisement that will hit the earth. My refuges will be protected from this comet by My angels just as Noah’s ark was protected from the flood. Then I will recreate the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace when you will be young again and live a long time.”

February 17, 2025

Jesus said: “My people, every day you are tested by the trials of life, but you must trust in Me to lead you on the right path to heaven. Do not seek revenge on those people who harm you, and do not let your anger cause you to sin. Refrain from any swearing and only answer yes or no in your simple answers. Some people are driven by a search for money, but do not let this control you. Call on My help in your needs, and pray for My healing if you are sick or have cancer. It is by your faith that you can be healed.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a vision of the earth in the dark of space. You are seeing a coming Comet of the Warning coming toward the earth. You asked for a sign and I am telling you that I will give you My very Warning of a life review for everyone, once this comet reaches its closest distance to the earth. Your scientists will see this comet coming before My Warning will occur. I will bring My Warning when there is a danger to many lives, as before some nuclear bombs go off. This is the second message on this subject in two days, which is a sign that this time is getting close. Be patient because you will have a Conversion time to convert souls before the tribulation and after the Warning.”

February 16, 2025

Jesus said: “My son, I am giving you a vision of the Mount Polomar telescope so you can look into the night sky to see the stars. I want you to look for a sign in the skies that your scientists will notice. The signs you will see at the proper time will be the Comet of the Warning, and during the tribulation, you will see a luminous cross in the sky over your refuge. The day you see this Comet of the Warning will be when everyone will experience their individual Warning of a life review. You will then witness your judgment and you will feel your destination. You will be given a choice to follow Me by repenting of your sins, or you can remain on your current path. My faithful will be helping their families choose Me during the Conversion time of six weeks. Then you will be called to the safety of My refuges with My inner locution. This is why you have been preparing your refuge for all of these years. Be patient because these events are coming.”

February 15, 2025

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading in the Book of Genesis about all of the consequences of the original sin of Adam and Eve. They were cast out of the Garden of Eden to prevent them from eating the fruit of the Tree of Life that allowed them to live a long time. So death of man is one consequence of their sin. They had to work by the sweat of their brow to grow wheat for making bread. Eve would now have pain in order to bear children. I now would have to suffer death as a sacrifice to redeem all of mankind from their sins. All of you are now sinners and this weakness to sin requires you to repent of your sins in Confession. After the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will bring My victory over evil, and you will again eat from many Trees of Life in the Era of Peace. But until that time, man will return to dust at your death, just as you are reminded on Ash Wednesday as you receive your ashes on your forehead.”

Jesus said: “My son, I hear your prayers to help heal your wife’s infection with her implant, and also the cancers and other illnesses in your family. You also have had some problems with hackers who are fraudulently charging your credit cards, and even stealing your phone number from your cell phone. It is getting harder to protect your personal information that thieves are exploiting to try and gain money from you. Keep praying for your healing of your cancers.”

February 14, 2025: (St. Cyril and St. Methodius)

Jesus said: “My people, you see how important it is to control your will in obeying My Commandments. You heard in the reading from the Book of Genesis how the original sin of Adam and Eve has given you a weakness to sin. But I died on the cross for your sins, and I will forgive you in Confession when you repent of your sins, and ask for My forgiveness. I love all of you so much, and you have My grace to fight off the devil’s temptations. You all are sinners, but you can cleanse your souls of sin with My sacrament of Penance. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, your daily Mass, and your daily Adoration, and you will be rewarded one day in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, President Trump is using the DOGE group to uncover all of the waste and overspending in all of the departments of your government. You are seeing judges and the deep state fighting to keep the money they were stealing from your people’s taxes. Some of these budget cuts will be hard to pass in your Congress. You may even see government shutdowns or multiple short-term fundings. Pray that your Congress can pass fair legislation for your people so you do not have so much of a deficit due to overspending.”

February 13, 2025: (Funeral Mass for Dr. Sonia Garcia)

At Sacred Heart Cathedral after Holy Communion, I could see Dr. Sonia near her casket and she was greeting everyone who came to her funeral. Jesus said: “My people, this is one of My dear servants who helped many people both spiritually and physically with her medical skills. She even helped your granddaughter, My son. She had a beautiful shrine to My Blessed Mother, and she had Masses that you attended. She had to suffer at the end, but this was her purgatory on earth, because she is with Me now in heaven.”

Dr. Sonia said: “Thank you all for coming to my funeral, and I love all of my family and friends. Stay close to my Jesus in your prayers and Masses.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for ordering your freeze-dried fruits and vegetables as I have suggested to you. The purpose for this order is so you will have a larger variety of fruits and vegetables than you had before. This is so I can multiply these things for your refuge time. You do not need two of every can – one is sufficient. This was originally for your own refuge, but other refuges could order the same. The freeze-dried food may cost more, but it is easier to store and it can be reconstituted with water as the instructions are on the can. This is a good time to stock up.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats are shouting obscenities at Trump, but it is in his power to cut budgets where there is waste and abuse. Your Congress has spent excessive monies on items that do not help your people. FEMA has spent so much money on your illegal immigrants that they have no money to help your hurricane victims. Trump is trying to change FEMA so the states can direct where the money is needed the most to help disaster victims. Pray for the homeless people who lost their homes to the bad weather.”

Jesus said: “My people, Trump has been working hard to cut back on excessive spending and abuse of your budgets for your government. It has been a struggle to get Trump’s choices for his Cabinet confirmed by the Senate. Now he will have his people in place to carry out his agenda to save America from the deep state. Pray for Trump’s success to correct the errors of Biden.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray for your President that he is successful in stopping the Ukraine war with Russia, and the war between Israel and Iran’s proxies. Instead of sending billions of dollars of weapons to the Ukraine, Trump wants to have peace and stop the killings. Both countries want to stop the killings because each side has lost so many soldiers. Keep praying that Trump can be successful in stopping these wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time of My Warning will come when I will see that the lives of My people will be threatened by the evil ones and the Antichrist. I will allow the Antichrist only a short time to reign on the earth. After the Warning and My Conversion time, I will give My faithful My inner locution to come to My refuges for their safety. You must leave your homes within twenty minutes with your backpack, and your guardian angel will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Trust in Me that My angels will protect you, and I will multiply what you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have My refuge builders making refuges so My faithful will be protected during the tribulation. I have had you, My son, do practice runs overnight so you are prepared for living your refuge life during the tribulation. All of your refuge preparations are going to be used to provide for your needs. You will have Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament by your adorers around the clock that will enable Me to multiply your water, food, and fuels for everyone.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have directed you how to set up your refuge with what is necessary. You have installed a water well that is powered by your off-grid solar panels. I encouraged you to get food to store for your people. You have freeze-dried food, meals ready to eat, and canned foods. You have kerosene heaters with kerosene, and cut-up wood for your fireplace to heat your house. You have forty beds and cots to sleep in. You have Camp Chef ovens to bake your bread. You have Lithium solar batteries and lamps for light at night. You have an altar and a place for Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament around the clock. All of these preparations will allow My people to live during the tribulation, and My angels will protect you.”

February 12, 2025

Jesus said: “My people, I created man on the sixth day of My Creation, and I placed him in the Garden of Eden. In this garden I placed the Tree of Life that allowed Adam to live a long time. I also placed the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil there, and I told Adam if he ate from that tree he would die. Later on, after I created the woman, Eve, she would be tempted by the devil to eat from this tree, and she gave it to Adam to eat as well. This caused the original sin that all of you inherit. But I came on the earth as a God-man, and I died on the cross to bring salvation to all those people who accept Me. I forgive your sins when you repent of them. I am always willing to forgive a repentant sinner. I instituted the Sacrament of Baptism to forgive your original sin, and you can come to Confession to have your actual sins forgiven as well. Strive to keep your soul free of sin with monthly Confession so you always have a clean soul, ready to meet Me at your judgment when you die.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is true that America has to make some serious changes in your deficits, or you all will truly go bankrupt with a crash of the dollar. The deep state has been planning to start a digital dollar that would control your bank accounts with credits that could be against your decisions. Such a plan could endanger closing your bank accounts for even being a Christian. So be aware of how your government is trying to balance your spending, since your country’s freedoms hang in the balance. If your lives are threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges that are protected by My angels.”

February 11, 2025: (Our Lady of Lourdes)

Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions to Bernadette Soubirous in which My Blessed Mother revealed herself as the Immaculate Conception. She was without original sin at conception and she was sinless in her life so she could be the holy tabernacle for Me while I was in her womb. I gave you a message recently, My son, that your wife would be healed of her breast cancer by the waters of Lourdes. She went into these waters years ago, but she will be taken care of through that time. Give thanks and praise to Me for her coming healing.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, your government spending has been out of control with massive deficits every year. Trump is working on reducing careless spending, and the Democrats do not like him stopping their reckless spending. The DOGE group is finding waste and abuse in many parts of your government. The activist judges are not really properly able to legally shut down Trump’s efforts to save money. You may see many trials going to the Supreme Court. The Democrat threats of violence need to be toned down or they face legal consequences. Keep praying for peace in America, but your government spending needs to come under control, or you will be bankrupt.”

February 10, 2025: (St. Scholastica)

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from the Book of Genesis you are reading how I created everything out of nothing. My power to create the universe, the sun, the moon, and the earth is all on faith because I can do the impossible. There are some scientists who have other explanations, but most of their theories are by atheists who do not believe in My Creation from nothing. You have seen Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, but this is not true because all species do not change their chromosome numbers. There are only modifications within each species called mutations. Trust in Me that I control the world and the universe under My power, and man’s theories are of no importance.”

Jesus said: “My son, I encouraged you to immediately order your freeze-dried fruits and vegetables because it may be difficult to obtain these things later in the year. A good share of your orders will be arriving this week or the next week. As your President moves forward with his reciprocal tariffs and his cutting of waste and abuse in government spending, the Democrats are getting more upset that their large government is being taken down. The left is trying to use their judges to slow down Trump from saving your country. The anger and resentment toward Trump is building, and you could see violence in your streets that could lead to a civil war. Pray for peace in your country because there is so much fraud and abuse in your government.”

February 9, 2025

Jesus said: “My people, I died on the cross to save you from your sins. I rose on the third day with

My Resurrection from the dead, and My faithful will also rise on the last day. I showed My resurrected Body with My wounds to My apostles so they could believe in Me and preach My Resurrection to everyone. At the Last Supper I instituted My Blessed Sacrament, in which I will be with you in the consecrated Host at every Mass and Adoration service. I will be with you always to the last day. This is why you come to daily Mass so you can witness My miracle when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My very Body and Blood at the Consecration. Rejoice that I give Myself to you in My consecrated Host every day.”

February 8, 2025: (Funeral Mass for Milton Dries)

Jesus said: “My people, Milt loved his wife, family, and Me very much at daily Mass. He was in deep thought when he went fishing. He was a great help to his wife, Dee, and he helped share his faith in the education of his family and the young children. He thanks everyone who came to his funeral. He was a good example of faith to all those people who knew him. He suffered at his end and he is with Me now in heaven with this Mass.”Milt said: “I love you, Dee, and I am waiting for you in heaven. I will be watching over you as I did in life. I love all of my family as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I have shown you many miracles that were a sign of My power over earthly things and the demons. You have seen Me change water into wine, provide large catches of fish, multiply food for the 5,000 and the 4,000, and even calm a bad storm. I even give you My very Body and Blood to eat and drink. So when the tribulation of the Antichrist arrives, do not think that I cannot perform more miracles to protect you, even as I protected My people from the Egyptians. The Antichrist will be allowed a short reign over the earth, but I will bring My Warning first. I am having My refuge builders establish My refuges, and I will have My angels protect My people from harm. I will perform more miracles of multiplying your food, water, and fuels. My angels will put shields over you to protect you from bombs, viruses, and even a comet. Trust in My impossible miracles, and you will see My protection firsthand.”

February 7, 2025: (First Friday)

Jesus said: “My son, I am happy that you have ordered your freeze-dried fruits and vegetables, as I suggested to you to do it right away. This gives you a wider selection of fruits and vegetables for Me to multiply for your refuge people. I am also asking you not to throw away your containers because in time I will multiply your food and fuels by miraculously refilling the same food and fuels that came in your cans. You will still have to make room in your basement for a dedicated space for your new orders. You have instructions on your cans how to reconstitute these foods with water from your water well. Keep in mind that this will help give you balanced meals for your health. You will also be healed of any sickness or cancer by looking upon My luminous cross in the sky at My refuges during the tribulation. Give praise and thanks to Me for providing for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, your life on earth is short and you need to use your time in the best way possible to follow My Will while you are here. This life is a test in how you can best love Me and love your neighbor. At your judgment it will be this love that will get you into heaven. So do not let earth’s distractions and desires stand in your way of loving Me. You are called to repent of your sins so you can keep your soul clean and ready for your judgment. By following My Commandments of love, you will have your reward with Me in heaven.”

February 6, 2025: (St. Paul Miki and Companions, Japan)

Jesus said: “My people, it is true that there are some icy cold hearts who do not want to believe in Me to follow My Commandments. I love all of you and I died on the cross to give everyone an opportunity to be saved from hell and the devil. But people need to repent of their sins and show their love for their Savior if they want to be with Me in heaven. In the Gospel I sent My apostles out to evangelize people and heal them from sickness and their demons. I gave them My power to accomplish their mission. For those people today who want to imitate My apostles, I will also give My power to them to accomplish their missions. Have trust in Me to lead My people on the right path to heaven.”

Prayer Group:  

Jesus said: “My son, I am glad that you are going forward with investigating and ordering your freeze-dried fruit and vegetables, because I told you that now is the time to do this project. You have a sense that Trump’s actions will get some reaction from the deep state, and you may not have much time to do this work. So get your order in and clean out a spot in your basement to store your new orders. You are buying some new items so I can multiply them when you are in need.”

Jesus said: “My son, your solar Lithium batteries can be used to power your lights at night even when the electric grid is out. It is difficult to find a way to recharge your batteries in the wintertime. For the first time you turned on your off-grid inverter after clearing the snow off of your solar panels, and you were able to recharge your Lithium battery. You also use this power in the winter to run your water pump and your sump pumps. Be thankful that you can have lights at night all of the time.”

Jesus said: “My people, with Trump’s tariffs on Canada and Mexico you are getting help to finally close your borders to illegal immigrants. Trump wanted to stop the fentanyl and to stop the people entering your country illegally. This will stop the trafficking of women and children at the border as well. Later, Trump plans to build the wall more to stop any people from entering your country. Be thankful and pray that you can stop the invasion of people into your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, with Trump as President, now Christians will not be harassed as when they were threatened by Biden’s FBI. Your parents will not be threatened at your school boards also. You should have freedom of speech without being threatened by prison for speaking out. Pray for your schools and parents to be peaceful without fighting each other.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a deliberate attempt by the Democrats to harass Trump’s Cabinet choices and delay their confirmations. These politicians are trying to limit Trump’s actions by any means possible. Pray that Trump can have all of his Cabinet picks confirmed so he can carry out his agenda.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the improper spending of your tax dollars on foreign aid that should have been used for your own people. This changing of how your government spends your money is meeting a lot of resistance from the deep state, where they have lost power over their bureaucratic waste. Pray that your excessive government spending can be reduced with common sense choices.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing events moving quickly under Trump, and you need to be ready for some serious resistance from the deep state. You could even see a possible civil war or civil unrest against Trump’s actions. Some resisters are even speaking about threats in your streets by activists. If you see such violence come in your cities, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. The Antichrist will have his reign, and I will protect you during the coming tribulation at My refuges with My angels. I will bring My Warning before the Antichrist can take his reign. Trust that My power is stronger than all of the evil ones.”

February 5, 2025: (St. Agatha)

Jesus said: “My son, the people of My hometown in Nazareth did not understand how I had miraculous powers, but people had to have faith in Me to be healed. That is why I did not heal people there, except for a few people. I am giving you more suggestions for food to store in your refuge. In the last few years you have focused on buying freeze-dried meats and eggs. Now you need to think about getting more freeze-dried fruits and vegetables for balanced meals. You can put some of your storage items in more tubs to store in your new shed so you could have room for your new items in your basement. You can order your fruits and vegetables on the computer, but do not waste time, so you should get them ordered now. It will take some weeks for this order, so it will give you time to clean out some space in your basement. You have some Lithium batteries for lights at night, especially for the winter months when it is dark longer. During the day you can remove the snow from your off-grid solar panels, and you could recharge your batteries with that system. You also could use this day power for drawing water from your well, and for your sump pumps when there is no other power source working. Trust in Me that I can multiply any electricity that is needed, even in the wintertime.”

(Catherine S. Mass intention) At a Mass after Holy Communion, I prayed for a woman who died of an overdose of drugs. Jesus said: “My son, I heard your prayer for mercy on Catherine’s soul, and the Mass is powerful. I did not tell you until the last moment that she has avoided hell thanks to your prayer and the Mass for her soul.”

February 4, 2025 [Complete Message]

Jesus said: “My people, it is important to have faith in Me to heal you in times of sickness, and to trust that I will see to your necessities. In your life I provide you light from the sun, oxygen in the air to breathe, and water for you to survive. I enable you to make your food from the crops I help grow, and you have weather that you can adapt to in the cold and warm parts of the year. All I ask is that you trust in Me, and have faith that I can heal your sicknesses as in today’s Gospel with Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the hemorrhages. Those people who have faith that I can heal them will be open to My healing graces. So take a lesson from the woman who had faith that I could heal her.”

Jesus said: “My son, you can see things in your country are changing rapidly under your new President. You also are seeing how the deep state and the Democrats are pushing back against Trump’s agenda. It may be a good time to think about getting some more refuge needs that you could stock up on. You may have to make room in your basement for these additions. I will give you some suggestions in some future messages. Pray for My help in improving your refuge.”


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