In addition to the introductory page on her on this website – – there is an excellent page here: . The second is a brief introduction that gives valuable information and other websites on her. There are a multitude of people whose lives changed while reading her books known as The Poem of the Man-God (also known as The Gospel as Revealed to Me). As Christ taught, a bad tree cannot bear good fruit and a good tree cannot bear bad fruit. St. John the Evangelist finished his most profound gospel by saying that if all was recorded that Jesus said and did, the whole world could not contain the volumes, so this long work revealed to Maria Valtorta is one case in which heaven revealed much, much more on Jesus than what is in the four gospels in the New Testament.
Buying these books would be the best thing to do because soon it will be too late to buy religious books, which will be banned by the New World Order. Look for The Gospel as Revealed to Me, which is the newer publication name for The Poem of the Man-God. Don’t miss your chance.