Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi
Fatima (Portugal); October 13, 1985
Anniversary of the Last Apparition at Fatima
"From here, where I appeared as the Woman Clothed with the Sun, I am calling all of you to gather together about your heavenly Leader.
These are the times of the great battle between me and the powerful cohort which is under the orders of the Red Dragon and the Black Beast. Marxist atheism and Masonry are guiding this army, which has been mustered to lead all humanity to the denial of God and to rebellion against Him.
At its head is Lucifer himself, who is repeating today his act of defiance in placing himself against God to make himself adored as God. With him are fighting all the demons who are, in these times, being poured out from hell upon the earth, in order to lead the greatest possible number of souls to perdition.
United with them are all the souls of the damned and those who, in this life, are walking in rejection of God, whom they offend and blaspheme, as they walk along the road of egoism and hatred, of evil and impurity. They make their one and only aim the quest for pleasures; they satisfy all their passions; they fight for the triumph of hatred, of evil, and of impiety.
The cohort which I myself am leading is made up of all the angels and saints of paradise, guided by Saint Michael the Arch angel, who is the head of all the heavenly militia.
This is a great battle which is being waged above all at the level of spirits.
On this earth, my cohort is made up of all those who live by loving and glorifying God, according to the grace received in holy Baptism, and who are walking along the sure road of perfect observance of the commandments of the Lord. They are humble, docile, little and charitable; they flee from the snares of the demon and from the easy seductions of pleasure; they journey along the way of love, of purity, and of holiness. This cohort of mine is made up of all my little children who, in every part of the world, are answering me today with a yes and are following me along the road which, in these years, I have traced out for you.
It is with my cohort that I am bringing on my victory in these times. It is with my cohort that I am building up, each day, the triumph of my Immaculate Heart. It is with my cohort that I am preparing the way along which the glorious reign of Jesus will come to you, and it will be a reign of love and of grace, of holiness, of justice, and of peace.
From this place where I appeared, I repeat to you again today my motherly appeal: join together, all of you, as quickly as possible in this my cohort! The hour of the great battle has already arrived. Fight with the weapon of the holy rosary, and walk along the way of love for Jesus, of contempt for the world and for yourselves, of humility, of charity, of simplicity, of purity. Then you will be ready to bear the great trials which will soon begin for the Church and for humanity.
From this blessed place, with my Pope and with my beloved ones and the children consecrated to me, I bless you all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."