Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi
August 13, 1987
Anniversary of the Fourth Apparition at Fatima
“Beloved sons, I am calling you all today to form a strong barrier of prayer and of defense about my Pope. Pope John Paul II is the greatest gift which my Immaculate Heart has obtained from the Heart of Jesus for these times of yours, times of the painful purification.
He is my Pope. He has been formed by me. At every moment, he is led by me along the road of his personal consecration to your heavenly Mother, a road which he has followed with docility, with filial abandonment and with great trust. He is an important part of my plan.
He is the Pope of my light which, in these years, he has succeeded in spreading in the Church and in every part of this humanity which is so very threatened. I myself am leading him along all the roads of the world. He follows me with the docility of a little child, with the courage of an apostle, with the sacrifice of a martyr, with the abandonment of a son. This Pope is the masterpiece of my predilection and has the great task of giving to all the charism of my motherly tenderness.
I look on him at this time with the anxious concern of a mother, while my Immaculate Heart is filled with profound anguish. How many dangers surround him; how strong are the snares which my Adversary sets for him along his way! Those who are making attempts upon his life are on the point of carrying out their dark design. At this time, the hour of Calvary and of his personal immolation is close.
And so, my beloved ones and children consecrated to my Heart, you be his great crown of joy, by your filial affection, by your unceasing prayer, by your suffering which is accepted and offered up, by your unity which is lived out and witnessed to. Help him, by your priestly fidelity, to carry a very heavy cross. Sustain him by your loving presence in the painful journey toward! Calvary. And be, all of you, beneath his cross, by your filial affection, like John, together with your heavenly Mother, to live will him the hour of his sacrifice."