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The Announcement of the New Era

Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

January 1, 1991

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

"In the light of my divine maternity, begin this new year in prayer and in confidence. I am true Mother of God. He who is born of me, in the holy night of Christmas, and is placed in the manger with great love, surrounded by such squalor and with such immense poverty, is the true Son of God, the Word of the Father, made flesh in my virginal womb, the Image of his substance, the Splendor of his glory.

By the Will of my Son Jesus, I have become your Mother also.

-- As Mother, I am close to each one of you to help you carry out, in the time which has been granted you, the plan of your Heavenly Father. This plan is that his divine Will be accomplished by you. And the divine Will is that you become holy. I, therefore, help you to walk along the road of holiness, so that the divine Will may be accomplished by you in a perfect way, and thus you may give, in your life, the greatest glory to the Most Holy Trinity.

-- As Mother, I am close to the Church, my most beloved Daughter. In these times, the Church is being called to live the hours of agony and of Gethsemane, the hours of the redemptive passion, the hours of her bloody immolation on Calvary.

At the beginning of this new year, on the road of Calvary, I am meeting all my children: the Pope, especially loved, guided and defended by me, the bishops, the priests, the religious and the faithful. How heavy a cross they must carry today, these most beloved children of mine: the cross of apostasy and of the lack of faith; the cross of sins and of innumerable sacrileges; the cross of abandonment and of rejection; the cross of condemnation and of crucifixion!

For my Church, the moment of the shedding of blood and of her bloody immolation is close at hand. Especially in these times, I am ever close to this suffering and agonizing Daughter of mine, as I was beneath the Cross, upon which Jesus was immolated for our redemption.

-- As Mother, I am close to this poor humanity, sick and oppressed under the weight of its obstinate rejection of God and of his Law of love. How greatly has it turned away from the Lord! It has wanted to build for itself an atheistic and materialistic civilization; new values have been proposed, values founded on the satisfaction of all the passions, on the search for all pleasures, on the legitimization of all moral disorders. Thus, love has been replaced by egoism and hatred; faith, by pride and unbelief, hope, by avarice and lust; honesty, by fraud and deception; goodness, by malice and hardness of heart.

Satan has sung his victory because he has brought sin into souls and division into families, into society, into nations themselves and between nations. Thus peace has never been so threatened as in your days. You are beginning this new year under the grave threat of a conflict which could become the spark for the outbreak of the terrible third world war.

Pray, beloved children, and do penance, because you have now entered into the time of the great chastisement which the Lord will send for the purification of the earth. Multiply everywhere the cenacles of prayer which I have been asking of you for so long, and do not let yourselves be seized by fear or discouragement. Have great confidence in the powerful work of intercession and of mediation of your heavenly Mother.

The great suffering which awaits you is to prepare you for the birth of the new era, which is coming upon the world. Live this new year in my Immaculate Heart: it is the refuge which I have prepared for you for these times, burdened with sufferings for individuals and for nations. And so, you will not be afraid. Your suffering will increase with the increase of the trial which has already begun.

I am the announcement of the new era. In the deep darkness of this, your time, if you live with me, you can already glimpse the glimmer of the new times which are awaiting you. Look to this light, and live in peace of heart and in hope. If you remain always in my Immaculate Heart, my beloved ones and children consecrated to me, even as of these moments you can begin the new era of holiness and of grace, of light and of purity, of love and of peace.

Thus, in the hour of the great trial, you will give to all the charism of my motherly presence, and you will be a soothing and longed-for balm for so many open and bleeding wounds.

At the beginning of this new year, which opens the door on the last decade of this century and which will be marked by grave and decisive events, I enclose you in the depths of my Immaculate Heart, and I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

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