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“soon they will deceive you and say it is only a memory”

Updated: May 30, 2024

Message from Jesus to Gisella Cardia

May 31, 2022

"My children and brothers, thank you for bowing your knees under My Cross. Brothers, feed on what I have left you – My living Presence, in Body and Blood. Adore the Blessed Sacrament and many will be the graces you will receive. My children, take advantage of these times when you can have My Body freely – soon they will deceive you and say it is only a memory [1]. I, Myself, give you this warning – read the Holy Gospel often; all this will be erased, and you will have to do it secretly. I say this; it is a holy truth. My brothers, ask me for consolation and unity among brothers; open your hearts to the power of the Holy Spirit who will make you new men. Be at the service of the weakest, be humble, and give up pride and arrogance – especially those who, when they read My messages and those of My Mother, scoff at everything; but if they would only read, meditate, and pray, I Myself would respond in their hearts. Now I bless you in the name of the Father, in My Name, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Your Jesus"

[1] This great heresy regarding the Most Holy Eucharist – that it is merely symbolic and just a memorial meal (they will change the words of consecration) – will be proclaimed by Bergoglio with the most terrible consequences. Only strong and orthodox priests will weather this storm. Many will leave their vocations in utter confusion and the true Church will go underground as the One World Religion takes over.

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