Source of the below: https://www.virginofsabanagrande.com/portofolio/
The following are fragments of the sixth [and final as far as we know at this point] message left by the Most Blessed Virgin Mary in her apparition at Barrio Rincón in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico, on April 23, 1953. It was made public on May 25, 2008, once her indications were fulfilled.
“… Humanity has been submerged in a world of pleasure, in materialism, in vices, in comfort, and human beings have become dormant to and no longer visualize or feel the spiritual life. Even those who say they are faithful followers of my Son, Jesus, have filled themselves with indifference and have lost their faith. Humanism and worldly sentimentalism have replaced love for the supernatural and spiritual life. Hope in true life – the eternal life – has been lost…
… Spread the news of my Son throughout the world: a supernatural and eternal life exists. This is not an illusion nor is it ethereal; rather, it is authentic, palpable. Announce life after death, as the birth to true life, in which you no longer die and God will provide us everything without sufferings. In eternal life, we will participate of the blessed and eternal grace of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; it will be eternal happiness…
… Strange beliefs and new philosophies that stray from the truth of the Gospel are spread throughout the world without restraint – even in the hearts of many shepherds of my Son’s Church. The dedication and diligence of the Holy Father – to emphasize and call to practice the true doctrine – will be assistance from Heaven… There should be a call to live a life of dedication and apostolic action of greater diligence.
… Insensibility to the spiritual does not let them perceive the great dangers that humanity will confront… Great sufferings await the inhabitants of the earth. Even with money and resources, water and food will be lacking. The time will come when these deficiencies will seem to have been overcome, but they will be intensified and thousands of human beings will die. Many will die from the shortages and others will die in struggles and wars to obtain what will be more valuable than gold…
… Pray the holy rosary for peace on Earth and so that my Son may calm nature, for upon the Earth will come great disasters and calamities that will bring desolation. The earth will become a difficult and dangerous place for life…
… Many illnesses will emerge; in particular one illness will spread throughout the world and will take many lives… The wind will blow from east to west, the sky will be reddish, and the clouds will not cover the sun. The cure will not work and only faith will heal.
… Due to experiments and work on the cloning of human cells, and genetic work, humankind will suffer changes that will lead to its deterioration…
… The moment of the great trial is approaching, which will leave destruction and restlessness everywhere. This will happen soon, more tomorrow than today. Do not let your candle burn out; see to it that its light illuminates your house. It will be as if hell had descended upon the earth.
… Powerful nations will enter into combat, which will bring a lot of misfortunes and suffering… They will be struggles between freedom and slavery, life and death, darkness and light… It will happen at dawn on the day of the truth and the siren that inebriates will sound. The flag will be left without a staff, and the noise will make the blind deaf…
… Something neither foreseen nor expected will come from above and will cause hardship and restlessness… When it darkens, the children will look up to the sky and the rivers will resound like music. The musician will play the flute, and will take with him some of the chosen ones, and will pick petals from the buds…
… Security for the Holy Father must be reinforced; watch for the day of the fest that celebrates the coming of the Angel. Evil people, who are against the faith, plan darkness in the Church…
A great scientific discovery will bring abundance and tranquility for some time; however, the restlessness will return, until you fully convert to the love of my Lord Jesus.
If the time comes that humanity takes incurable paths and behaviors, and the children, adolescents and young people would already have shown that they do not love God, then all prophecy will be fulfilled in one day and the end will come by order of the Father, who can no longer stand the indifference and the way that humanity has taken. Do not be surprised, because you have had knowledge of what the Father will do because I have been warning you.
… I tell this to you, not to frighten you, but so that with your dedication to my Lord, it may be overcome. All of this may be avoided, if humanity is filled with faith and love for my most beloved Son, Jesus… Pray the holy rosary, spread the devotion to the prayer of the holy rosary. Promulgate the continuous participation of the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, the Eucharist… If you respond to all that I have asked in my previous messages and, especially, if you embrace the plan of dedication and spiritual growth proposed in my fourth message, I will be able to hold back the mighty hand of my Son.
… I call you to turn away from hatred, grudges, resentments, useless vengeance, envy, and all selfishness. These are the cause of the struggles between peoples, between families, and even between siblings. Enlighten your life with the seven stars of my crown…
Make the greatest of all the commandments a reality: You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind…
Humanity must place God before all things – not philosophically or superficially – but from the heart and with daily practice…
… Believe in the name of my Son, Jesus, and love one another, as He has commanded us. Because above all things, love will conquer; the love that emanates from sacrifice and dedication will conquer; true love will conquer; that love that led our Lord Jesus to the resurrection, conquering death…
I offer you the seven stars of light as a refuge and I will shelter you under my mantle. I promise, that if you do all that has been asked by my Son, Jesus, and what has been indicated in my messages, I will protect you from the evil one and from all harm – I will especially help you, so you may find eternal salvation, the one promised by my Son, Jesus… Remember and fulfill the promises made to my Lord, so that He will fulfill His promise of salvation in you…
… You, who dwell in my brooch, will receive my protective shield. Faith, dedication, life consecrated to promulgate my name, the apostolic search to find children and apostles for the restoration, will appease the fury of the enemy.
… When the wind blows with fury, I will be there with you to protect you; when the roaring waters rise, I will be there with you to protect you; when the fire inflames and becomes relentless, I will be there with you to protect you; when the earth shakes violently, I will be there with you to protect you. Do not fear, because you have received the elements in your home and your heart, demonstrating your love for what was created by the Eternal Father; because you have received God the Creator, who is Triune, in your home and your heart, loving one God in His three Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Triune God and His creation are the eternal Plenitude. If you are faithful to my Son and love us, He and I will always be with you…
… On the day that I came to you, you heard: “Do not be afraid.” So fear not, for the multicolored rainbow will shine throughout all the confines of the earth, recalling the great promise of Heaven and earth – yours, mine, and above all, that of my Lord of Heaven.
… I am the Purest One of El Pozo, Our Lady of the Rosary, envoy of these times by the Lord, my God, my Son, Jesus…
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.”