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Sister Amapola – Our Shield in These Times

An Excerpt from a Message given June 15, 2021


St. Michael the Archangel speaks:


“Holy Angels of God, help us!”


“This simple cry is united to 'Jesus, I trust in You,' to the powerful Sign of the Cross, to the powerful Name of Mary Most Holy, our Queen; and these all act as a shield for all the children of God in these times.


My brothers in this Work, do not be afraid or worried about your poverty, your inadequacy, your weakness, your woundedness.


I am neither the greatest nor the most beautiful Angel created, nor in one of the greater ranks, and yet to me was entrusted the command of all the Heavenly Host. I felt as you do, vastly incompetent (smile).  But with the bestowing of the Work, so there was the bestowing of the Grace to be able to fulfill it. It descended into the center of my being and as a flame it ignited in me the great cry of battle ‘Who is like our God!’ to rally all the faithful Angels and to fulfill the work entrusted to us.


The same Grace shall descend into you, my brothers, at the appointed time, and you too will rise fearless and with full vigor to begin your true missions….” 


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