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Scripture Verse Partially Fulfilled at Olympics

Updated: Aug 14, 2024

I am not watching the Olympics, but others on Facebook came to the above conclusion (it is not original), but when I heard about it and that it fits with current private revelation, I knew this conclusion was correct...

Many do not know Scripture unfortunately, so this seems to be off most Catholics’ radar. Some may have heard of “the Four Horsemen” in the Book of Revelation (6:1-8). I strongly believe one of the horsemen showed up at the Olympics this year at the opening ceremony on July 26 (2024). Nothing happens by accident on television today, and this is all the truer when the whole world is watching.

The secret societies, or maybe only the Masons, will often if not always tell what they are going to do before they do it. Hardly any catch these signs (such as, for example, the former Georgia Guidestones). This is a known fact among those who know about this group. Secrecy is how they operate. This is why Our Lady told the Servant of God Fr. Gobbi that the Masons are the beast like “a leopard” in Revelation 13:2. The leopard is an ambush predator that pounces on its victim without being noticed beforehand.  

Here is the translation of Revelation 6:8 from the Douay-Rheims Bible: “And behold a pale horse, and he that sat upon him, his name was Death, and hell followed him. And power was given to him over the four parts of the earth, to kill with sword, with famine, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” “the four parts” possibly refer to North, South, East, and West.

The Masons, being the beast like “a leopard,” have this year revealed to the world from their historic stronghold in France that they are about to fulfill Revelation 6:8.

[Since most visitors to this website are American, I include the following: Masons were the architects of the French Revolution, and they gave the Statue of Liberty to America after its revolution against Britain was won. Few know this, but the United States is Masonic. The U.S. is blanketed by Masonic lodges. Many of the founding fathers were Masons. From the backs of U.S. paper money to the layout of Washington, D.C. (the Washington Monument, for example, is a Masonic/Egyptian obelisk) to the majority of presidents being Masons, it is clear that for all its good, there is a dark side to the United States. In any case, this year marks a return of attention to Masonic France (likewise, for all its good, there is a dark side to it).]

So it is no coincidence that the Olympics are in France now. You see, the secret societies – and the Masons in particular – are the hands and feet of Satan in the world. He is “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4) and these groups do his bidding to secretly control the world. His time is running out quickly. Indeed, the Masons worship the devil and believe in the doctrine of order out of chaos. These groups rule the world for the devil; the richest, most powerful, and many of the most talented people in the world are in these societies.

Some current private revelation has been warning us for a while about the imminent death of huge numbers of the world’s population, World War III, and a worldwide famine. The beasts of the earth may refer to altered bees or mosquitos or swarms. (The “beasts of the earth” could also poetically refer to nonstop “natural” catastrophes such as earthquakes, volcanoes, flooding, more viruses, food contamination, etc. Unfortunately, the time has come. This has already been revealed to several messengers, so when I heard about this metal horse and faceless rider, I knew that this was the Masons giving their sign.  

You can see images of this pale horse by searching online for “Olympics opening ceremony horse.”

If all this seems fantastical, I think mankind has been shown enough in this instance. There is a reason the Book of Revelation is very hard to pin down: God does not want to reveal a precise timetable to us lest we do right out of fear rather than out of faith and love. He gives us hints, but this is the case with all eschatological literature in the Bible. Likewise, these books are intentionally poetic lest they be clear to all for the aforementioned reason. It is also a fact that Revelation is not in chronological order.

I have studied a lot of poetry and I truly do not think what I have written is eisegesis. Look at Jesus’ parables. God has His reasons for expressing Himself in the different types of literature in the Bible. Jesus also says: “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” (Matthew 11:15; cf. Mt. 13:9, Mk. 4:9 and 4:23). Finally, I point out the same saying in the very same Book of Revelation (3:6).  


I believe this is the crucial event in the opening ceremony. The rest of the craziness may very well have been a smoke screen so that this secret sign was not the primary thing noticed.

But one has to ask himself: since this is such a profoundly morbid image, why would they choose it, of all things, in what is a celebration of international fraternity? This would never happen unless there was a significant reason. Spooky music accompanied the pale horse as it galloped down the Seine River. (The Masonic influence was further seen in the head of Marie Antoinette – killed during the French Revolution – singing to ... heavy metal music? Never has there been a more negative and less conventional Olympic opening ceremony. It was rebellious, dark and chaotic.)

Look for these terrible events to start happening very soon; indeed, like World War III, they have already started…

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