11-20-2024 YEAR V, Week 36 of Virtual Rosary United with Others All Over the Country. Livestreaming from S.’s home. (S. with the grace of God was able to set up a GOTO MEETING Virtual Rosary with the prayer group and others who wanted to call in and join. We are now with ZOOM and are all connected with S. electronically and can be heard by everyone united in the Call.) [If anyone around the world wants to join the prayer group via phone or the Internet, contact Steve at this email: mofpl1994@gmail.com . The prayer group consists solely of praying the 20 decades of the Rosary on Wednesdays starting at 7 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time. It is only live and not recorded.]
Sam was told/shown during the Rosary:
God the Father was on His throne with both hands extended over all praying electronically or at home in unison.
The Mother of Perpetual Light was in the heavens. Most of the front line, except for a few that came to be with their special people, and our four unborn were present in heaven; Fr. D., Fr. L., Fr. G. and Fr. R. were praying the rosary in heaven.
Luisa Piccarreta was behind the Divine Will Rainbow holding a rosary and Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s petition books. Three huge baskets full of rosaries were next to Luisa with St. Padre Pio by her side.
Aborted babies in countless numbers were praying the rosary in heaven.
The souls that were released from purgatory by praying a Hail Mary while passing a cemetery were in heaven waving to us. (Please continue to pray. Sam has been told that now not only souls from a particular cemetery are being released here, but equal numbers of souls are also being released from around the world. When a cemetery is depleted, the souls are released from some other one. Not one soul but THOUSANDS are being released at one time.)
Angels and relic saints filled the barn.
A dome of angels was over the barn and over each person’s home of those participating this evening as well as over their family members; J.’s house and the homes of the rest of the crew who helped to clean up the barn property, over S.’s store, and over S.’s home.
A Rainbow was over S.’s home and the barn.
During the Ave singing, the cemetery souls were singing along.
Fr. T. was next to Fr. S. in heaven.
The petition books were glowing. Everyone’s petitions were absorbed into Jesus’ and Mary’s hearts.
Nine petitions are in the process of being answered.
Eight new prayer requests (Please pray in advance.)
Two good phone calls
This evening’s rosaries were multiplied by 1,000, and 10,000 souls were released from purgatory for each person united in praying this evening.
1,000 abortions were prevented worldwide this evening due to this evening’s rosary.
20,000 deaths were prevented due to the coronavirus worldwide by this rosary.
The blessed, lit candles were contributing to saving countless souls. (Sam was shown many lit candles burning during the rosary in different locations.)
Sr. B. led the Visitation decade in Latin, and S. and his father responded in Latin.
The Blessed Mother said, “The new code [for Sam's above-mentioned prayer group] that has been activated will contribute to guiding many souls in the right direction.”
Delores, with St. Theresa next to her, led the Nativity decade.
Flaming arrows from every direction were deflected by the rosaries.
This evening’s rosary prevented the fatality of 1,000 people of those vaccinated.
K. and her parents led the first five Hail Marys of the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple decade, and her friend, B., led the remaining ones.
The new pandemic medications are in the process of being introduced. The intentions are the same as before—to reduce the population. The rosaries are the shields of one’s protection.
J. and P. and J.’s parents led the Wedding Feast at Cana decade.
This rosary will help locate a missing child.
The Blessed Mother said, “Your rosaries are contributing to support Trump and his associates.”
St. Michael pinned another gold-winged angel medal on S. for what he is doing.
The Institution of the Eucharist decade was led by A. as tears of joy fell on all participants’ rosaries.
The Blessed Mother said to A.: “You will be rewarded for continuing your spiritual journey.” Two extra angels were sent to his son, L.
During the Sorrowful Mysteries, Luisa – with the three baskets of rosaries holding the two petition books – and St. Padre Pio were united in prayer with the prayer group.
Also, during the Sorrowful Mysteries, a drop of Jesus’ blood fell on each person praying.
John Paul II was offering Holy Mass for the family members of those praying united this evening.
A special blessing was given by the Holy Trinity to those united this evening and upon their family members with an outpouring of multiple graces, which also included the landscaping and barnscaping crews and their families and the grandchildren of all united this evening.
The Blessed Mother said, “Your rosaries, once again, deflected a missile from hitting a military ship.”
Later She added, “You will soon be hearing many emergency alerts. This will be used basically to panic people.”
The rosary, once again, prevented an occupied church from being set on fire.
During the Glorious Mysteries, all were in the palm of God the Father’s hand and immersed in light as the same light was also streaming toward their family members, as well as the landscaping crew and the barnscaping crew and their family members.
Special blessings and multiple graces were bestowed on all united and their family members by God the Father.
The Holy Dove circled three times and flew up.