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Our Lady to the Servant of God Fr. Gobbi – His Wounds

April 5, 1996 – Good Friday

Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

“Climb Calvary with me today, beloved sons, that you may be of assistance and comfort to my Son Jesus, condemned to the gibbet of the Cross. Led by the hand of John, who supports me as a son, I meet Jesus as He is climbing with great difficulty toward the summit of Golgotha. At this instant my Heart becomes pierced by the sword of an immense suffering, to which I do not succumb, because as Mother I must give the utmost assistance to my Son.


From the flagellation He has received, Jesus is reduced to one single wound. The terrible Roman scourges have incised deep lacerations in his body, and from them flows his life's blood which covers Him entirely. The thorns of his crown have opened up wounds in every part of his head, and from them flow rivulets of blood which descend and cover his whole face.

On Golgotha, his hands and feet are pierced with nails, and the jolting impact of the Cross, as it is dropped into the earth, cause Jesus unspeakable pains and make his living blood pour out continuously from his torn wounds. Today, look, one and all, upon Him whom they have pierced. Today, contemplate my Son Jesus, now reduced to one single bloody wound.


His wounds, open and bleeding, are a sign of his love for you. They are the price of your ransom. They are the flowers of a new springtime of life. They are the precious gift of divine mercy, which brings to all of you the paschal joy of redemption and salvation.


His wounds, beloved sons, cover them with love and with kisses, together with me, sorrowful Mother of the Passion and desolate Mother of the Crucifixion. Draw close with filial love and place the kiss of your immense gratitude upon each of his wounds: upon the wounds of his head, opened by the thorns of his crown; upon every laceration of his immaculate flesh produced by the flagellation; upon the wounds of his hands and his feet inflicted by the nails, by which He is hung from the Cross. Upon every one of his wounds, let the homage of your kiss of love be deposited, a kiss which makes amends, at least in part, for the gesture of the one who has betrayed Him, of the one who has denied Him, of the one who has abandoned Him, who has abused Him, who has crucified Him.


His wounds are for you the safe refuge in which you take shelter from the tempest of sin and evil. In his wounds you find your safe dwelling place, the new house which the Heavenly Father has built for you, the new house of communion with God and of salvation, the new house of purity and holiness, the new house of love and prayer, the new house of confidence and hope.

Within his wounds, hide yourselves from the world and its seductions, from the Evil One and his temptations, in order to live in sweet intimacy of life with your divine Brother Jesus, who is today immolated for you.


His wounds become a fount of living water which springs up to eternal life. Wash yourselves in the fountain of grace and of divine mercy, springing from the open and bleeding wounds of my Son Jesus, today lifted up and dead, for you, on the Cross.

Thus, you are washed from every stain, freed from every form of slavery, redeemed from every sin, withdrawn from the kingdom of Satan, brought to full communion with the Heavenly Father, open to love and goodness, illuminated by grace and purity, renewed in the fount of divine mercy.


Beloved sons, hasten today, each and all, to Jesus Crucified and, with me your sorrowful Mother, kiss his wounds with love and gratitude. Hide yourselves in the safe refuge of his wounds; wash yourselves in the fountain of living water, which now flows forth forever from the open and bleeding wounds of my Son Jesus.


And with the whole Church Militant, Suffering and Triumphant, on earth, in purgatory and in heaven, let there rise up to Jesus our act of profound adoration and immense gratitude: ‘We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You, because by your holy Cross You have redeemed the world and by your holy wounds we have been healed.’”


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