Messages from Our Loving Mother to Nancy Fowler (Conyers, Georgia, U.S.A.)
1991 Messages on the 13th
January 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, please know that I have come as your Loving Mother. I have come to deliver a grave message [she was very, very sad]. Sorrow reigns in Heaven over the many lost souls in this country. I implore you with a most urgent plea: turn back to God now, for sorrow will reign in your land. I am very sad. My children everywhere have ignored my Son. This nation needs a great conversion.
“I will echo the words of my Son again. A nation, which is given the most, has rejected God the most. I will end by saying I will continue to pray for all of you and continue to beg of my Son’s Mercy.
“Thank you for listening to the words of my Son. I am only a messenger from Heaven sent to echo His words to you. Thank you. Please make the sign of the cross as I depart and thank my Son for permitting me to come.” Nancy questioned the theology of sorrow reigning in Heaven. On July 22, 1991 she was given an inner locution from the Blessed Mother,
“My Son’s Heart reigns in Heaven and His Heart is sorrowful for all the lost souls all over the world.”
February 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “I invite my children to be comfortable. I will give a message for the United States. My dear children of America, as your Loving Mother, I would like to teach you. Live a life not of the flesh. Live a life of the soul. Your flesh will return to ashes. The life of your soul is forever. Repent and come back to God. Your salvation depends upon this. The war will become worse. [The Gulf War began January 16, 1991.] There will be more sorrow in families, my dear children. War is a punishment from God.” [Nancy said the Blessed Mother was very sad.]
“I will remain with you in prayer and I extend my hand to you. Help me to help you to come back to my Son. I bless you.”
March 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “The message today is: pray America, pray. Continue your prayers and sacrifices and offer these to God daily. For the many children who have not yet started on their journey of prayer, I implore you from my motherly heart to start. Without prayer a soul withers and dies. Prayer is your lifeline to God. I come as your loving mother and invite you to come out of darkness into the light. I bless you.”
April 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “Dear children of America, as your Loving Mother I am calling you. Take my hand and walk with me on a path to my Son. Children of America, take my hand. Many of you are walking on a path away from my Son and you are in danger of losing your life with God forever. Repent and turn back to God. Children, please come. With tears I am pleading with you. I bless you.” [Our Loving Mother was crying while she was pleading]
May 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, prepare the way for my Son. Are you ready to greet Him? He will come in an hour you do not know. Shouldn’t you be prepared to meet the King? Live a life of holiness. Walk in complete faith and trust. For the many who have gone astray, please turn from your sinful ways and return to God. Do not be deceived by the lures of this world’s kingdom. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world do not mix. Pray, children, pray. As your loving mother I am calling you to God. I bless you. Thank you.”
June 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “Please, children of America, stop offending God. Do not think that punishment will not come. I am pleading with you to come back to my Son. Do not delay. The time is now. Our hearts are grieving. Please, children of America, I am calling you to my Son. As your Loving Mother, I bless you.”
July 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children of America, where are your hearts? Prepare your hearts by opening your hearts to My Son. Preparation is a time to get ready. Be ready. Throughout your life, you are getting ready for work, for appointments, for leisure, for rest. Make your hearts ready. If your heart is closed, My Son remains on the outside, knocking. Open your heart. Be clean. My Son is waiting to give you gifts. As your Loving Mother, I bless you – and bless each other.”
August 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children of America, today I come among you to deliver an invitation of peace. Desire peace in yourselves, in your families, in your communities and in countries. Peace comes only when you are united to my Son. Apart from my Son there is no peace.” At this point Nancy said, “She is crying and there is a stream of light going down her cheek as if a tear.”
“Children of America, your refusal of my Son’s peace will bring greater suffering upon you.” Nancy said, “She is crying again. Another stream of light streamed down her cheek like a tear.”
“Please, [as if pleading,] amend your lives and return to God. As your loving mother, I bless you.”
September 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children of America, make a decision to love God and to stand in faith. The days are rapidly approaching when your faith will be greatly tested. Be strong in my Son.
“Children, you must stop offending God, for greater sufferings are awaiting you. Do not think that a punishment will not come. Please stop offending my Son.
“Return to God and keep His laws. As your loving mother, I bless you and I’m blessing everything you brought with you.“ That is the end of the message for the United States.”
October 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children of America, today I come among you on the anniversary of my visits here. I come in the name of my Son, Jesus. This is a time for reflection and renewal. Reflect upon the words of my Son. Renew your commitment to put God first in your life. Put your life in order. Pray, America, pray. Please make consecrations to our hearts. As your loving mother, I bless you and send rays of love from my motherly heart.” Nancy said Our Loving Mother grew more radiant and a crown appeared above her head.
“With outstretched arms, I pour forth graces upon you. That is the end of my message for the United States.”
November 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children of America, are you listening? Are your ears closed or open? Are your hearts closed or open? Think about the goodness of God. Be thankful.” Nancy said a tear came out of her right eye.
“Thank God for all His gifts and for His mercy. You are living in a time of great grace.” Nancy said tears came out of both her eyes. Out of one came something thicker.
“Please, children, unless you amend your lives, my Son’s hand is about to strike. As your loving mother, I bless you.”
December 13, 1991
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children of America, as your loving mother, I bring gifts of peace and good will to you. Open these gifts by opening your hearts. Be prayerful and be imitators of God’s good will. Children, your births are gifts from God. Let the life of God live in you. Reject and hate sin. Children, I give you my Son. He is the Prince of Peace and God of good will.” Nancy said that she had her hands outstretched as she said,
“Proclaim Emmanuel. I bless you, dear children. As you make the sign of the cross, I will depart. Remember to thank my Son for permitting me to come. I love you, dear little children.”