Messages from Jesus to John Leary
November 12, 2024: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: “My people, right after Trump has won the Presidential election, you are seeing a calm before the storm of opposition. The Democrats and the elites are making their plans how to fight against Trump’s intentions. You remember in his first term how he was harassed with a Russian collusion that was made up by false documents. Once he is in office, they will find more ways to slow down his work. Be prepared for more serious events that could involve your country in more wars. Have your refuges ready for receiving My believers at the proper time.”
November 11, 2024: (St. Martin of Tours, Veterans Day)
Jesus said: “My people, the present leaders of your country have shown weakness and you have the current wars as a result. You have a new President-Elect who could improve your Defense, but the one world people could restrain him. These wars are expanding, and if your troops are pulled into these wars, you could see a coming World War III. You have been given some visions of bombs in your country, but I will bring My Warning and My Conversion time before any threat to your lives. Be ready to leave for My refuges after the Conversion time, but be assured that My angels will protect you from harm at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, your present freedom comes at a high cost in lives that were lost in your wars. You have had to fight the communist nations where they are atheists and control people with an iron fist. At an appointed time after My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion, you will be tested by the Antichrist’s tribulation. I will send you My inner locution to leave your homes for the safety of My refuges. My angels will protect you, and I will provide for your needs. Trust in Me to bring you later into My Era of Peace.”
November 10, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, there was a famine in Israel when Elijah visited a widow with her son. He asked her for some water and to make him a small cake. He blessed her flour and oil so it did not go empty during the famine. This lasted for a year when the rains returned. My people, I have asked people to save three months of food for each member of your household because you could see another time of famine when your store shelves will be empty as in the Covid time. I also have been calling people to set up refuges where My angels will protect My believers from the Antichrist and the evil ones. At My refuges you are storing water, food, and fuels that I will multiply throughout the tribulation. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges, and they will have a cross on their foreheads from My angels. Trust in My protection, My healing from the luminous cross, and My multiplying of your necessities. Then I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”
November 9, 2024:(Dedication St. John Lateran Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, you have churches to celebrate Mass, but it is the people who represent the Body of My Church. You read how I put the money changers out of the Temple for making it a marketplace. When the money people asked for a sign for My actions, I told them: ‘Destroy this temple, and I will raise it up in three days.’ Every person is a temple of the Holy Spirit and you are holy. This is why I asked you to love everyone, even your enemies. Even if some people do not accept Me, you are to love them despite what they say or believe. I love all of My created people, but some are on the wrong path to hell. Pray for all people to be saved, as I desire to save everyone.”
Jesus said: “My people, now that the election has been voted and Trump won, it is time for a peaceful transition of power to your new President-Elect. Your newly elected President made a lot of campaign promises that may be a struggle to get through Congress. Closing your borders will be his biggest mandate. Cleaning out the drug cartels will also be difficult. You still have until January 20, 2025, when Trump can take office, so pray for this peaceful transition to your next Administration without more harassment from the left.”
November 8, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, both readings talked about how earthly people are concerned more about their money instead of obeying Me. They are even enemies of My cross. There is a worldly prudence to desire money over Me, but there is a spiritual prudence to worship Me and repent of your sins. It does not matter how much money you can obtain in this world because it will be passing away, and you cannot take it past the grave. It is better to follow Me and take up your cross in this life because My promise of salvation will give you eternal life with Me in heaven. The wages of sin are death and seeking material things leads to death in hell. So be spiritually prudent in obeying My Commandments, and you will have your reward in heaven.”Regarding Kelly D.: Jesus said: “My people, the Masses and prayers are moving Kelly up in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Trump victory showed how people were voting for what was best for their pocketbook. They recognized the common sense of how the Democrats are ruining your country with inflation from overspending and the problems created by their open borders. The drug cartels are killing your people with fentanyl from China, and they are trafficking children and women. These two issues alone showed how the Democrats were out of touch with reality, and the working people of your country. Pray that Trump will be allowed to fix the destruction of the Democrats on your country.”
November 7, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees were criticizing Me for eating with Gentiles and sinners. In this Gospel reading I gave them an example of a shepherd who left the flock in the desert to go out to find a lost sheep. Once it is found, there was great rejoicing. So there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents of his sins, than over others who have no need of repentance. I call all of My followers to repent of their sins in monthly Confession. Even if you only have venial sins to confess, be sure to keep your soul clean for when you will meet Me at your judgment.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, My angels assisted in giving you a fair election that Trump has won by a large margin. Give thanks and praise to Me in allowing this victory for your freedom. You can see how this election was close, but once all of the votes were counted, Trump won in areas that do not normally vote Republican. You have had open borders and inflated prices that gave people a reason to vote for a change with Trump.”
Jesus said: “My people, you need prayers still to protect Trump, and My angels will continue to guard him. Pray that there is no violence or attempts to prevent Trump from taking office as President. Trump will have a struggle to fix your borders and the direction of your economy. He can renew his tax reductions so your small businesses can survive. Continue to pray for Trump’s success as President.”
Jesus said: “My people, it will take time to elect a new Senate leader and confirm Trump’s new cabinet. This new Administration will have a mandate to fix many problems in your country. If any new judges need replacing on the Supreme Court, Trump will be giving his choice of who to pick. Pray that Trump’s new direction will bring you back to following the Constitution in your laws. Your country needs to fix your court system in which criminals should stay in prison without committing more crimes in your streets. Trust in My protection at your refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, the wars in Israel and the Ukraine are still threatening to expand into wider wars. Pray that you do not come into World War III, and let nations strive for peace and not more war. Once your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning and My Conversion time. Then I will call you to the safety of My refuges where My angels will protect you from the evil ones. When I give you My inner locution, you are to take your backpack and leave your home within twenty minutes as you follow your guardian angel with a flame to the nearest refuge.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have given you several messages on how the high-rise building will be built by St. Joseph and the angels. I am showing you how My Light will emanate throughout this building so you will not need electricity for lighting. The new large church will also have My Light. I told you before that My angels will move the elevators up and down again without electricity. You will see the impossible happen before your eyes, even as I will be multiplying your food, water, and fuels during the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Trump’s win as President, but you know your country has to go down in order for the Antichrist to take his reign for less than 3½ years. The tribulation is coming, but I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges. You will be at your refuges during the tribulation. Trust in My angel protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My refuges, you will have legions of My angels standing
side by side all along the perimeter of your refuge property. They will be carrying swords of light that no one will challenge to enter. Only My believers will be allowed into My refuges. You will be suffering your purgatory on earth at My refuges. Those faithful who do not come to My refuges could suffer persecution or martyrdom from the evil ones. All of My believers who are living during the tribulation will be brought into My Era of Peace whether they were martyred or not. I will cleanse the evil ones from the earth into hell. Then I will renew the earth as a new Garden of Eden. I will then bring My believers into this new Era of Peace. You will live a long time as you eat from My Trees of Life. You will grow as saints with no evil, and you will be brought into heaven when you die. This living in the Era of Peace will be your reward for your faithful service to Me.”
November 6, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, you were praying for My angels to help win a fair election for Trump, and now you see the result of your prayers for your country. Keep your prayers coming so that President Trump will be able to carry out his mandate without violence. Now your country has to come together and heal your divisions. In the Gospel reading I am calling My disciples to carry your cross in life by following My Commandments. I call you to seek first My Kingdom, and everything that you need will be given to you. By denouncing your worldly possessions and putting Me first in your life, you can be My disciple.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of you are questioning the delay in determining who won the remaining U.S. House and Senate seats in your latest election. Some of these seats required counting absentee ballots, and some Western states take longer for final results. If this delay continues into days, it becomes more suspicious why it is taking so long. Trump’s victory and taking the Senate is giving you a second reprieve from the Democrats’ mismanagement. Pray that he can take office to carry out his plans to fix your country. Be thankful that Trump has been vindicated in his win which My angels have helped you with.”