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Message from Jesus to Marie-Julie Jahenny

Updated: Mar 18

July 29, 1881

Marie-Julie: “My Jesus, it is for love of us that You have permitted the lance to pierce Your wounded Heart for thirty-three years for the love of us. But the lance had to wound the adorable flesh to open to our eyes this door of Your Heart. We envy the fate of the spear, despite the depth of its blade! We envy its passage, that it is the first to get inebriated on Your Divine Blood! The miraculous door through which You introduce Your friends is always open. Instead of the lance, after its passage from love, after having retired in Your Divine Heart, we would never want to leave this amorous and delectable Wound. We would stay there to breathe love and drink from the torrent of the Sacred Heart. Thank you, O spear, for withdrawing to make room for our souls! It was only to receive our love that this iron pierced Your Heart, O my Divine at dear Saviour! To softly call us about Your goodness. He is the real gift from heaven to ourselves. He opens to us the fountain of fullness. Why so much love and kindness? Are there so many outrages and ingratitudes? How long, adorable Saviour, will these offenses last?”

[At this point Marie Julie asks the Mother of Christ, St. Joseph, St. Michael, St. Martin of Tours and St. Louis to intercede on behalf of sinners.] Having taken up the Cross, Our Lord said:

Jesus: “My daughter, My address is to all the souls present. May they rejoice in bearing the Cross. It is a gift of the greatest predilection and of the greatest predestination that they cannot conceive!”

[Marie-Julie then begins her Way of the Cross, i.e., where she would mystically suffer the Passion, after having invoked at length Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Mother, St. Joseph, St. Martin of Tours and St. Louis, and asked for grace for sinners. She kisses the relic of the True Cross and received the blessing of Abbé Coquet who was present. She falls the first time. She then has a very long ecstasy on divine love and on the virtues of the Cross]:

Marie-Julie: “You could, adorable Savior, redeem us without carrying Your Cross which contained my offenses; but you preferred to take it for us to taste after You. You took it upon Your shoulder and said:

Jesus: "Here's your share, friends of the Cross! Following Me, you will taste the sweets of My dearest treasure after the Will of My Father."

[Marie-Julie continues to speak of the merits and the beauties of the Cross that she compares to a luminous sun, and of the love of the Sacred Heart for souls. Jesus then complains of the indifference and even of the hostility of many souls.]:

Jesus: “I looked for hearts, to make My rest there. (Satan: intervened and replied: ´Do not enter because I am a possessor!´) I had to give in to the choice of these poor souls. I thirst for souls and to possess friends. Not one of those souls said to me, 'Drink! I give myself to You to offer You the drops of repentance.' I was alone in My house and I waited for souls to console Me, and I saw no one enter. Seeing myself alone, I turned to My friends.”

[After the second fall, Marie-Julie again proclaims the merits of the Passion of Christ, affirming that each wound was a bloody gate. She carried the writing of the grace that she had also to operate on the Christians, i.e. her sacrificial sufferings that also gives grace for them. Through Christ's sufferings, this is how every Christian becomes heir not only of the love of God, but also of His Blood and His flesh, and that they are a child of destination and predestination. She continued to proclaim the infinite love and redemption of Jesus. Then she continues her Stations of the Cross. She glorifies the Bread of angels and speaks of the flowers which spent the night on the altar and serve to console her for the absence of her Savior – i.e. she was unjustly deprived of the sacraments at this time.]

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