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Luz de Maria – Traps of the Devil

Most people want to point the finger at other sinners, but the truth is that we have to focus on our own sins first. Christ also taught forcefully that God is not concerned so much with our exterior; rather, it is what is inside that is most important. We are not to be like the scribes and Pharisees, for whom the external was so very important. If one’s heart/soul is in good condition, then one is okay. Christ was quick to criticize the externalism, self-righteousness, and hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees.  

Even knowing about the end times is not important if one is not sincerely seeking holiness; our relationship with God is the one important thing for Jesus.

In the below, special webpage, heaven tells Luz de Maria and us a lot about our enemy’s tricks and tactics. We can and must conquer sin and these excerpts from messages expose how the enemy is tricking us. The devil does not want people to know how he operates, so please share this webpage with your friends and family as you are able, using prudence.

Don’t be fooled any longer. Here is the link to this amazing webpage:

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