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Kay – The Holy Spirit Wants the Warning to Happen Now

Updated: Aug 6

Message from the Holy Spirit to Kay

July 20, 2024 – 10:30 p.m.

I was watching a YouTube video of an alleged Evangelical prophet named Brandon Briggs, who just recently prophesied the attempted assassination of President Trump about three weeks before it happened, in which he even mentioned that it would be the right ear of President Trump that would be hit.  Of course, we know that prophecy came true.  

As I was going through my phone on July 20, I happened to see a new video of a prophecy of Brandon’s.  I decided to watch the video and this video was approximately 18 minutes long and it was at the 6:40 minute mark that Brandon began to talk about the fact that America needed to be “awakened” and that the evils of this world are becoming far worse than ever before. Brandon was speaking and said that through all of this evil that is coming quickly upon us, it would be possible for the Antichrist to present himself to the world.  It was at the 6:43 minute mark of the video that Brandon said that God wanted us to pray for more time for America to change. He mentioned that the year 2025 was going to be a very difficult and dark year.

It was at that point that I began to hear the Holy Spirit speak to me.  The Holy Spirit said, “Do not pray for more time, because all of humanity will suffer far greater as the chastisements and the evil events being planned against mankind will be unleashed upon humanity with a vengeance so great and powerful.  Our children (1) will succumb to the effects of the pressures and temptations and they will fall into great despair.  Our children’s faith is so weak that the helplessness and weaknesses will be an overwhelming power to the opposing evil forces.”

“My child, I ask you to listen to the words of Fr. ‘X’ and pray the ‘Unity Prayer’ (2) twice a day and pray to usher in the ‘Warning’ for the sake of all humanity.  If this prayer request is not met, you could possibly have another two years of suffering.  During that time, the pain and suffering of Our children will continue to plague your world with much devastation and destruction.  Our children will not want these events to drag on and endure the anguish, torment and torture any longer than you have to.  A longer time of suffering will be heightened and there will be more pain inflicted on all of humanity.”

“I ask that Our children pray for the multiplication of their prayers to the Eternal Father through the intercession of My beloved Spouse” (He is speaking of our Blessed Mother).  (It is suggested to request that your prayer intention of asking for the Warning to be ushered in soon be multiplied by a large amount so as to counteract all the other prayers in the world in which people are praying for more time.)

“Our children must have hope and deep faith and trust in their Lord and Savior.  They must pray for peace and contentment.  I warn Our children to pray deeply, because if they do not heed these words, the suffering for mankind will be severe and the burden be too heavy for most to carry.”  

“I will inform the children of America that one man cannot save your country” (the Holy Spirit is speaking of President Trump).  “He too must learn to speak with greater conviction in his speeches to his supporters that it is only Almighty God through their prayers who can bring peace to the world.”

“Our children must learn that they are instruments of Almighty God and He will use them for His glory and He is the ‘One’ who pulls the strings.  God is the One who is in complete control.”

“Get down on your knees and bow down to the One True God and repent of your sins.  Our children must be sincere in their repentance as well as showing their love of God.”

“Do not ignore the request that is being asked of you for more prayers in order to usher in the Warning NOW.”

I hear the Holy Spirit say: “Be careful in traveling during these days, because evil is lurking all around humanity and events are coming to fruition.  Stay safe and close to home.”

“Do not make the mistake of thinking that many years have come and gone with nothing coming to pass.  Many events are on the horizon and it will not be safe to travel.  Many children will experience a one-way destination and will not be able to get home.  I ask you to listen to the warnings from Heaven.”

“PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for guidance and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.”

I hear nothing further.




(1) “Our children” refers to the spiritual children of the Holy Spirit and His spouse, the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Thus, this phrase is new but the reality is the same as it has been since the Crucifixion, when Jesus – the Second Person of the Trinity – said to John (who represented all humanity) that Mary would be the Mother of humanity: “When Jesus therefore had seen his mother and the disciple standing whom he loved, he saith to his mother: Woman, behold thy son. After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own.” (John 19:26-27) The Holy Spirit and Mary specifically say this in the Bible: "And the spirit and the bride say: Come. And he that heareth, let him say: Come." (Revelation 22:17)

(2) The “Unity Prayer” was revealed to the messenger Elizabeth Kindelmann. It can be found by clicking here:   

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