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March 17, 2025 – Mass of Reparation With Veneration of the Holy Face of Jesus Beforehand

Jesus: My dearest children –  

The emotions of joy that I am feeling, especially during the Veneration of My Holy Face are immense.  It has pleased Me that so many of My children that were called to this Mass did not ignore My call to you.

This Mass of Reparation that My priest-son had begun many years ago is still going strong for the time being, but will come to an end in the not too distant future. It is important for you to know that those of you who attend these Masses have received many graces and blessings for yourselves as well as your families.  These exceptional Masses that have been celebrated over the years have helped many of my lost children to come back into the fold of My Church, because of all the prayers being said for the sins of your country as well as the sinners. Those of My children that have dedicated their prayer lives to attend these very special Masses will one day know of the significance of these Masses.

Through My priest-son of this parish and his exceptional devotion to celebrating these Masses to save souls, many of My other priest-sons have heard about these Masses of Reparation and have decided to also celebrate these Masses on a regular basis. They, too, will share in the joy of the graces and blessings that I have bestowed upon them, as well as helping some of My lost children that have accepted the graces given to them through these Masses of Reparation. These Masses have also helped lessen certain chastisements for your country and will continue to do so as a result of your faithful prayers through these special Masses.

This evening brought tears of joy to My Sacred Heart for the true love, warmth, and intimacy that you shared through your passion of love for My Holy Face. I heard each one of your pleas to Me and I ask you to be patient and know that I will never abandon you or your families when your devotion and endearment of prayers are faithful to Me.

I have a tremendous love for all of My children and I ask My children to pray through My Precious Blood when you are praying for the family members that you are concerned about. I will help all of My children that come to Me with true faith and belief in their hearts.  I cannot promise you a life without pain, because it is through pain and sorrow that you will achieve your eternal glory along with your family members.

My children, I need you to understand that you are living in the times that are written about in the Book of Revelation and there will be much to suffer during these times. I want you to prepare but do not fear, and I ask you not to fight among yourselves. I want you to read and study the Holy Scriptures and then pray and meditate upon them. It is important to pray with your families every day, but if that is not possible, then I want you to stay strong through your continued prayers for yourself as well as your family.  Pray the Rosary daily and attend Mass as often as you can.  I ask you to visit Me in Adoration and bring me your tears of sorrow and your suffering that you are going through in these times of great distress.

Pray for an end of abortion and also pray that your president is successful in the cease-fire of these wars.  If these wars continue you will see the beginning of World War III. Remember what Scripture has written: “nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” [Mt. 24:7]  

My children, the world will soon experience a new virus that will kill millions of people and it will be unlike the Covid Virus.  The Covid Pandemic was the first test that the one world people poured out upon the world to get people in line to obey, because it was used not only to reduce the population of people, but it was to cause great fear among the people of the world and see how they would react in obedience to the governments’ demands.  

This next virus, which is a disease of the skin, is already upon your earth will be spreading very quickly and will cause millions upon millions of deaths. This pandemic will spread through the air and by man.  It will be a very contagious disease.  There will be no known cure for this disease of the skin.  My children have been given remedies throughout the world for this disease [for example, Luz de Maria and Marie-Julie Jahenny] and it will only be the cure given from Heaven that will save those who are prepared for this pandemic. This skin disease will reduce the population of the world far greater than the Covid Virus.

My children, your country will suffer greatly and this is why Heaven’s prophecies were given to Our children – so that you would be prepared for the great tribulation of your time.  So many of My children refuse to listen, because they do not want to think about such devastating events. 

Your president has tried to help your country and its citizens, but through the evils of many of your people who are following the one world people, the latter people are preparing to publicly present the coming of the Anti-Christ.  The evildoing of those within your government (Jesus is referring to the Democratic Party) … they are trying to crush and destroy the agenda of President Trump.  The evilness of these government officials will bring about the destruction of all that your president is trying to accomplish.  

My children, you will very soon witness the fall of your economy and famine will cause great hunger and deaths. Our children around the world will feel the grips of catastrophic hunger. There will be catastrophic disasters with weather patterns across the world.  There will be volcanoes, tsunamis, floods, earthquakes that will shake the core of the earth, and it will be too late for many.

Heaven has tried to warn you, My children, but you will witness slaughter, persecution, martyrdom, pestilence, famine, as well as many other events.

I do not say these things to scare you, but I, along with My Beloved Mother, have been warning Our children to prepare for such events, but many of you have failed to listen. 

For those of My Children, who have listened and prepared a physical refuge for those of My faithful children, who will be going to a refuge, I thank you for listening to My call to you to prepare these places of refuges for the safety of those of My children that will be sent to these refuges. 

I know that many of My children believe that My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Beloved Mother are the refuges of these times.  Yes, My children, you are correct and I will say that both Hearts are the Spiritual Refuges that My Children need for strength, courage, and trust. 

However, during these end times, you must listen to those visionaries that I have given messages to that have been told that during these turbulent times of war and persecution, there must be a physical place of safety that will carry on the work of My Church along with preparing for the conversion of many of My children, who will be told during their Warning experience that My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is the One True Church, and who will be completely cleansed and purified.  

My children, the truths are within My Holy Catholic Church, but there are mysteries that some of our children do not know or understand.  Faith itself is a mystery, but much will be explained at the Illumination of Conscience to those who have tried to be faithful to your Lord and Savior.

I ask that you stay strong within your faith and trust that I will provide for you.  I will send My Angels to help and comfort you during these times.  

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and trust in My Love for you.  I will not abandon you and pray for My Beloved Mother’s Mantle of Protection along with the Protection of St. Michael.



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