Messages from Jesus to John Leary
March 18, 2025: (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)
Jesus said: “My people, I told people to obey the words of the Pharisees concerning the words of the Law of Moses, but do not follow their actions. They were hypocrites because they did not practice what they taught. So I am calling My people to not be hypocrites by following My Commandments. Come to Me in the priest in Confession so you can cleanse your sinful souls into snow white souls. When you pray and fast, do this in secret and your heavenly Father, who sees you in secret, will reward you in heaven. Those people who exalt themselves, will be humbled, but those people who humble themselves will be exalted.”
March 17, 2025: (St. Patrick)
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are neither hot nor cold but lukewarm. These are the souls whom I am displeased with the most, because their love for Me is ignored. I love all of you so much, and I call on you to obey My Commandments out of love for Me and love of your neighbor. Today, you are celebrating St. Patrick’s feast day, and you wear something green to honor him. You also think of his shamrock that represents the Blessed Trinity of three Persons in One God. You, My son, have visited Ireland a few times, as you answered St. Patrick’s call to come to your place of heritage in County Cork.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Israel starting up the war against Hamas with their bombing after a cease-fire. You are even seeing your planes attacking the Houthis for sending missiles at your ships in the Red Sea. Add Russia’s continuing war in the Ukraine, and you have some more possibilities of expanding wars. There is still some hope for a cease-fire in the Ukraine, but Russia will need to agree to the terms that could be worked out. Keep praying for peace in these wars that have caused a lot of deaths.”
March 16, 2025: (Second Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, I took St. Peter, St. John, and St. James up Mount Tabor. Then I revealed Myself in My glorified Body with a pure white robe, as I was transfigured before My apostles. This was a prefigurement before My Resurrection. Then Elijah and Moses appeared with Me, and St. Peter wanted to set up three tents for us. A cloud came over us and God the Father said: ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear Him.’ (Matt. 17:5) After this happened, I stood all alone with My apostles. As we came down the mountain, I told My apostles not to tell anyone about this event until after I have risen from the dead. I also told My apostles that the spirit of Elijah had already come in the person of St. John the Baptist. Let this Transfiguration be a sign that My people need to change your evil ways during this season of Lent.”
March 15, 2025
Jesus said: “My people, the old Mosaic law spoke: ‘You should love your friends and hate your enemies.’ But I tell you to love both your friends and your enemies. I created the good and the bad people, and My gifts are offered to all of you. It is how you choose to live your life that will judge whether you will be saved or not. It is difficult to love your enemies, but I am present in every soul. I am calling you to be as perfect as possible, so you can strive to love everyone as your heavenly Father does. As you go through Lent, work on loving your enemies, because this will try your patience, but you will be rewarded for your efforts.”
Jesus said: “My people, Baptism is the first step in coming to believe in Me by faith. I instituted this sacrament, and by My death on the cross, you are forgiven original sin that you inherited from Adam. Many people, are baptized as infants, but some are baptized as adults. You have Godparents stand in for you to answer ‘yes’ that you want to be baptized with water. As you grow up, your Godparents should encourage you in your faith formation. This is why your godparents should be practicing Catholics. Give praise and thanks to Me for bringing salvation to all souls who accept Me.”
March 14, 2025
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you need to work on changing your bad habits, and seek to live a virtuous life. Before you bring your sacrifice to the altar, I asked you to make peace with anyone whom you have offended. Then bring your gift to the altar. You all are weak to sin, but you need to love everyone, and do not call them names. Even if you have anger against your neighbor, you need to seek My forgiveness in Confession. It is not easy to deal with people who think different from your ways, but do not hate people, or use bad names against them. By loving Me and loving your neighbor, you will be on the right path to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have a great love for Me every day when you take time to adore Me in My Blessed Sacrament. I instituted My very Presence in My consecrated Host, and you honor Me with your daily prayers. In this vision of when you were in Trinidad, there was an account of when a native came into this same chapel with a machete and he meant to kill the adorers there. One of the adorers spoke up and said: ‘Would you kill us in front of the Lord, Jesus?’ Then the man went away because I spoke to his heart. To spend time in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament gives you some quiet time for Me to touch your hearts with My love. Keep close to Me in this Adoration time because My adorers have a special place in My heart.”
March 13, 2025
Jesus said: “My people, this spinning saw blade has two meanings. The spinning is a sign of the coming Warning. The cutting of wood is a sign of when St. Joseph the carpenter and My angels will be building your high rise and church out of wood from your forests. You will first see My Warning life review followed by My Conversion time to try and convert souls so they can be saved from hell. Then you will receive My inner locution that will call you to My refuges where My angels will protect you from the evil ones and the Antichrist’s tribulation. After less than 3½ years, I will bring My victory over evil with My Comet of Chastisement. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will renew the earth. You will then be brought into My Era of Peace.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your President Trump is to be commended for trying to bring peace to the wars in Israel and the Ukraine. It was difficult to get Zelensky to want to have a cease-fire with Russia. Trump is now sending his representatives to seek terms for a cease-fire in this three-year war in the Ukraine with Russia. Thousands of troops have been killed on both sides, and this war could easily spread into a world war. Pray for peace in both Israel and the Ukraine.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Israel trying to remove Hamas from the Gaza area. There has been a cease fire so each side could exchange hostages. It is not certain if this war will start up again if all the hostages are freed. It is up to Israel and Hamas for how long this cease-fire will last. Again, keep praying for peace in the Middle East.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen churches being burned down both in your country and in places in Europe. These arsonists are being inspired by evil people who are against Me in this destruction of My churches. You may need to have more security about your churches where people are burning them. Call on My angels to defend your churches from being burned. Pray to stop this burning of My churches.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent your churches are having Stations of the Cross on Fridays as one of your Lenten devotions. My son, you have visited the Via Dolorosa in Israel at the very stations that I traveled on My way to Calvary. Continue your daily prayers and fasting to improve your spiritual lives. Pray to save souls, and be a good Christian example for others to follow you. During these forty days of Lent, make an effort to come to Confession to cleanse the sins from your souls. Remember to share your donations with the poor and the support of My churches. You can show Me your love by making visits to My Blessed Sacrament.”
Jesus said: “My people, these blood moons are heavenly signs to show you the beauty of My creation. They come at least once a year but you may not be in the best place to view it. This will occur around 2 a.m. tomorrow morning. This would be a good time to pray My Divine Mercy Chaplet as long as you are awake.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen unusual fires in California this year, and you have witnessed more snow and cold temperatures than last year. You have seen ongoing wars and there have been occasional volcanoes and earthquakes occurring. These events will get worse and people could be frightened by people being killed in hurricanes and tornadoes. You could even see earthquakes cause some large tsunamis. Be prepared to come to the safety of My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”
Jesus said: “My people, the same evil people who created the Covid virus will create an even more deadly virus with the purpose of reducing the population. I showed you in visions of many dead bodies on the ground when this new virus will be spread all over the earth. Before this event comes upon you, I will warn you to come to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges My angels will shield you from such a virus. During the tribulation you can look upon My luminous cross in the sky over your refuge, and you will be healed of any virus or any other health problem. Have no fear, and trust in My protection and My healing.”
March 12, 2025
Jesus said: “My people, just as the people of Nineveh repented and changed their evil ways, so I am giving My people of today the same sign of Jonah. Jonah warned Nineveh that they would be destroyed in forty days. But the king declared a fast in sackcloth and ashes. Because the people turned from their evil ways, I relented and I did not destroy this city. During Lent My people need to have a change of heart and change your evil ways as well. I am greater than Solomon and Jonah, so listen to My words to repent of your sins in Confession, and continue your fasting.”
Jesus said: “My people, you see friends and relatives with various health problems in hospitals and nursing homes for rehabilitation. It is a good work of mercy to make visits to these people. You can make visits to My Blessed Sacrament as well. When you attend to My souls in the hospital, you are helping Me in them. When you are sick, it is comforting when other people are caring enough to visit you. These are your real friends when they think about you, even in your difficult times. I love all of My people, and when you visit the sick and pray for them, you will have your reward for helping My suffering servants. Remember when you are sick or in pain to offer it up to help save souls.”
March 11, 2025
Jesus said: “My people, when I was on the earth, I went off to pray to My Father in heaven many times, especially as I was tested. So in the same way My faithful are tested with trials every day. This is why I taught My apostles the ‘Our Father’ prayer so they could pray to My Father as well. Prayer is a key devotion every day, but especially in Lent. You have also been taught the prayers in your rosary: the ‘Apostles Creed,’ the ‘Glory Be,’ and the ‘Hail Mary.’ I have given you several intentions to pray for: the souls in purgatory, the souls who are alive on the earth, peace in the world, and to stop abortions. I even asked you to pray a fourth rosary for the intention of saving the souls of your family from hell. You were already praying three rosaries and your Divine Mercy Chaplet. By your daily prayers you are showing Me in your actions how much you love Me and your neighbor.”
Jesus said: “My people, your country under Biden was being destroyed by overspending by your government, open borders, and sanctuary cities releasing criminals onto your streets. This destruction of America was a plan for a takeover to prepare for the Antichrist’s takeover. Trump was voted in by your people to reverse all of this destruction. Trump has stopped the illegal immigrants from invading your borders, and with DOGE he is trying to remove the fraud and abuse in your government. He is now seeking a level trading field by using reciprocal tariffs because your trading countries have been charging you much more in tariffs than you charge them. This may cause some temporary problems, but in the long run it is fair for America. It will take some time to turn away the deep state lies that are put in your media. Pray for America to be patient in saving your country from bankruptcy caused by your excessive deficits.”
March 10, 2025
Jesus said: “My people, during life you have many opportunities to help people in their need. You can either help someone or not, because it is your own free will decision. If you truly love Me and your neighbor, you will reach out and help someone without questioning whether or not to do it. Sometimes it may take your time or some money to help someone, but because you love all of My children, you help people all of the time as much as possible. At the judgment of your soul, I will look through your life to see how much you helped people. My loving souls who helped others, I will welcome into heaven. But those souls who were selfish and did not help others will be judged more harshly into hell or the bottom of purgatory. So when you see someone in need, and you can help them, reach out as the Good Samaritan did when he bound up the wounds of a man who was hurt by robbers.”
Jesus said: “My people of America, you are seeing a night vision of complete darkness all across your country when you will have no electricity and no lights. I have mentioned this shutdown of your electricity will be coming, as before in previous messages. Shutting down your electricity will happen as the evil ones start their planned takeover of your country. This could be done by hacking down the software that controls your substations that run your National Grid, or by using bombs to cause an EMP attack. My refuge builders need to be ready to accept My faithful into their refuges once your electricity is shut down. Your tribulation will become your purgatory on earth. Have no fear because My angels and I will protect you at My refuges, and we will provide for your needs.”
March 9, 2025: (First Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating forty days of Lent, just as I fasted from food for forty days in the desert. While I was in the desert, the devil tempted Me with three temptations to test Me. His first temptation was when he said I could change the stones into bread because I was hungry. I told the devil: ‘Not by bread alone shall man live, but by every Word of God.’ (Luke 4:4) Then the devil showed Me many kingdoms and he would give them over to Me if I worshiped him. I told him: ‘The Lord thy God shalt thou worship, and him alone shalt thee serve.’ (Luke 4:8) The devil took Me to a high pinnacle of the Temple, and he said I could throw Myself down and My angels would protect Me. I told him again: ‘Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.’ (Luke 4:12) The devil left Me, and I returned to My apostles. Today, My faithful are also tempted by the devil with gluttony, fame, and pride, as I was tempted. In your Lenten devotions be steadfast in your prayers, fasting, and your almsgiving. By keeping your bodily appetites under control, you can avoid the many temptations of the devil. Even if you should fall into sin, you can come to Confession, and I will forgive your sins and restore My graces to your soul.”
March 8, 2025: (St. John of God)
Jesus said: “My people, I called Levi to follow Me at the customs post, and he got up and followed Me without questioning Me. My son, when I called you to share My messages at Medjugorje, you immediately accepted My call, as you were converted from your computer addiction. Levi was converted to following Me, and I changed his name to Matthew. He held a banquet for Me with all of his fellow tax collectors and friends. The Pharisees questioned My disciples as to ‘Why does your Master eat with tax collectors and sinners?’ I told the Pharisees that the sick need a physician. I have come to save sinners and not the self-righteous. Continue your Lenten devotions as you go through Lent, and work to improve your spiritual life.”
Jesus said: “My people, your enemies in China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran are planning an attack on your country to paralyze you by taking down your electricity and water supplies. These countries are hacking into your infrastructure to try and take down your electric grid and take down your water supply. They may even send in atomic bombs as an EMP attack on your electric grid. Without electricity and water, many people would be compromised in how to survive. If you see such an attack, this would be a sign to come to My refuges where My angels would protect My faithful from harm. My son, I will protect your refuge from any EMP effects, so you will have electricity from your solar panels and water from your well. Once America is taken down, you will see the Antichrist move to take over the world, and you will suffer less than 3½ years of the tribulation. My faithful will have what they need that will be provided at My refuges by My refuge builders and My angels. I will multiply your food, fuels, and water for you to survive, and My angels will shield you from bombs, viruses, and comets. I will overthrow the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement, and they will be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”
March 7, 2025: (St. Perpetua and St. Felicity)
Jesus said: “My people, this long tunnel in the vision is another sign of My coming Warning. Be patient because this day will come. Remember when I revealed this to a believer when this person heard: ‘Believe it.’ On this First Friday of March you are called to fast between meals and refrain from eating meat. This is the day of Friday that I died on the cross. I am calling all of My faithful to take up your cross and follow Me with your own sacrifices. I love all of you and you are blessed to be able to adore My Blessed Sacrament on the altar. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you, and, again, be thankful for your wife’s healing of her cancer.”
Jesus said: “My people of America, you are fortunate to have a businessman as President of your
country. He is working first on the deficits of trade between your country with China, Canada, and Mexico. This is why he is using reciprocal tariffs on these countries. He is also using DOGE’s recommendations to cut the bloated government spending in many areas of your government. By cutting back government employees, and stopping the fraud of Social Security payments to dead people, your budgets could be trimmed to the amount of taxes collected. This is becoming an audit of your government that Congress has not corrected in their job of oversight. Pray that your country can balance your budgets with true common sense management.”
March 6, 2025
Jesus said: “My people, you all are called to choose between the blessing and the curse. I desire that My faithful choose life with Me, and not death with the devil. I call My faithful to take up your cross and follow Me through your Lenten devotions. Take some quiet time to get close to Me in prayer and fasting. Be ready to share your money in helping others and My Church. In the Gospel I openly told My apostles how I would be killed by the Pharisees and the Romans, but after three days I would rise from the dead. They did not want to see Me die, but they did not know about how I could rise from the dead. It was My plan from the beginning that I would sacrifice My life to bring salvation to all the souls who accept Me. Just as I suffered at the hands of men, so My faithful need to make sacrifices during Lent to improve your spiritual life.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as you approach spring, you will be seeing damaging tornadoes. In this vision you are seeing a violent spinning from inside a tornado. The spinning action is another sign of the coming Warning. Some people will be frightened to see their life review. You will see what destination you are headed toward, and you will experience what it will be like. You will be able to change your life if you are sincere in loving Me.”
Jesus said: “My son, this vision actually happened years ago, but it was a miracle that this white dove stayed in one place on a branch for five hours. The Holy Spirit is the Spouse of My Blessed Mother. A blue butterfly that appeared, represented the presence of My Blessed Mother in Betania, Venezuela. We were all blessed by the Holy Spirit as we watched this white dove.”
Jesus said: “My people, I was invited to a marriage feast in Cana, Israel, where the wine ran out. My Blessed Mother told Me that they had no more wine. Then she told the servants: ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ I had the servants fill six large jars with water and then they took it to the head waiter. This was My first miracle to change this water into wine. Bread and wine are used in the Mass to change them into My Body and Blood. So you all will be blessed at My Wedding Banquet in heaven when you are called to be with Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want to save as many souls as possible from entering the eternal flames of hell. Your earthly life is a test of how much you love Me and your neighbor. During this Lenten Season you are called to repent of your sins, and to seek My forgiveness of your sins in Confession. I love all of you and I am guiding you through life on the right path to heaven. You need to choose life with Me and you can avoid the flames of hell. Keep praying for the souls of your family because you do not want to see one soul lost in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Third Commandment wants you to keep holy the Lord’s Day by attending Mass on Sunday or Saturday evening. You have seen a decline in Mass attendance as people are being spiritually lazy in not following My Commandments. During Lent My people could make an extra effort to come to daily Mass so you are showing Me how much you love Me. Follow My fasting and make sure you are praying your rosaries for your intentions. Work hard on keeping your intended sacrifice going throughout all of Lent.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is important to direct your children to My sacraments and Sunday Mass. Bringing the faith to your children is a responsibility of the parents to direct these souls to Me in heaven. The children have free will to choose Me, but the parents need to guide them while they are young. My faithful parents need to pray for the saving of the souls of their children, even as they grow older. Always give your children a good example to follow as they see you coming to Mass, Confession, and praying your rosaries.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have called some refuge builders to set up My refuge arks that will be places where My angels will be protecting you from any harm. My son, you have prepared your refuge well with My directions. After the Warning and the Conversion time, I will send out My inner locution to My faithful that it is time to come to My refuges. You need to leave your homes with your backpack within twenty minutes as you follow the flame of your guardian angel to the nearest refuge. My angels will protect you and I will multiply all of your necessities throughout the tribulation.”
March 5, 2025: (Ash Wednesday, Lent begins)
Jesus said: “My people, you all are starting on the road of another Lenten Season of grace. I am inviting you to rend your hearts and not your garments. Your priest asked you to do things in obedience to what you are asked to do. Most of all, be obedient to My Commandments, and cleanse your soul of your sins in frequent Confession. I love all of you so much and I desire for you to love Me and show it in your actions. During Lent you are called to more prayer, fasting between meals, avoiding the eating of meat today, and giving alms to the poor and My Church. As you receive your ashes on your forehead, remember how you were created from dust, and unto dust you shall return.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President Trump was thankful that I had protected him from being killed because he was being called to put America back from Biden’s disasters. He spoke of his agenda and all of his successes in just over a month in office. He now has his Cabinet confirmed to carry out his Executive Orders. He has the DOGE group finding waste and abuse of billions of dollars. The Democrats were not clapping for anything, except giving more money to the Ukraine. Many people who had hard stories in the gallery were not even acknowledged by the Democrats. The American people are supporting Trump in all he is doing to restore your country to a better nation. Pray for your country to stop your wars and your abortions.”
March 4, 2025: (St. Casimir) [Complete Message]
Jesus said: “My son, the days of the coming tribulation are closing in, and you have been preparing your refuge food for when you will be feeding My faithful. You have received most of your new order of freeze-dried fruits and vegetables. This is so I can multiply your expanded variety of fruits and vegetables. You can reconstitute them with boiling water as you make your soups. In the vision of the forest, My angels will only pick out strong trees to help St. Joseph build your high rise and church out of wood because he is a carpenter and he worked with wood. This will be strengthened because it will be built perfectly as everything from heaven is perfect. Be patient with the coming Warning because My time is not your time. Know that I will provide for your needs during the tribulation, and My angels will protect you from harm at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a real test of your will power in fasting between meals and some sacrifice in giving up something you like. For some people giving up sweets may be difficult, but a good thing for your health. By controlling your earthly appetites, this can make you stronger in fighting sin which is good for your spiritual life. Reading the Bible for 15 minutes or other religious reading each day can also help you to lead a holier life. All of your intentions for Lent could also be carried on for a few days even throughout the year so you can make a spiritual gain in your life. Live your life around loving Me and doing things out of love for others. This is your goal in life, and you will see your reward in heaven.”