Messages from Jesus and Mary to John Leary
November 26, 2024
At St. John the Evangelist after Holy Communion, I could see a picture I have of Jesus on His throne with a crown on His head, and He was holding a sharp sickle in one hand and some wheat in His other hand. (Rev. 14:14) Jesus said: “My son, this miracle picture is a sign of the harvest of souls in the judgment time. It is when I will separate the goats from My lambs. I will protect My believers at My refuges from My Comet of Chastisement. They will be raised up and I will renew the earth and bring them down into My Era of Peace. The evil people will be harvested and placed in the winepress of My fury into hell. In the Gospel (Luke 21:10-11) you are reading of the signs of the end times with earthquakes, famines, and pestilence, and great signs in the heavens. I foretold the destruction of the Temple by the Romans, as the Wailing Wall is all that remains. I have told you how I would return on the clouds as I left My apostles. Then I will judge everyone, My believers to My Era of Peace, and the evil ones to hell. Be prepared in your souls to meet Me at your judgment.”
November 25, 2024: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, I am truly the Lamb who was offered on the cross to bring salvation to all of those people who love and accept Me into their lives. You are dependent on Me for everything that you need in this life. I am waiting to receive you at your death, so you can be with Me in heaven one day. You are approaching Thanksgiving Day when you can thank Me for all that I give you every day. I love all of you so much, and you can show your love for Me and your neighbor in your daily actions and prayers. Keep close to Me in My sacraments in which I can share My graces with you.”
Jesus said: “My son, after My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, you will see events leading up to the Antichrist declaring himself. Before your lives are in danger, I will call My believers to My refuges with My angels of protection. Once the tribulation begins, you will see My Luminous Cross in the sky over My refuges. This will be a great time of healing when you look upon My Luminous Cross in faith, as you will be healed of cancers, diabetes, and any other health problem. Give praise and thanks to Me for My healing and multiplication of your necessities at My refuges.”
November 24, 2024: (Christ the King)
Jesus said: “My people, this is the last Sunday of your Church Year, and you are celebrating My Kingship. I am the Alpha and the Omega – the Almighty. Everyone kneels before your Lord, and I call all souls to honor your Creator. Without My Spirit you would cease to exist. But I give everyone free will to accept Me or not. My faithful are called to evangelize souls and pray for the conversion of poor sinners. You can also pray for the poor souls in purgatory, as you are remembering those people who have died this year in your Book of Remembrance. You will soon be giving Me thanks for all I do for you on Thanksgiving Day. Then you will start a new year with the first Sunday of Advent. Rejoice as you celebrate your holidays.”
November 23, 2024: (Bl. Miguel Pro)
Jesus said: “My people, both readings speak about how you will be raised up from the dead on the last day. Because of Adam’s original sin, you are in a mortal body that will die one day, but your soul will live on forever. At death your body is separated from your soul, and you will be judged to heaven, purgatory, or hell. My faithful will need purification in purgatory to make reparation due for your sins. I resurrected on the third day into My glorified Body, as I told the people I am the Resurrection and the Life. On the last day, My faithful will also be resurrected with a glorified body joining your soul. You will live forever with Me in heaven because you were faithful to Me on earth. Be patient and rejoice because you will be with Me one day in heaven.”
(Funeral of Reeta Benoy) At Our Lady Queen of Peace Church after Holy Communion, I could sense Reeta’s presence by the casket. Reeta said: “I am happy to see all of my relatives and friends, and I thank them for being present at my funeral. I love all of you so much as I see Jesus in all of you. I am in heaven with my Savior, Jesus, with this Mass. Heaven is so beautiful and I do not have words to describe it because it is a feeling of joy and peace with all of the angels and saints. To be with Jesus forever is more than I could have imagined. His love consumes you, and you become a part of Him.”
November 22, 2024: (St. Cecilia)
Jesus said: “My people, you are coming to the end of the Church Year and you are reading from the Book of Revelation. You have been attending many funerals, and as you come toward the end of your lives in old age, you are praying to bring forth your fruits of good deeds. This life is passing away and soon you all will be greeting Me at your judgment. Appreciate every life that passes away before you, as you pray for their souls and offer Masses for them. This month you write the names of the deceased in your Book of Remembrance on the altar. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I do for you every day while you are still alive.”
Mass intention for Travis: At a requiem Mass after Holy Communion, we were praying for Travis in sympathy for Jeanne Maurine. Travis said: “I repented for my sins, and I asked forgiveness for all the troubles I have caused to my wife. I will be in purgatory for a while.”
November 21, 2024: (Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, when I was born, the Lord allowed me to be without original sin. I was prepared to be a sinless place for my Son to be carried until He was born. My Son is the worthy Lamb who was the perfect sacrifice to bring salvation for everyone. It was by His Blood shed on the cross that enabled Him to open the scroll with the seven seals in the Book of Revelation. Our two hearts are joined as one, and we invite the faithful to pray to us to help you to save your souls from the evil one. Trust in my Son to bring you to life everlasting in heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how the Democrats do not want to give up their power over the people. There may be some attempts to stop Trump from taking office as President. I will have My angels protect Trump, and you can pray for his safety from any assassination attempts. Pray also that Trump’s chosen candidates for his Cabinet can get confirmed in the Senate. The one world people will try to continue the constant harassment against Trump. Trust in Me that you will see another chance for Trump to change the evil things that the Democrats brought on your people.”
Jesus said: “My people, you just saw Russia sending an ICBM into the Ukraine with a conventional explosive. Putin sent this as a message that he is threatening to send a nuclear ICBM if the Ukraine sends long range missiles into Russia. My people, you need to pray that you do not have a nuclear war that could kill many people.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the trafficking of drugs and children at your border. Your new border czar and Trump want to put an end to the open borders that are being run by the drug cartels. Your open border has caused much damage, and millions of illegal immigrants are causing more crimes in your streets. Your President-elect wants to remove these criminal elements from your country. Pray that law and order can be restored to your border.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats have been spending more money on their Green New Deal projects instead of what is good for your economy. There is a lot of waste in your government operations, and Trump wants to change how your government does its business. There will be much resistance by your Washington politicians to changing the spending by your government. Pray that your new Administration can carry out their plans.”
Jesus said: “My people, your teacher unions have been controlling how your public schools are run for many years. Trump wants options for financial choices to support private vouchers as well as public schools. Without some competition, it is hard to change the poor training that students are now receiving. Pray that your schools can improve the graduation rate, and the reading and math skills of your students.”
Jesus said: “My people, you can see why Trump wants to change how your Justice system is being abused by harassing any opposing candidate for President. This has been beyond what is lawful and the Justice Department should not be weaponized to put down the opposition party. Pray that you will have a fair Justice system with the new Administration.”
Jesus said: “My people, you can see there are many divisions among your people, but the vote of your people favors fixing your borders and the inflated prices in your stores. You could see some improvements in your government if the two parties could compromise your laws so they will benefit your people, instead of giving money to themselves. Pray that your country will have a better economy for all of your people.”
November 20, 2024
Jesus said: “My people, in this world there are many demons trying to steal your souls for Satan, but I
give you the graces of My sacraments to defeat them. All of My baptized faithful are like the men in the parable who are called to produce good fruit in your works. Those souls, who are like the one who buried the gold coin, are those who were lazy and did not work to produce good works. Because these souls are worthless servants, these evil ones will be cast into hell. In the second part of your vision, you are seeing My victory over the evil people and the demons. Now [as in not then] I will bring My faithful servants into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, Biden has allowed long range missiles to be sent to the Ukraine that could be used to send into Russia. This is a dangerous precedent that could trigger nuclear weapons being used that could expand the current war into World War III. It may be a plan of the one world people to try and expand a war before Trump gets into office. Any such nuclear war could kill millions of people, so My people need to pray to stop such a war from happening. The United Kingdom in England, and France are also sending similar missiles to the Ukraine that could go into Russia. These weapons could expand the war with Russia, and this could even involve China, which supports Russia.”
November 19, 2024 [Complete Message]
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings they are both speaking about repentance for your sins. In the Book of Revelation St. John speaks to the churches, and he tells them how they are physically alive, but they are dead spiritually in their souls. He calls them to repent. My believers also need repentance for your sins, so you can keep your soul alive in My graces. So call on Me to heal you both in body from sickness, and in your soul from the sickness of sin. You can show Me your sincerity to repent by your good actions and intentions by helping the poor, as Zaccheus gave half his possessions to the poor.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President-elect will be doing battle with the deep state that has funded many of your politicians. You will see some battles over the confirmations of the Cabinet choices of Trump by the Senate. Many presidents have used the recesses of the Senate to allow their choices to be confirmed. Trump could use this Constitutional means as well. You have another issue when Biden is allowing the Ukraine to use long range missiles into Russia. Such a use of these missiles could be an act of war to Russia, and there is a danger that this could trigger World War III. Pray that such a war does not start, but this could happen before Trump is inaugurated. Such a war could also result in Biden declaring a martial law. Call on Me and My angels to stop any possible nuclear war.”