Messages from Jesus and Mary to Jennifer
January 3, 2020
7:30 p.m.
Jesus: My child, it is a time of prayer and silence, for a great unraveling will soon spread throughout the world and everyone will be tested, even the Holy Father.
No messages were released from October 2012 through December 2019.
September 30, 2012
Blessed Mother: My children, you are turning the wrong way. Instead of fixing your eyes on heaven you are placing them on a world that does not exist in eternity. What more can I say other than to heed to the love of my son? It is an eternal love that has permitted me to come and guide each one of you on the road to salvation.
Wake up, my sleepy children, for time is passing away and I will not be permitted to come forever. Use your time wisely because your true home is in heaven. Take my hand, dear children, and humble yourselves like little children – so then your heart may be open to the gifts that my son desires to give you.
Cast away any pride because it is the wall that comes up between you and my son, Jesus. Pride prevents the true light from penetrating your soul. Heed now, my children, for I am your heavenly mother who has come to guide you to your heavenly Father. My motherly blessing I give to you. Now go forth in prayer so that you can one day be with me in heaven.
September 20, 2012
6:59 p.m.
Jesus: My child, the unraveling has begun, for great disruption is soon to sweep throughout the world. My tears of mercy have been falling and yet few respond to My words of warning. Few heed to My mercy and the hand of justice can no longer be held back.
Come My children and turn to the Eucharist for I am there fully present Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. The graces that await you; and yet I ask: what keeps you away? Do not sleep, My children; rather, stay awake for the hour has come for you to truly be attentive.
Pray; pray from your heart and allow My hand to guide you on your way to salvation. Allow your heart to be united to Mine through the Sacraments, and it begins through reconciliation. The world must reconcile itself to its Creator for I am Jesus. One by one I am calling you because one by one I formed you in your mother’s womb, and it is the womb that is being destroyed by selfishness and sinfulness.
Come, My children, and reconcile yourselves, for the world is unraveling unto its own sinfulness. Too many seek pleasure and not pain, but it is your pleasures that are causing your souls to suffer. Look to the cross and you will find joy, peace and your true happiness for I am Jesus. I am love, joy and peace; come, My children – come to Me, for I am your peace in this world that has no peace. Now go forth and repent, for the hour for the world has come, for My mercy and justice will prevail.