When Francis rejected the title of “Vicar of Christ” in 2020. I thought to myself then that that was appropriate since his papacy has been nothing short of a nightmare. Heaven has revealed to the messenger Sister Amapola that he is “an impostor pope” and a “usurper.”
He does not appear in St. Malachy’s list of popes; he is not the last pope because that is “the Angelic Pontiff” / “the Angel of Peace” revealed to Julie-Marie Jahenny and Luz de Maria respectfully. The Servant of God Fr. Gobbi was told that a pope was coming whom we should not follow. Several popes and saints, too, have said that if a future pope is unorthodox we are not to follow him.
It is clear that the St. Gallen Mafia pushed Francis through by influencing the Cardinal electors, some of whom were certainly Masons. The Cardinal electors apparently did not look up to Michelangelo’s “The Last Judgment” in the Sistine Chapel. They vote there precisely to remind them to vote knowing that God is watching and to vote in fear of Him. They take the conclave oath before the election to vote with integrity, uninfluenced by the world. It is impossible to believe at this point that the election of Francis was God’s “Perfect Will.” If he is a pope, then he is a false pope; if he is pope then it is in God’s “Permissive Will” – a kind of pope in name only. In private revelation, heaven has said not judge anyone’s soul and to pray for the hierarchy. I do not judge anyone’s soul, but the Church teaches that we must judge actions. I must speak the truth. We must defend ourselves against an unorthodox pope, as Cardinal Müller, former head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith under Pope Benedict, made clear.
[However, there is still only one Church founded by Christ, so no matter how bad it gets, we must never leave His Church. As Scripture says, He is the head of the Church. Even true popes are merely His Vicars. Again, under no circumstance can we ever leave His Church. One can jeopardize one's salvation in doing so. The Church is being chastised now; God's Justice as well as His Mercy are infinite. Christ knows everything and He will deal with this situation very soon in His way and in His time. Do not make a potentially fatal mistake in the meantime. Jesus, I trust in You...]
As the Mission of Divine Mercy says, look at heaven’s words to Sister Amapola. Click on the link below: