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Kay – “the changing of the Words of Consecration during the Celebration of the Mass will never be valid”

Message from Jesus to His Children through Kay

September 16, 2024

My dearest children,

I am here before you this evening to bring you My words of warning.  Time is of the essence, and I, as your Savior, want to forewarn you of the many events that are about to begin. You are witnessing devastating events that are taking place all around the world, and your country is not going to be without threatening consequences for choosing to intentionally ignore the graces of extra time that were allotted.

Your present government leaders of the United States of America have been completely unwilling to save the sovereignty of your nation, or secure and defend the rights of its citizens.  Many of your citizens have chosen to follow the liberal views of so many in your country, along with socialistic views, which is just another means of Communism. 

My children, it is unbelievable how so many of you have decided to vote for a female president, because you think she would be a great choice as the first female president.  She is feeding you nothing but lies and she will say anything that you want to hear.  Unfortunately, many are delusional and have a faulty judgment about your present Vice President. She is giving you false beliefs regarding how she will truly run your country.  You have heard the many ads in which there is evidence to the contrary of what she is now promoting as to what she will do if she wins the Presidency. She is the most pro-abortion candidate that has ever run for President and her Vice President pick is also a pro-abortionist, who will make sure there is a constitutional amendment to guarantee permanent abortion access at any stage of pregnancy. Should the Democrats win this election, they will overturn the present decision of Roe v. Wade and they will secure reproductive freedom for generations to come. 

Many of My children have such hatred for a man, who is not perfect and has made mistakes, especially his recent decisions regarding his change of heart on certain abortion issues.  However, this man is the lesser of two evils, but he surrendered himself to the love of his God and country, while only wanting to restore the beauty, dignity and justice of this once-great nation. Why do you think that there have been assassination attempts on President Trump’s life?  I will tell you why: it is because he honestly does want to make America Great Again.  These assassination attempts on his life are not over, so you must pray for his safety and the safety of his family.

Your Democratic Party is no longer working for the people.  They are preparing to turn your country over to the One World People to become subject to a One World Government.  They no longer believe in your Constitution.  A heavy price will be paid for with these unethical moral and behavioral ways of a tormented and unconscionable manner of thinking regarding the evils of your current Vice President and her running mate.

The United States of America will crumble through catastrophic and cataclysmic events, but will also experience terror attacks again on your once-great nation due to the pride of your government leaders.  Many of her people have chosen to follow the evils of your world.  The lack of peace and prayer within your world will soon bring about the witnessing of World War III.

The economy and financial institution of your nation will also collapse and it will never again recover. Your liberal and socialistic leaders have sold out your country to those who have stormed your borders, and will destroy your sovereignty and your nation’s power and independence to govern itself.

The United State of America will no longer be a superpower or possess a political unit as a country.  There will be no more protection for this once-great nation under God. Your enemies will scourge and punish your nation, causing great affliction upon its people.  The citizens of America will witness the takeover of their country after the Warning, and will observe the total loss of your freedom, which you have taken for granted through pride, ignorance and arrogance.  

Your founding fathers fought and died for the freedom that each citizen of each generation enjoyed.  The Declaration of Independence of the first 13 Colonies severed their political connection with Great Britain in claiming their independence.  These men and women suffered for your freedom of today and, with your Constitution that was signed later, formed a more perfect Union to ensure the Blessings of Liberty.  Your once-great nation had everything, and your land was self-sufficient.  These Blessings were given to your great country from the Father, because your Nation was chosen to nurture and help other nations.  Your founding fathers cherished the Motto of “One Nation Under God.”  I ask you, My children: do you recognize your country in your world today?  What have you done to your once-great nation under God?

My children, there are diseases that are rapidly increasing.  Some of these diseases are man-made while others are not, and are multiplying and growing and increasing because they are contagious and spreading very rapidly. They are appearing in one place and then another.  I ask you to prepare yourselves to face the fact that these diseases will surface very quickly, because they are very contagious and they are infecting My children all over the world.  These diseases are spreading through the air and they will affect the respiratory system. Be very cautious in traveling, because it will spread through travel very quickly, especially through air travel, because there is no ventilation and people are in close contact with each other during the duration of the air flight.

These plagues have been planned by the New World Order.

My Beloved Mother as well as I have given a form of natural herbs and oils that can be used or taken to counteract these diseases.  These antidotes have been given to prophets of generations back and through private revelations of today, and they should be followed and used accordingly.

Many countries will shake beyond your imagination and the great shaking will cause many other catastrophic events to occur and many of Our children will die.  Once these chastisements begin, you will witness much chaos and heartache.  Your nation has never witnessed all of these trials and crosses at the same time.  There will be much shaking (physically as well as spiritually); your food will be scarce as well as other shortages; your economy will collapse; you will see nations preparing for war; there will be another virus and/or diseases approaching soon; and there will be a lockdown coming worse than before.  Your churches will be completely closed until after the Warning.

There will also be many volcanoes that will become active and will spew hot lava into the bottom of the oceans and seas.  The hot lava will boil and induce movement of the ocean floor and cause great devastating tsunamis. The height of these tsunamis could be well over 100 feet and they can cause many deaths.  Tsunamis are also often generated by earthquakes as well, and a powerful earthquake may split the earth in two. 

Does your God, your Lord and Savior, want to give you this message of warning of what is so soon to befall your world?  The answer is “no,” and I know many of you do not want to hear these words, because many of you are fearful of what is to come, while others do not believe that your God could allow any of these chastisements that are spoken of in these messages of warning that I bring before you.

Then I say to you: open up your Bibles to the Book of Revelation, which speaks of how your world will be cleansed from all the filth, black-heartedness, corruption, immoral behavior, diabolical and ungodly wrongdoings, and all perverted sins of the flesh.

My children, I am a Loving and Merciful God, but I am also a Just God Who has heard the cries for vengeance from those innocent children who have been slaughtered and butchered unjustly by their own mothers.  Why do these children of Mine feel they have the right to deliberately terminate the life of My creation?  How dare they take the life of My innocent unborn babies.  I am the Creator, and you have no right to murder your own innocent children or have any part in any wrongdoing of these murderers.  Those of you who show no remorse and do not come before Me with repentance in your heart will suffer a chastisement far greater than you can ever imagine.

I want to come before you this evening with these words to all of My children, who will open up their hearts to hear, listen and prepare.

You, My children, are on the threshold of a great change.  This change will affect not only your country, but the nations throughout the entire world.  You would have to be blind not to see what is happening throughout your world and the witnessing of many hate-filled crimes of the hearts of Our children, who are following the evil and wickedness of the demonic behavior practiced by so many.

I want to prepare you for what lies ahead, but many of you are refusing to listen and you will be in a whirlwind of turmoil, because you failed to listen to the messages from Heaven.

Famine is on the horizon and very soon to be a reality.  You have been warned to save at least a three-month supply of food and water in order to take care of your family.  This will be needed before the time of your Illumination of Conscience (Warning).  Your own government is already planning on emptying your shelves at the grocery stores.  Soon your shelves at the stores will be bare; then what will you feed your children?

My warnings to you are severe, and I will advise you that the impending dangers for your country and the rest of the world are not far off: dangers, disasters, and chaos are at your front door.  I understand that My children are looking for dates and times, but prophecy should never be one of exact dates.  Never look for someone to give you dates of impending events.  I asked you to follow My faithful priest-sons, who will lead you within the Sacred and Holy Traditions of My Catholic Church.  You need to read your Bible and look to the Scriptures, and then look to your world events, and you will see how close these occurrences are to being fulfilled.

Listen to what I have asked of you in regard to your spiritual lives.  Prepare your souls by receiving the Sacrament of Confession as often as you can.  The most important point of these messages is so that you are prepared to come before Me in any situation that may occur.

I am finalizing everything for My refuge builders, so they are prepared for My children, who will be coming to My refuges before their lives are in danger.  You must understand the times in which you are living, and I want you to read the Book of Revelation, because you are living in those end times, as you know it.  Remember: this is not the end of the world; this is the end as you know it.  Read your Bible where God cleanses and renews the earth.

My children, there will soon be a great darkness that will come over My Church and then throughout the world.

I have spoken of the Traditions of My Church and how important it is to follow these Sacred Traditions.  I say to each and every one of you to take notice that there will be no undermining of My priest-sons, who have received the Sacrament of Holy Orders that I entrusted to My Apostles.  The Gift of the Holy Spirit exercises a sacred power that can only come through Me and through My Church.  (Note: Jesus explained to the locutionist that in mentioning the undermining of priests, He was referring to the movement to ordain women, and that if He had wanted women at the altar, He would have chosen His own Mother for this role.)

I am the Foundation of My Church, and My Catholic Church will endure until the end of time.  I have told you that “I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world.”

I have spoken to My children through private revelations concerning a great upheaval within My Church, and I have spoken and warned My children NEVER to leave My One, True, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.  

My children, it is no longer a secret that there will be a final document (from the recent Amazon Synod in Rome), that will open the doors to make controversial changes and disagreements within the laws of My Church.  You will be witnessing what this final document from Rome will stipulate, but I want My children to be prepared for the outcome of this writing, and stand firm and hold steadfast with My Sacred Traditions and the True Magisterium of My Holy Church.

This document may cause a great and sudden change within My Church.  This division or disruption may lead My faithful priest-sons to go underground, where they will celebrate the True Holy Mass for all of My faithful children.  Do not be alarmed or frightened, because these things must come to pass in order for all Scripture to be fulfilled. I must continue to speak to you concerning this matter, because it will be the changes within My Church that will first take place, and then many disturbances will follow.

My children, it is not without a great sorrow that I speak these words to you, but you must listen carefully to what may cause great confusion within My Church.  I do warn you that the changing of the Words of Consecration during the Celebration of the Mass will never be valid, and should this occur through this signed document, you must not attend these Masses, because they will not be valid.  This is what will cause the schism in My Church.  It will be at that time that My faithful priest-sons will go underground and bring the True Holy Mass to My faithful children.

Be strong and prudent during this time and do not follow confusion and never allow manipulation to cause you to enter into the evils of deception.  The pretense of so-called “good intentions” are filled with deception.

My children, the time of the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) is close at hand and I ask you not to become lax with regard to your spiritual lives. My children, before the Illumination of Conscience, your world will be thrown into complete chaos.  You will suffer greatly through the calamities of destruction, and pains of sorrow will flood your world.

My Beloved Mother as well as I have spoken throughout many years to warn Our children of these impending dangers and disasters. Because years have come and gone, you are feeling comfortable because you have not witnessed any of these events.  You must understand that these warnings are dire for each and every generation. The Evil One caused confusion and uncertainty through the temptations of deception throughout each generation.  The evilness of sin in which many of My children play the part of fools, while mocking sin, helps the Evil One through trickery, using the temptation of sins with those around them.

I want My children to open your Bibles to the Book of Revelation and read all of the books on these End Times, because you will see how grievous these sins are that are written in these books.  You will understand that no other generation or civilization since the beginning of Creation is as evil as today’s generation, with its willful breaking of God’s Law.

I ask you to go to the Sacrament of Confession and repent of your sins, and I will forgive you everything if you are truly remorseful and sorry.

My children, the hand of My Father will soon come down upon the world as a result of all the evilness and wickedness of sin.

The Warning is the final Act of Mercy upon the whole world, and it is very close at hand.  This is a powerful love of mercy for My children, and a chance to know how I see and will judge your sins.  You, My children, will have a chance that no other generation has been able to experience.

You must trust in My Love for you, and have confidence that I have provided a place of refuge and safety for all of My faithful children.  I have never forsaken any one of My children who has turned to Me with a contrite heart or with total trust and confidence in what I can do for him or her.

I want you all to remember that My beloved Mother, as well as I, will never forsake those of Our children who come to us and surrender everything and conform their will with the Will of the Father.

Pray your Rosary every day, go to Mass as often as you can while it is still possible to attend.  Receive the Holy Eucharist as much as possible because it not only nourishes your soul, but it will strengthen you and help you to endure all that is coming.  I ask that you visit Me in Adoration and bring Me your tears, your fears and worries.  I know your pain and I feel your sorrow.  I do not want you to be afraid because I can keep you safe.

I ask you to get on your knees before Me and pray, pray, pray.  I love you so much and I only want to prepare you and help you.  

I ask for both spiritual and physical protection for all My children who will listen to My call and the call of My beloved Mother.  Look to My Mother, who waits for you to ask for her Mantle of Protection for you and your family. She is such a loving and protective Mother. Turn to her, for I have given her to all of you at the Foot of the Cross.

Remember that I want you to hear My voice and follow My directives to you.  I do not want even one of My children unprepared for what lies ahead and this is why I am bringing you My words of warning.

Come to Me; I will help you and hold you close to My Heart.  I love, My loving children, and I will never forsake you.  I will keep you safe and warm in the love of My Merciful Heart.

I bless you in My Father’s Name.

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