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Heaven Tells Luz de Maria That Garabandal Is an Authentic Marian Apparition

Below is a special page on Luz de Maria's website on Our Lady of Garabandal. The full text is below or here is the direct link: .









Do not fear, My children, you will know the GREAT MIRACLE; you will see the result of Faith fulfilled in San Sebastián de Garabandal, shared with My Sanctuary in Fatima, My Sanctuary of Guadalupe in Mexico, in Zaragoza in My Sanctuary of the Basilica del Pilar and those places where I have made myself present and where I truly continue to make myself present on Earth. I have asked My Son for the blessing of souls throughout the world, as the GREAT MIRACLE WILL BE SO THAT PEOPLE WOULD CONVERT.





My beloved, it is not a topic of surprise for those who are Mine - the revelation that My Mother announced since Garabandal for this generation. Do not forget that the day and the hour is the power of My Father and that you must change, directing the path of life and above all dominate the senses contaminated by false gods with which you have tried to fill the empty wineskins











On the 18th of June 1961 the first Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel took place in Garabandal, a village in the Community of Cantabria Spain, the full name of which is “St. Sebastian of Garabandal,” situated at the foot of the historic Peña Sacra and the foothills of the Picos de Europa. St. Michael appeared for various days to four girls: 12-year-old Conchita Gonzales, 11-year-old Jacinta Gonzalez, 11-year-old Maria Dolores Mazon Gonzalez, and 11-year-old Maria Cruz Gonzales. He appeared to them with the goal of preparing them for the coming of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the Sunday afternoon of the 2nd of July 1961. The apparitions continued uninterrupted until the end of 1965.




To speak of Garabandal in its true magnitude is to speak of the future of humanity, for this holy place chosen by God was the stage of one of the most prodigious and extraordinary Marian apparitions of the 20th century—not only because of the quantity and particularity of the manifestations, but also because of the teachings and the tenor of the prophecies the Blessed Virgin Mary gave to the world through four girls.


Half a century later, Garabandal continues to maintain its validity awaiting the fulfillment of the Warning and the Miracle announced by the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Garabandal can be considered a real beacon of light for the world, not only for its immediate past, but because its legacy marks a path to walk the difficult vicissitudes of a world in turmoil. This small and humble village situated in a mountainous zone of northern Spain in which the values of yesteryear are preserved, with a profound religious and spiritual sense, treasures the prodigious events of the decade of the 60’s.


The apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the four girls during an uninterrupted period of almost 5 years, numbering almost 2500 public apparitions since the year 1961, are a profound and clear demonstration of God’s Love for humanity since they begin the year after the deadline the Blessed Virgin had requested to Sister Lucia (visionary of Fatima) that the “third secret” be revealed and that Russia be consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart—a request that back then and to this day the Catholic Church dismissed.


The Mercy of God and the worry of the Blessed Mother for all of Her children are reflected in this extraordinary event, since in this intervention under advocation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, She announces three great events of universal character to the world prior to the second coming of Christ.


These events have been announced by other prophets and rectified in other Marian apparitions. They are: THE WARNING, THE MIRACLE, and THE CHASTISEMENT or Purification.


This Purification was prophesied and lived mystically by the child visionaries, made known that it would be very big, something bigger than has ever been nor will ever be over the face of the earth and that will affect all of humanity because of man himself and because of nature. THE universal WARNING and THE MIRACLE come before to prepare us and as a final opportunity for conversion.


After the WARNING, many will fathom about the existence of God and about the infinite love He has for us due to the personal contact with His Nature, although respecting the beliefs of each one, bringing a profound awareness of good and evil. In other words, part of the veil will be removed that we have in our souls, and then each person will decide the path to follow.


The MIRACLE, which will take place in Garabandal (and will be announced by Conchita Gonzalez 8 days prior) comes shortly after the WARNING to confirm to the world that the WARNING came from God and no doubt remains about its nature. From that moment, many will give importance to the messages given by the Blessed Virgin Mary but, as St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina said referring to the WARNING and the MIRACLE of Garabandal, “by the time they believe it will be too late”…


Taking into consideration the prophetic words of this holy man of God and given the magnitude of said prophesied events, we can affirm that Garabandal is one of the most important pieces of what we refer to as the Marian Apparitions given that it is directly linked to the end of an era and prepares us for events of universal magnitudes to give way to a new era free from sin and suffering where the hearts of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary will reign.




Our Lady of Fatima said goodbye to the little shepherd children with these words, “until St. Sebastian of Spain.”


Monsignor João Venancio, Bishop of Fatima, said that the Blessed Virgin bid farewell in Fatima like Our Lady of Carmel and that he had news of that phrase, “until St. Sebastian of Spain,” from a Carmelite book published in Brazil around the 1930s, but that he did not realize its significance until he learned of the Apparitions of St. Sebastian of Garabandal. Monsignor João Pereira Venancio considers the Apparitions of Garabandal as a continuation of the Apparitions of Fatima.


Fr. Alipio explains it in a letter to the Bishop of Santander.


Sao Paulo, 20th December 1990.


Most Reverend D. Juan Antonio del Val, Bishop of Santander:


The undersigned, Fr. Alipio Martinez Fernandez CSA, and the spouses Egesipo Campos Meireles and Civa Silva Campos, considering it an obligation of conscience, repair the unconscious silence we kept for some years before the competent Ecclesial Authority about the existence and habitual reading of a book of the apparitions in Fatima, in which the Blessed Virgin bids farewell until Her next apparition in “Sao Sebastiao da Hespanha.”


Considering that we owe the Blessed Virgin the testimony of what we saw in that book about the terms with which She said goodbye to the visionaries has resolved in communicating it to your Excellency, through this declaration, made consciously and totally faithful to the events.


First:That with the occasion of pastorally organizing the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima in the city of Colania, in the state of Golas, Brazil, from 1955 various books were acquired that year about the apparitions and messages of the Blessed Virgin in Fatima, some bought and other donated by members of the Portuguese colony. With them we would prepare the catechesis about the messages for the families that would request the home visit of the Pilgrim Image, which remained at said parish upon the completion of her second round of visits in Brazil.


Second:That one of those books caught the singular attention of all those who read it, particularly mine and that of the spouses Egesipo and Diva, who cared for the image, organized the visits and gave the aforementioned catechesis the majority of the time.


It was a book in the Portuguese language, paperback, of already dried paper, the oldest of those we use, written with the spelling used prior to the reform of 1931. It read that Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary said to the visionaries in her farewell on the 13th of October 1917:“ate Sao Sebastiano da Hespanha.”


Because of this phrase I was asked many times which St. Sebastian that was. Then I only knew of St. Sebastian of Guipuzcoa, and that is what I replied. In those years, from 1955 to 1959, I did not perceive the prophetic value of those words of farewell from Our Lady, and transferred from the Parish, I did not worry.


Third:That we believe the book that made such an impact on us was “Episodios maravilhosos de Fatima,” the one we most used and that longest was at my disposal due to special attention from Egesipo and Diva, for they were the ones who discovered the referred-to phrase and the ones who had received the book from a Portuguese family. Dr. Marchi, in his work “Era uma Mulher mais Bela que o Sol,” attributes this title of “Episodes marvilhosos de Fatima” to Dr. Formigao and says it was written in 1921.


Fourth:We did not keep this copy, because out of the half dozen titles that remained in the parish library, today only “Era uma Mulher mais Bela que o Sol” remains. The others kept by the spouses mentioned, in 1964, Mrs. Diva left them under the custody of a family and the books disappeared when the family used the shelf for books of another kind.


Fifth:In July 1967 I accompanied Fr. John Kelly to Garabandal and upon arrival to the village, I read on the plaque of the narrow way “St. Sebastian of Garabandal.” Right away I remembered the words previously referenced “ate Sao Sebastiao da Espanha,” that village was “San Sebastiao de Espanha,” from the farewell of the Blessed Virgin talked about in the book I have already indicated.


I had been in Chile four years until the final days of 1965 and I never heard mentioned the name of “San Sebastian” of Garabandal. I only heard mentioned Garabandal to your companion in 1962 while being in Valencia on the way to Chile.


At the surprise of finding myself in the marvelous “San Sebastiao” of Fatima and in the wake of this trip, I wrote to the spouses Egesipo and Diva, telling them I had been in “San Sebastiao de Espanha,” and I sent them many brochures about the Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin, dressed as from Carmel, in Garabandal.


The comments with friends were known by the Dominican priest Fr. Francois Turner. His letters have awakened my conscience and that of my Brazilian friends, Egesipo and Diva who are also willing to affirm this declaration, because they were the first witnesses of the experience of the farewell of the Blessed Virgin, according to the book, “ate Sao Sebastiao da Espanha.”


Signed: Fr. Alipio Martinez Fernandez, CSA.


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