July 18, 2022
Jesus begins to speak during the homily My Child: I want My priest-son to know that his homily has brought joy to My Sacred Heart. I would ask him to keep speaking the truth from the pulpit. My children are thirsting for the truth and Father's homilies are full of facts of faith through the words he speaks. I ask My children to follow the earlier fathers of faith; for what they taught and spoke are the full truths in which you need to place within your hearts. There is much that I can say to My children who are present here this evening; however these are not My children who need to hear these words, because they have heard and have obeyed what heaven has given to them. Many chastisements are soon to befall your world and these punishments will be severe. The evils of your world are being accepted by your entire world. The innocent unborn who have been butchered to death and those who can still be killed after birth by your diabolical laws, is why I will cast down these severe and deadly chastisements upon your earth. Soon the lock down will be forced upon you and the mind control of your government will cause tremendous fear within your hearts and many of you will obey all of the evil lies they will spread. The diseases that they are planning to spread upon My children will cause deaths beyond what you have ever witnessed. World Wars have not killed the amount of lives that these diseases will cause. Famine and thirst have already begun in different parts of your world, but it has not been brought to the forefront by your evil and controlled media. Deliveries of your food will soon cease and food will not be available at your grocery stores. Stock up now while you still can. Water is essential, so have plenty on hand. Food and water will soon be contaminated and many will die from this contamination. Do not hesitate to use Holy Water to bless what you consume. Ask Me to preserve all that you eat and drink. Many earthquakes are ready to erupt and volcanoes will spew fire underneath the earth as well as upon the earth. Tsunamis will cause tidal waves as never before felt or seen. There will be atmospheric and catastrophic occurrences will also arise. My children, you have no idea what awaits you. My Father's hand will come down upon you, because of all of the evilness of sin that continues to get worse as each day passes. The sins being committed does not even phase many of My children. Many of these young children have grown up watching sinful behavior in their own homes. My own Shepherds are not leading or teaching My sheep about the Goodness of the Lord. They are spreading errors through lies and deceit and they have scattered My sheep. They have not taken their vows and responsibilities seriously and they will pay a heavy price for the atrocities that they are teaching to My children. The hierarchy, bishops and priests have brought scandal throughout My Church and caused many of My children to fall away from the true Church. The cancer of evil has long been hidden within My Church, but is now being revealed I have heard the cries of My faithful priest sons and children and I will lead them away from these shepherds in wolves clothing. I will claim My faithful children and remove them from these wicked shepherds. Holiness must be returned to My Church and the abhorrent sins will not go unpunished. The judgment of God is at hand and severe chastisements will be cast upon them. We love Our children with a deep and abiding love and Our Mercy has continuously been shown through the patience we have endured through the horrendous acts of evil and as they have gotten worse with no remorse of these deadly sins. There is no time left in the hour glass, so I ask My children to come before Me with a contrite heart and I will hold My arms out to them and embrace them with the love of My Sacred Heart. I am a Merciful and Loving God, but your time is running out for My Mercy. Soon it will be My Judgment that you will witness. Hear My plea to you, because the "Doors of My Mercy" will soon be closed and only My judgment will rule over you. As Father prepares to say the "Sword of St. Michael Prayer," I see St. Michael show his reverence to Father. He bows before Father while bending on one knee and placing his hand onto his breast plate. St. Michael proceeds over to the middle of the Sanctuary. He then holds his beautiful and bold sword up toward his face and then outstretches his sword to his right side and blesses all those present. He then turns to his left side and proceeds to do the same for those present on his left side. I now hear St. Michael say, "The time is quickly approaching when the chastisements will ravish your land." So many of God's children will die without a moment's notice. He continues, "For all the Children of God that are present here this evening, I will shield you with my shield and protect you with my sword." Take cover with the prayers of your daily Rosary. St. Michael is suddenly gone. I now see Jesus standing next to Father, as he retrieves the lunette with the Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord. Father then walks down to the kneelers with Jesus gliding next to him. As Jesus reaches over to Father, He places His hand onto Father's hand and Jesus' hand immediately becomes infused into Father's hand. As this happens, I see a luminated light, which I normally do not see. Jesus allowed me to witness this luminous light and it was truly amazing to see. Every month at these Masses of Reparation, I see the radiance of Jesus' smile as He looks at each child that approaches Him. He is so delighted by the faith and love of his children. Jesus now looks toward me and He says, "Many of My children will receive extra graces and blessings this evening." Some will receive healings through their prayers of faith. I love all of My children, but it is the small children, who come before Me that warms My Piercing Heart. They bring such joy to Me through their innocence. I look to the left side of Father and I suddenly see Our Mother of Sorrows and she is watching her children receive the blessings of love from her Beloved Son. Her smile for her children is so gentle and loving. Our Lady begins to speak: The love that I have for all My children is a love that is so deep. I want all My children here this evening to know that I will place my blessings upon them. Through their prayers to Me, especially the Rosary, I will place extra graces upon their families. I will do this because of their devotion and their presence at these Masses of Reparation. My Divine Son will help you and never abandon you, if you turn to Him with a contrite and loving heart. As you call out to Me, I too, will hear your call and place you in the love of My Sorrowful Heart. Oh My dear children, please spiritually prepare yourselves for the chastisements that will soon be come upon your world. I have brought My warnings to all My children over the years. Many have listened and prepared. However, most of them refused to hear, listen or believe in Heaven's warning to them. Soon they will witness what they failed to hear and never prepared spiritually or physically for these tragic times. Nothing more can be said, except to pray, pray, pray. You are My faithful children and you remain steadfast in loyalty and firm in allegiance to My Divine Son's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I say to you stay true, faithful, strong and persevere in the days and months ahead. My children, I love you dearly and place you in the love of My Sorrowful Heart. I hear nothing further.