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Have Confidence and Great Hope

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

Jakarta (Cisarua, Indonesia); October 21, 1993

(Spiritual Exercises in the Form of a Cenacle with the Priests of the Marian Movement of Priests from Indonesia)

"How happy I am to see you here, gathered together in a continuous cenacle of prayer and brotherhood, priests of my Movement who have come from every part of Indonesia. I am united with your prayer; I am helping you grow in brotherly love; I am obtaining for you from the Lord those graces which make your ministry fruitful and holy. And I want today to give you a message of confidence and hope, which will accompany you on your difficult journey.

-- Have confidence in your heavenly Mother who is ever close to you, to be of assistance and comfort to you in your priesthood. I see your innumerable difficulties. I welcome all your entreaties. I am close to you to comfort you in your solitude. I give you joy and consolation amidst so much bitterness.

Do not feel yourselves alone. Even if the field of the apostolate is sometimes dry and difficult, even if the society which surrounds you places obstacles in the way of your priestly action, even if the weight of human weakness seems often to overwhelm you, never become discouraged!

I am always close to you, as a good and understanding mother, and I am supporting, leading, consoling and encouraging you. I am gathering up your tears like precious jewels, and I am treasuring your every fatigue in the secret of my Immaculate Heart.

-- Have great hope in the full triumph of God for this poor humanity, so ill and far from Him. You are living the painful years of the great tribulation, and the sufferings are becoming daily heavier for all. Spend the present hour in the Gethsemane of my Immaculate Heart, and set yourselves to carry out with love the Will of your Heavenly Father.

Be witnesses of faith in these times of the great apostasy. Be witnesses of holiness in these days of great perversion. Be witnesses of love in a world which has become hard and insensitive, consumed and dried up by egoism, hatred, violence and wars. Bring everywhere the balm of my motherly love and mercy. Take into your priestly arms my children who have strayed, those far away, the poor, the weak, the sick and the sinners, and bring them all into the safe sheepfold of my Immaculate Heart.

Go out from this cenacle with joy. Return to your homes in peace, and become apostles of this, my Movement, in every part of this great country.

With you, and with your dear ones and the faithful who are entrusted to your care, I bless today all Indonesia and the Church which lives, suffers and works here, so that my Son Jesus may bring to all the gift of his love, of his life and of his peace."​

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