Message from the Madonna to Gisella Cardia
Trevignano Romano, February 10, 2024
“My blessed children, thank you for listening to my call in your heart and thank you for bending your knees in prayer.
Children, I ask you to pray also for your enemies and even more for those who hate you; put them in the hands of Jesus.
Many will be the graces that will descend…
Do you remember Stephen and Saul?
Children, the Word of God is One and will be forever!
When the Word of God is manipulated, then be obedient only to God without hesitation.
Children, I never leave you alone! Always be united and strong in prayer – otherwise you could not bear alone what will have to come: pain and persecution.
Open your hearts, so that conversion can enter your life.
Now I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
The Madonna in this message cites two great saints of our Faith: Stephen and Saul (Paul).
As we all remember, Stephen preached the Word of the Lord with love. He was accused by false witnesses of having pronounced “blasphemous expressions against God” and of having spoken against “this holy place and against the law.” For this reason his death was decided. Among those who deliberated his stoning, there was a young man named Saul, a great persecutor of Christians. Two important facts to highlight: 1) The cloak that Stephen wore was laid at the feet of Saul; 2) Stephen, while being stoned, pleaded “Lord, do not blame this sin on them.”
We can say that cloak “will cover and prepare” Saul’s spirit, until the moment of the full manifestation of Jesus on the road to Damascus, where He will knock down from the “horse of his ego and his pride” the persecutor Saul. From that moment, from a great persecutor of Christians, Saul, with the new investiture of the name of Paul, will become a great “persecutor of pagans” not to put them to death, but to make them “die to the life of sin” and then to make them reborn to the true Life that proposed the message of Jesus.
Finally, the forgiveness implored by Stephen toward his executioners is very significant.
So we too, every day, learn to pray for the people who persecute us and for their conversion.
For this reason, the Madonna asked us “to pray for our enemies and even more for those who hate us, putting them all in the hands of Jesus.”