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Gisella Cardia – “Satan will use all his might to undermine your faith; you must be strong in your faith.”

Message of the Queen of the Rosary given to Gisella on March 3, 2025

Dear children, thank you for gathering here and bending your knees in prayer. My beloved children, today I ask you to treasure the messages I have left you through my humble instruments during these years. My children, I am with you every day, but not everyone opens their heart to God’s love. My children, in these difficult times and for all that is to come, you must be ready and prepared. Satan will use all his might to undermine your faith; you must be strong in your faith. I am the Queen of God’s Garden, and you are the flowers I want to pick. Remember that without the Cross there is no victory.

Now I leave you with my motherly blessing in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I love you, my children.


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