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Gisella Cardia – “pray for France...”

Updated: Aug 16, 2024

Message of the Queen of the Rosary given to Gisella on June 15, 2024


Dear daughter, thank you for having welcomed me into your heart. Daughter, I am a Mother in sorrow for all the evil that I see in humanity! This perverse humanity that does not want to return to the Creator. My children, look around you – do you not see that time has changed? The crops no longer bear fruit! What are you waiting for? Pray, pray much without tiring. Eat of the Body of Christ and go to Confession so that you may always be ready and cleansed of all sin. My children, the choices of the rulers will cause chaos. My children, pray for France, that small revolutionary groups do not cause irreparable damage. My children, always have your gaze straight to Heaven. Ask for forgiveness and mercy for the evil that reigns in the world. Let yourselves be taken by the hand, to lead you on the right path. Abandon ego and wickedness! Do not let yourselves be tempted by Satan’s cunning, but overcome him with the protection of my angels and above all with the recitation of the daily Holy Rosary. Listen to my words – they are the words of a Mother concerned for her children. Ask during prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit for your daily choices.  I love you and I bless you, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


BRIEF REFLECTION [by Gisella Cardia]

The sorrowful Heart of Mary – because of the evil that is spreading in the world, because of the perversity of mankind, which is moving further and further away from the Creator every day – should invite us to deep reflection and an authentic examination of conscience.

What do we Christians do every day? How do we engage in human society, so that love for the Lord can be reawakened in it?  There are many questions we should ask ourselves. We must remember that our salvation is not only to be sought on a personal level, but also on a community level, because Jesus wants none of his sheep to go astray.  How many signs do we notice every day that are manifested in the world, but none of them ‘push’ us to a renewed commitment to our Christian mission. Let us not forget that in order to do all this, we need to base our lives on two ‘good pillars’ – the Eucharist and Confession.  Let us pray daily and unceasingly for the Lord to mitigate his justice in the world. Let us set our gaze toward Heaven, the homeland that we should all one day possess. Let us not allow ourselves to be deceived by Satan through his cunning, but with the powerful weapon of the Holy Rosary; let us drive him out of our lives, so that he can no longer harm us.  Let us listen to and realize the words of our Mother, who continues to give us her teachings out of Love and Mercy from Heaven. Let us welcome them lovingly into our hearts and allow them to bear fruit.


Message of the Queen of the Rosary given to Gisella on June 9, 2024


My daughter, thank you for having welcomed me into your heart.

Daughter, the times that will come will be hard and I want all those who have true faith to be ready. I ask you to take advantage of this moment of Grace. Convert; keep the Covenant with God, follow His Commandments and confess your sins. Try to keep yourselves as clean as possible. My children, the earth will be shaken to be renewed. Its purification is needed!

Consecrated children, do not embrace New Age (New Era) doctrines. The only weapon not to be lost is prayer and faith in God alone! Do not mix with the world and be true pastors. Mankind has betrayed the Law of God and Nature, believing itself to be more powerful than Him, but remember that God is the Creator of all things. I weep, because I see so many of my children lost in confusion. I, as Mother, want to help you find the right path, but often you do not listen to My appeals: have Faith, courage and be pious. This is the time of the struggle between good and evil! I ask you: always choose the good, help your brothers when they falter. God looks at your hardened hearts; he sees falsehood, pride, envy, wickedness, and would like to transform you. Be light – let yourselves be transformed by His Mercy and let hearts of stone become hearts of flesh.

My beloved ones, my presence on this earth will not last forever...take advantage and meditate on my words today. It is urgent...the time is now and it is today. Listen to my words!

Now I leave you with my motherly blessing, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


BRIEF REFLECTION [by Gisella Cardia]

The words of the Mother of God, break through like a real “spiritual earthquake” in our lives, because they call for a real and total change in our existence, so that we can really begin to live according to the desires of Heaven.All this we can realize in our lives, as we nourish it through faith and prayer – the foundations on which we must lay “our spiritual edifice.” Only by renewing our lives, with the help of sacramental grace, especially through the sacrament of Confession, which cleanses our souls of our sins, can we be sure of realizing His plans in our lives.

How much confusion reigns in the world today among men. Not only because like the first man and woman, they were tempted and thought to become like God. But the great temptation in which man lives, is that he no longer wants to be content to become like God, but wants to become greater than God. To put himself in His place, subverting the very nature of the Creator.

For these reasons, we must lovingly accept the warnings of the Queen of Heaven, who continues to descend to earth for us. We do not yet know how long we will have this “grace” of living at her feet, so let us accept her invitations. Especially her shepherds, who are called to lead the entire flock of God on the true path that the Lord has marked out for the good of mankind. Let us destroy our ego (self) that through envy, jealousy, wickedness, and all those desires that are suggested in our hearts by Satan, do nothing but mold a heart of stone, a heart that does not know how to love, but only how to hate. Whereas the Lord asks us to form a heart of flesh, a heart imbued with His merciful Love. Let us not put off until tomorrow what is asked of us today. Let us live the present, for it belongs to God. Let us leave the future in His hands.... Onward with prayer!



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