Messages from Jesus and Mary to Gisella Cardia
Message from the Queen of the Rosary given to Gisella on December 3, 2024
Dear children of my heart, thank you for being here in prayer and for bending your knees. My children, I ask the world to unite in prayer; I beg you, children – the world needs faith, that faith which many have now lost. Return to Christ! My children, today I ask you not to be afraid, do not fear the changes you will see in the skies and on the earth – there are many signs, but you often do not see them because you are distracted by the world; keep in mind that I am always with you to protect you because I am your Mother. My children, many will be faithful to the Antichrist who is already present, but I say to them: prepare your holocaust. Children, you were entrusted to me under the Cross, and that is why you are of royal lineage – do not ever be afraid because, thanks to pain and the Cross, you will be worthy children of God. There is no path but suffering to reach the peak of holiness. Be apostles and witnesses in the world – God loves His faithful and obedient children. Everything will crumble, but not a single hair on your head will be touched. Now I leave you peace and take it to your homes and families. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
September 15, 2022
Message from Our Lady
My children, thank you for honoring this day with prayer. My beloved children, how great is my love for you, but so is my sorrow. God had given you the earth, a paradise, and you have poisoned it – you eat bitterness thinking it is sweet; you no longer have a sense of good and evil, you approach all that kills you, yet some of you have set aside my words and have not treasured them – you have lost peace. Pray for Russia and for the politicians who will make you suffer. Now I leave you with the blessing of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen.
September 13, 2022
Message from Jesus
My children and brothers, thank you for being here and for bending your knees beneath my cross. My children, I touch this blessed hill and this land so that graces may be plentiful. My brothers, I watch over you every day, and how happy I am when I see many of you avoiding sin and when your gaze is turned toward the light. Listen to what I and your Most Holy Mother say – do not fear the times of suffering that await you, because when you will come here, you will rejoice in pure happiness, everything is ready. Now I bless you, in the name of the Father, in My name, and of the Holy Spirit. I will be with you throughout the prayer – raise your rosaries and approach the base of the Cross, and I will bless them.