Message from the Queen of the Rosary given to Gisella on November 3, 2024
My children, my loves, thank you for responding to my call in your hearts and for bending your knees in prayer. My treasures, you console my heart. Today, as on the last eight years, I come as a Mother to teach you and to show you the way. Children, many graces have come down from Heaven like manna for those who looked for the preferred food. Many of my little children have returned to God, but my tears wet my face when I see some of them walking away from prayer. My children, the struggle is difficult, the spiritual war will become stronger and stronger, but you need to fight for your Faith; be cautious because the evil tries to destroy you by putting false things and false doctrines into your minds – but you, who know the truth, keep walking on the right path. It pains me when someone does not listen or does not want to hear my words. Beloved children, have no doubt about what the Word and the Gospel are. My children, I ask my consecrated ones to look at the path shown by God, and what does not come from God will be felt in your hearts. Children, show charity and use it toward your brothers and sisters in love and unity. Now I leave you with my motherly blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May peace be in your hearts, and today many graces will descend upon you.