In the two videos below, we learn about the Sword of St. Michael (also known as "St. Michael's Line), which is a line of very significant ancient monasteries, shrines, etc., devoted to St. Michael that runs from Ireland to Israel. The mystic Fr. Michel Rodrigue speaks at length on the Sword of St. Michael and how we must turn to him and he will turn to us in these end times, as in the history of the Church. This will greatly help us get through the very tough times ahead. We need St. Michael the Archangel now more than ever. St. Padre Pio said that devotion to St. Michael is essential for these times.
St. Michael’s Line video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vgwtjavb49g&t=0s (about two minutes in length)
Father’s Talk video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x68dyZZ-1w8 (about two hours in length)