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Fr. Gobbi: “The Secret of My Immaculate Heart”

Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

June 30, 1982

Spiritual Exercises with the Directors of the Marian Movement of Priests

“Beloved sons, I have brought you again up this mountain, for a week of continuous cenacle with me, your heavenly Leader. I want to reveal to you the secret of my Immaculate Heart, in order to have you share in the mystery of my maternal love.

Never as in these present times has my Heart trembled with a most pure love for those whom Jesus entrusted to me when I stood beneath the Cross on which He was about to die.

The Church today has need to feel itself loved by me. Humanity today has need to feel itself loved by me. My poor, sinful and wandering children have need today of feeling themselves loved by me.

I want to love through you.

I want to help humanity, the Church and all my children through you who are called to enter into the mystery of my Immaculate Heart. For this, I am bringing about an ever-deeper union between my motherly Heart and your hearts, my beloved priests.

The luminous ray that shines forth from my Heart will spread to all parts of the world. It will be like a strong anchor to which all will be able to cling, with confidence, in order to be saved at the moment of the decisive test.

I want to suffer through you.

I will expand your heart that you may also be able to understand the mystery of my motherly suffering. See if there is today any suffering greater than mine: my Son Jesus is outraged, despised; He is again abandoned and betrayed by his own... The sacrileges, which are constantly increasing, make up a new crown of thorns, which surround the tabernacles scattered throughout all parts of the earth.

The Church, his Mystical Body, is again scourged by division and threatened by error. Those children who are faithful are called to bear great sufferings and to endure insult and outrage on the part of those who do not listen to me.

Humanity, in rebellion against the Lord, is rushing inexorably along the road of rejection of God, and this brings it to fall into the abyss of death and desolation. How many there are who are lost each day, swept along by this widespread and dangerous confusion!

Share in my motherly sorrow! Judge no one; condemn no one. Pray; love; carry the cross of this great suffering with me for the salvation of all.

I am your heavenly Leader.

I am the Woman Clothed with the Sun. I have gathered you together again in this cenacle, extraordinary for its graces, to obtain for you from the Father, through Jesus, the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

He will complete in you the work begun by me. He will mold your hearts to the perfection of love. He will bring you to understand everything. He will strengthen you and give you courage for the supreme witness for which I, as Mother, have formed you.

The times of the great trial have come. Go down from this mountain, and spread throughout every part of the earth the light from the merciful love of Jesus, which today is being poured out upon all humanity, by means of the love and the sorrow of my Immaculate Heart, in which I have enfolded you all forever. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

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