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Fr. Gobbi – “The Angel of the First Plague”

Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

Dongo (Como, Italy); October 13, 1989

Anniversary of the Last Apparition at Fatima

“You are recalling today my last apparition, which took place at Fatima on the 13th of October, 1917, confirmed by the miracle of the sun. Look more and more to the Woman Clothed with the Sun, who has the task of preparing the Church and humanity for the coming of the great Day of the Lord.

The times of the decisive battle have come. The hour of the great tribulation has now descended upon the world, because the angels of the Lord are being sent, with their plagues, to chastise the earth.

How many times have I urged you to walk along the road of mortification of the senses, of mastery over the passions, of modesty, of good example, of purity, and of holiness! But humanity has not accepted my urging and has continued to disobey the sixth commandment of the Law of the Lord which prescribes that one shall not commit impure acts.

On the contrary, it has sought to exalt such a transgression and to put it forward as the acquisition of a human value and a new way of exercising one's own personal freedom. Thus today it has reached the point of legitimating as good all the sins of impurity. It has begun to corrupt the consciences of little children and of youth, bringing them to the conviction that impure acts committed by oneself are no longer sins; that relations before marriage between those engaged is licit and good; that families may behave as they please and may also make use of the various means of birth control. And they have come to the justification and the exaltation of impure acts against nature and even to the proposing of laws that put homosexual cohabitation on a par with marriage.

Never as today have immorality, impurity and obscenity been so continually propagandized, through the press and all the means of social communication. Above all, television has become the perverse instrument of a daily bombardment with obscene images, directed to corrupt the purity of the mind and the heart of all. The places of entertainment – in particular the cinema and the discotheques – have become places of public profanation of one's human and Christian dignity.

This is the time when the Lord our God is being continually and publicly offended by sins of the flesh. Holy Scripture has already warned you that those who sin by means of the flesh find their just punishment in that same flesh. And so the time has come when the Angel of the first plague is passing over the world, that it might be chastised according to the Will of God.

The Angel of the first plague cuts – into the flesh of those who have allowed themselves to be signed with the mark of the monster on the forehead and on the hand and have adored his image – with a painful and malignant wound, which causes those who have been stricken by it to cry out in desperation. This wound represents the physical pain that strikes the body by means of grave and incurable maladies. The painful and malignant wound is a plague for all humanity, today so perverted, which has built up an atheistic and materialistic civilization and has made the quest for pleasure the supreme aim of human life. Some of my poor children have been stricken by it because of their sins of impurity and their disordered morals, and they carry within their own selves the weight of the evil they have done. Others, on the other hand, have been stricken, even though they are good and innocent; and so, their suffering serves for the salvation of many of the wicked, in virtue of the solidarity that unites you all.

The first plague is that of malignant tumors and every kind of cancer, against which science can do nothing notwithstanding its progress in every field – maladies that spread more and more and strike the human body, devastating it with most painful and malignant wounds. Beloved children, think of the spread of these incurable maladies, throughout every part of the world, and of the millions of deaths which they are bringing about.

The first plague is the new malady of AIDS, which strikes, above all, my poor children who are victims of drugs, of vices, and of impure sins against nature.

Your heavenly Mother wants to be a help, a support, a comfort and a source of hope for all, in these times when humanity is being stricken by this first plague. For this, I urge you all to walk along the road of fasting, of mortification, and of penance.

Of little children I ask that they grow in the virtue of purity and, in this difficult journey, let them be assisted by their parents and teachers.

Of the youth I ask that they form themselves in the control of the passions through prayer and a life of union with me, and that they renounce going to the cinema and the discotheques, where there exists the grave and continuous danger of offending this virtue that is so dear to my Immaculate Heart.

Of engaged couples I ask that they abstain from all relations before marriage.

Of Christian husbands and wives I ask that they form themselves in the exercise of conjugal chastity and never make use of artificial means of birth control, as they follow the teaching of Christ, which the Church still puts forth today with enlightened wisdom.

How very much I ask of priests the scrupulous observance of celibacy and, of religious, the faithful and austere practice of their vow of chastity!

To my poor children, stricken by the first plague of the painful and malignant wound, I present myself as a merciful mother, who assuages and comforts, who brings to hope and to peace. Of these I ask that they offer their sufferings in a spirit of reparation, of purification, and of sanctification. Above all, for them my Immaculate Heart becomes the most welcome refuge and the sure road that leads them to the God of salvation and of joy.

In this, my heavenly garden, all will be consoled and encouraged, while I myself personally and lovingly take care to give consolation in suffering and, if it be in the Will of the Lord, to offer the gift of healing.

Consequently, in this time when humanity is being stricken by the first plague, I urge you all to look to me, your heavenly Mother. that you may be comforted and assisted.”

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