Milan (Italy); December 31, 1996
Last Night of the Year
“I invite you to spend the last hours of this year, recollected with me in prayer, in silence, in a spirit of intercession and of reparation.
Pray and make reparation.
- Pray, to obtain from the Lord, through the maternal mediation of my Immaculate Heart, the graces of which you have need in these conclusive days of the purification and the great tribulation. With this coming year, enter into the time of immediate preparation for the Great Jubilee of the year 2000.
This special preparation that the Pope is urging of you through his apostolic letter, ‘Tertio Millenio Adveniente,’ is to make you understand that this date is important and significant for the Church and for all humanity.
This date should be particularly significant for you, because I have previously announced to you, for that date, the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. (1)
- Pray in intimate union of faith with your heavenly Mother, who is carrying out her motherly work of intercession for all her children. I ask of you an incessant prayer – humble, persevering, trustful. And so I renew again my request to spread everywhere the cenacles of prayer and fraternity. Let these cenacles be spread among the priests, who are my beloved sons, and among the faithful.
I await a generous response from the little children, so that they may be defended and protected by me from the great perversion that has contaminated all the world. I ask the young people to gather together in these cenacles that they may attain the new times that I have prepared for them. Above all, in these cenacles, Christian families must gather together, so that they may be helped by me to live in perfect communion of love, always open to the gift of life that must be desired, protected and defended.
- Pray to obtain the great gift of the second Pentecost, implored and awaited by you. It will be the Holy Spirit who will give to the world his full and perfect witness to Jesus.
Jesus Christ must be welcomed, loved, adored and followed by all humanity as your one and only Redeemer and Savior. The Holy Spirit will open the minds and hearts of all to receive the light of truth. And thus there will be one single flock under one single Shepherd.
- Make reparation for the sins of this poor humanity, which finds itself completely under the power of my Adversary. See how it has rejected God! It has built a pagan civilization, founded on the unbridled quest for pleasures and material well-being. The Law of the Lord is being completely subverted, and even the gravest moral disorders are being legitimized. Pride has seduced minds; impurity has corrupted hearts; the darkness of sin and evil has obscured souls.
As of now, this poor humanity has touched the bottom of its misery. It can no longer succeed in recovering if a great act of mercy does not raise it up.
Pray that the great miracle of divine mercy come upon this world.
- Make reparation for the infidelities of so many sons of the Church. The lack of faith is spreading among its very shepherds, and the flock is being stricken by the impetuous wind of apostasy. Errors are being spread, taught and followed; the sects are multiplying everywhere.
Who will still remain firm in the faith in Jesus and his Church?
- Make reparation for my poor, sinful children. I ask of you that which I asked of the three children to whom I appeared at Fatima. Do you wish to offer your life in a spirit of prayer and reparation for the salvation of all the sinners, especially those who have most need of divine mercy?
So form, with me, a great network of love and salvation, spread out over the whole world.
This then is the Ark of the New Covenant, the safe and awaited refuge, into which must enter those far away, the atheists, the sinners, the poor, the sick, the despairing, so that they may all enjoy the light, the peace, and the joy that only the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother can give you.
Never as in these final three years, which separate you from the great jubilee, will it become clear to the Church and to humanity, in an increasingly powerful way, how my Immaculate Heart will be your safe refuge.
For this I ask you to spend the last hours of this year, not in dissipation and amusements, but with me in prayer and in recollection.
Pray and make reparation, my beloved sons. Your heavenly Mother is causing her bright rays of purity and holiness to come down upon you.
I am preparing you to receive the new days that are awaiting you as gifts of grace and mercy, because, through you, my Immaculate Heart desires to attain its pre-announced triumph.”
(1) Webmaster (12/31/23): The triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is not a single event, but an ongoing one that will be complete in the definitive triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as has been revealed to a current messenger; it has already triumphed, as revealed to Fr. Gobbi elsewhere, but it has not yet reached the definitive level.