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Fr. Gobbi: “In This City”

Message from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi

Nagasaki (Japan); October 18, 1996

“Today you are bringing to a close here the journey which you have made through all Japan, where you have been able to see the marvels of love and mercy of my Immaculate Heart. And you are bringing it to an end precisely in this city, especially loved by your heavenly Mother.

In this city, the work of evangelization was begun by Saint Francis Xavier, the great apostle and missionary, who opened the way in this distant continent to the first announcement of the Gospel.

In this city, there were led to their martyrdom twenty-six of my children, heroic witnesses of Christ, to whom they offered their lives on the altar of my Immaculate Heart. You also were here to celebrate Holy Mass in the shrine, raised upon the spot of their terrible execution.

In this city, there also lived my son, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, and it is here that he constructed the city of the Immaculata, which still today brings my shining presence to many of my Japanese children, who so love and honor me.

In this city, there also exploded the atomic bomb, causing tens of thousands of deaths in a few brief instants, a chastisement and terrible sign of what man can do when, distancing himself from God, he becomes incapable of love, of compassion and of mercy. This is what the whole world could become if it does not welcome my invitation to conversion and return to the Lord. From this place, I renew my anguished appeal to all the nations of the earth.

In this city, I manifest my maternal work of salvation and of mercy. I again invite all my children to journey along the road which, during these years, I have traced out for you with the messages which I have given to the heart of this, my little son.

For this reason, I have wanted you here again, so that you night offer to this city and to all Japan, the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart. Enter, each and all, into this refuge. Thus, you will be protected and defended by me, when the great and terrible day of the Lord comes upon you.”

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