Source of the below: https://www.virginofsabanagrande.com/portofolio/
The following is the fourth message left by the most Blessed Virgin Mary in her apparition at Barrio Rincón in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico, in April 1953. It was made known to the world on May 25, 1992, once her indications were fulfilled.
“Those will be difficult times of great social and moral deterioration, but above all, of spiritual deterioration. Men’s egoism will rule. Those consecrated to my most beloved Son, Jesus, through my call to promulgate a new generation of true Christians, will be persecuted. Some new children, consecrated to my small kingdom, will pierce my heart with the sword of treason and abandonment of their promise to our Lord Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, the message of restoration will be welcomed and promulgated beyond the sea, where I have set my right foot. In those times of great tribulation and persecution, I will send the Angel who will show you the way once again. This is the sign that the time has come to make the following message known:
Thousands of souls are lost daily, dragged down by sin and infidelity to my most beloved Son. Social, moral, and spiritual deterioration darkens humanity that populates the Earth. The prophesied times have arrived in which parents and children destroy each other. Humanity is submerged in a great crisis of faith that passes unnoticed. Most men do not keep their Christian commitments. Driven by egoism and pride, they have fallen into the deceit of appearances and the superficiality of human demands. Some priests, ministers of my Son and shepherds of the flock, are irreverent in celebrating the Holy Sacraments; they become allies of the enemy by their infidelity to their consecrated life, their love of money, their longing for recognition, and their unrestrained desire for pleasure. They are responsible for much loss of faith; they foment disunity, and they engender antagonism and violence. Such as these, if they do not repent and begin a life of penance, will lose their souls forever. I remind you, my children, that they have the task of representing my Son on Earth and, as Christians, you should love and help them. Offer your prayers and sacrifices for their conversion. I confirm to you that my Son’s Love and Mercy are great for those who make reparation. The elixir of My Son’s Merciful Love covers and clothes those who faithfully fulfill their commitments.
It is the Hour in which the fulfillment of prophecies is beginning because you have not responded to my warnings. My children, new children, protect yourselves under my mantle and live in my virtues. I warn you that one day the vault of heaven will appear totally orange at dawn. There will be intense cold, and great tribulation and desperation will fall upon humanity. It will be as if hell had descended upon Earth. Parents, children, and all human beings will fight among themselves and will seek to kill each other; they will fight each other to death. The skin of some men will fall off and drip over their bones. Others will turn into monstrous and abominable beings, behaving like demons. It will be the culmination of chaos and desperation, but it will not be the end of the world, for only my Father knows that; both the just and sinners will perish. Many who made sacrifices to keep God as their priority will remain standing; then the Love of God above all things will be restored in the new community. All this will be unleashed by men who, wrongly using their free will, engender all sorts of evil. I describe this to you, not in order to frighten you, but so that you may appreciate my most beloved Son’s Mercy and Great Love for you. He is waiting, and I call you to immediate and sincere conversion.
All that I have warned can be avoided, and the crisis of faith could be overcome if the chosen convert and begin living a life of intense prayer, dedicating themselves to penance, submitting themselves to fasting and abstinence, practicing mortification of the senses, and paying special attention to participating in the Sacraments. These are to be received with greater devotion and fervor, each one according to his condition and direction, living in my virtues, and observing the teachings of the Church of my most beloved Son.
In accordance with my Son’s request, I propose a plan of commitment and spiritual growth, in order for you to achieve Plenitude. This consists in imitating my most beloved Son: in living a disciplined life of prayer, beginning in the morning, then at noon, in the afternoon, and ending the day with the prayer of the Holy Rosary; in frequent fasting along with abstinence on the sixth day – a day men have turned into the day of sin; in living contently a life of countless joys, the fruits of grace, in spite of the cross and suffering; and in being generously disposed to do penance and make sacrifices. In order for you to help my Son lighten the weight of the cross, I ask you to submit yourselves to self-discipline, becoming participants in the purification of mankind by mortifying your senses. All this is to culminate in the joy of participating fervently and intimately in the Holy Eucharist. The fruits of this plan will include a shared quest for the conversion of others by means of a firm, constant, and diligent apostolate.
My children, if you follow all these recommendations, you will then have accepted my invitation to become apostles of these times; in this way you will be participants in my brooch, in the new generation. My new children, you will thus participate in the restoration leading to the achievement of the Seventh Goal: the Plenitude of my Son, now and forever.
One last counsel, my children: the devil will seek to destroy my work and my manifestation to the world. There will be such weakening of things divine that vain and superficial messages will be spoken of on all sides. There will be many alleged apparitions. Some will be genuine while others will be the work of the evil one astutely disguised in light, and these will entangle many souls. Some of these apparitions, which are not my own manifestations, will find support among shepherds and members of the hierarchy of the Church of my Son, Jesus. Others where I am indeed present, will be persecuted and repressed, but this must not become a cause of frustration and loss of faith; it is better thus. Remain firm, then, in the Church of my Son, love her more intensely, love your shepherds and priests, striving to live in harmony and communion with them. This will be a sign that you are with me, that you are in me and belong to my Son, Jesus, the Christ.
I will give you a sign: Wherever I am present, I will ask for prayer, I will ask for penance, with special attention to fasting, and I will ask for much sacrifice. Above all, I will request a special love for my greatest star, My Son, the Eucharist.
I am the Great Angel, envoy of these times, the Virgin of Light, the Virgin Mary, the Spouse of God.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.
Plenitude and my promise; restoration of the way.”