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“Everyone will witness a change in their lives and households wherever my Son’s holy Rosary is recited.”

Anna Marie of the Green Scapular



NOVEMBER 19, 2024, TUESDAY @ 12:58 P.M.

Anna Marie: Mother, I hear you calling me. My dearest holy Mother Mary, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore Jesus Christ, your beloved Son, who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth. As a man, He preached the Gospel of Life. He was taken, tortured and crucified. He died and was buried. He descended to the dead and arose after three days. He ascended into Heaven and now Jesus sits at His Father's right hand side to judge the living and the dead.

Mother Mary: Yes my dear one, I your Heavenly Mother Mary will now and will always bow down and adore my beloved Divine Son, Jesus the Christ. Who was born in Bethlehem, He was raised in Nazareth and as an adult man, He preached the holy Gospel of Life. He was taken and tortured terribly, He was crucified and He died. He descended to the dead and arose. He then ascended into Heaven where my Divine Son now sits at His Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead.

Anna Marie: Please speak, my Holy Immaculate Mother, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Mother Mary: My dear one, I will to give you a new message for all my beloved Apostles. Tell my beloved children that soon many more trials and tribulations will befall all countries. These trials will be from the evil that has manifested in the lives of so many important leaders in their governments. In order to help fight against this tyranny, they must be dedicated to their daily prayers and not surrender their time to distractions like their television or computers. Both are instruments of evil if a soul succumbs to its seductions. It is best to limit any time during their days watching television or working on their computers. It is true both can be used for holiness, yet a lukewarm soul will always succumb to their seductions. So do your best to limit time on each and instead attempt to recite a holy Rosary after they eat their last meal of the day.

Mother Mary: Everyone will witness a change in their lives and households wherever my Son’s holy Rosary is recited. If the family does not wish to say a Rosary, then the Chaplet of Divine Mercy can be recited and for any impatient husbands, wives or children; it will be much quicker to say. Do your best, my beloved ones, to restore daily prayers in your homes and with your family to combat the great forces of demonic activity in your lives.

Anna Marie: Yes, dearest Mother. My Lady, may I ask: will the new plague be coming soon?

Mother Mary: Yes, its creators are planning its release and for those with holy Good Samaritan Oil, they will be protected from the full demonic power that has been created and formed to kill off the populations around the world. My dear one, please make sure you include the Formula you have with this message so that my beloved Apostles can make and prepare it for the immediate future.

Anna Marie: Yes, holy Mother, I will do all you ask.

Mother Mary: Now, my dear little one, be in peace and know my Son and I are watching over you and all our precious Apostles of the Green Scapular in a very special and enduring way.

Anna Marie: Thank you, holy Mother. Praise sweet Jesus.

Anna Marie: My dearest Mother, will Jesus come again and bless everyone’s bread and water around the world on Christmas, so that when the Great Famine takes place, they will not starve or go without good drinking water?

Mother Mary: Yes, little one, this is the miracle my Son has promised to His obedient children who trust in His Divine Mercy.

Anna Marie: Thank you, Mother. Thank you so much! All of your Apostles love you so deeply, Mother.

Mother Mary: Yes, and I love each of them with a Loving Mother’s Heart.






Heavenly Message from St. Michael the Archangel to Luz De Maria on February 6, 2020

(Please refer to Luz De Maria’s website for more info. and message in total. Anna Marie has asked that we reprint the formula to make the Oil of the Good Samaritan for protection from the Coronavirus. We cannot comment on its content but want all to be protected and healed from this demonic sickness!)


The 5 Pure Essential Oils and a Base Oil:

1. Cinnamon Oil

2. Clove Oil

3. Lemon Oil

4. Rosemary Oil

5. Eucalyptus Oil

Base Oil:

You can use one (1) of three base oils (The ratio stated on the message says the ratio needs to be 1 measure of pure oil to five (5) measures of base oil). All five Essential Oils means 25 measures of base oil.

° Olive Oil ° Almond Oil ° Mineral Oil


Mix the 5 pure Essential Oils with your base oil in a glass bowl (not plastic) with a wooden spoon until it is mixed well. Try not to expose the oils to direct sunlight also wear gloves (if you choose). You should test the mixture on your arm to see if you have a reaction to any of the oils (it is suggested waiting 25 minutes). If your arm turns red, wash it off with water. If your arm did turn red, then it is suggested that you add more base oil. Also, make the oils quickly and try to prevent the oils from evaporating or volatilizing. These oils are known irritants so do not place any of these oils directly on your arm or body!

Dosage Application:

Gently shake the container with the oils in it, to make sure you mix it up carefully. Apply by rubbing a small amount on the following areas of your body:

° Temples ° Throat ° Behind your ears ° Underarms ° Abdomen

° Joints ° Full foot sole ° Refer to our home page to print the full Formula and Info.


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