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Blessed Mother to Sr. Amapola – The Citadel of My Heart

August 15, 2024[1]

Our Blessed Mother.  The Citadel of My Heart.  

 (This Message was dictated to Sister in Spanish, and this is her translation into English.  NOTE:   The footnotes are not dictated by God.  They are added by Sister.  Sometimes the footnote is to help clarify for the reader Sister’s sense of the meaning of a certain word or idea, and at other times to better convey the sense of God’s or Our Lady’s tone when They spoke.)

My children,

Your Mother speaks to you from Heaven – the Heaven to which She calls you, towards which She guides you, of which She reminds you so that you might not lose your way, nor your heart be saddened by feeling alone.[2]

I call you to My Heart, to the Refuge created by the Father for you for these times.

Little children of My Heart, [smile] with how much Love do I gaze upon you, and I thank you for each sign of your affection, of your love for Me – how much you console Me.

I gather your offerings of Love and atonement and of reparation to the Wounded Heart of the Father, and I unite them to My Offering and the Offering of My Jesus.

Thank you, children, for these offerings of reparation in the face of such hatred to the One Who is Love.

Especially on this day I thank you, beloved sons of Mine, Priests of My Son – I know your efforts; I see your humiliations and sufferings; I see My Jesus on His Throne in your hearts and I rejoice in your fidelity and Love.

And I see how much exhaustion and discouragement you carry – such a heavy weight – at seeing the devastation of all that the Father has created.

My little sons, come and recover your strength in My Love, come and bring Me all the suffering of My children, come and unite your heart to Mine, and like little children, come and rest on My Heart.

I bless you, My sons.  Be encouraged.  You do not work alone; you do not work in vain.  Each prayer, each work will have its fruit.

Remain by My side, do not separate yourselves from Me, and I will always guide you to the Will of the Father, especially when the fog of darkness and of sin becomes thicker and more horrific.  Allow Me to guide you, and by My Hand you will be able to guide My children, feed them, heal them.

IN PERSONA CHRISTI, sons.  At all times, in every circumstance.

You have Me as My Son had Me at His side – at all times.


How many of your brothers have forgotten these brief – but essential – words in your Priestly Life.  Without them, sons, there is no Priesthood.  Everything in Jesus.  Everything through Jesus.

Everything with Jesus.


His Person.  His Heart.  His Body and His Blood.  His Face.  His Offering.  His Wounds.  His Name.  His absolute Obedience to the Will of the Father.

These are your “weapons” to reconquer the hearts of My children whom We have entrusted to you.


You know the times, sons.  You know what We have announced.  You know the consequences in the face of so many offenses to the Father.  You know the power of Our enemy and of his army, spread throughout the whole world and present in all areas of your lives.  You know the terrible confusion that there is and that surrounds everything, and in particular My Church.

My sons, be alert, that you might keep My children alert.

We have said to you that the chair of Peter and of the Apostles has been usurped.

The Church is under siege, sons.

Surrounded by the forces of Satan, and as a city whose walls have been torn down, there is no safe refuge except in the Citadel.

My Heart is the Citadel, the Tower, the Bastion, where there is safe refuge, peace, Light, consolation; where the Truth shines without any diminishment, where the soldiers of My Son are formed and strengthened, ready to go out and fight when the Hour arrives, when the Trumpet sounds.

Enter and bring with you, in your hearts, all of My children.

Come, sons, enter into the Refuge prepared for you.

And just as after the death of My Son the Apostles and disciples were dispersed, so now My children are dispersed, full of fear and confusion.

And just as in that Hour – the Hour of My Offering in pain and in the crushing wait – I called and gathered around Me the scattered sheep of My Son and those who were called to be their shepherds, so in this tremendous Hour I gather My children and My Priest-sons in My Heart, around Me, and I give you Light, hope, and the certainty of the coming of My Jesus and of His Victory – the direct intervention of the Father to renew and reconquer His Creation.

And just as I once again gathered the Apostles around Me in prayer to implore and prepare the coming of the Most Holy Spirit of God – the Spirit of Truth and of Light – so now I once again gather you, My beloved sons, My Priests, that you might implore with Me the new coming – the new Pentecost that will restore all that is to its original state.

Remain with Me in Peace and Hope.

I need you with Me, sons, that together We might gather those that have been scattered by the confusion and fear and bring them to the fold of My Jesus.

I will give you Light in your particular situations.

I come to you as the sunrise, [smile] after a long, stormy night.

Each one of you is necessary to Me.

Each one of you has My particular Love.

My Face, My Name, My Love, are your protection before any attack on your Priesthood, on the flock entrusted to your care.

Your Mother accompanies and blesses you.  Your Queen thanks you and calls you.  Breathe My Love that you might have the clarity of God in your heart.  I bless you, sons of My Heart, and I bless Our little ones whom you shepherd.

My children – all of you:

Pray for My Priests, pray for your brothers called to such a sacrifice and such a responsibility. [smile] Thank you, children.

Sons of Mine, who carry the Apostolic Pallium[3], it is the Hour, sons, to stand up, as St. Michael – My beloved Archangel – did: “Who is like God!”

Stand up by My side, under My Mantle.  That the children of God may see you and recognize My Son in you.[4]

It is Time, sons.

Do not be afraid, I am by your side.

And all your brothers who faithfully carried and defended and died for the Truth[5] arise and accompany you in spirit in this terrible Hour, in which every aspect of the Truth is scorned, distorted, attacked.


Who do you belong to?

Receive the Light that I give to you, that seeing how I see, you can understand My Heart and you can stand up.

I know, sons, what I am asking of you.[6]

But I ask it of you in the Name of My Jesus.

I ask it of you out of Love for the Father.

I ask it of you in the Fullness of the Light of the Most Holy Spirit Who descended upon you to anoint

you and make of you holy Altars for the perfect Offering of My Jesus.


I understand your questionings, doubts, insecurities before the confusion.  And this is why I come to you, this is why I call to you and speak to you, My little ones, this is why your Mother has compassion on you and helps you to see, to raise your eyes with Me and to see how Heaven sees, and see what is coming – both the horror and the Hope – and thus be able to gather Our children in My Heart, in the Holy and Safe Citadel.

Sons, look at Me and do not fear.[7]  [gentle smile]

I look at all of you – My little great Army – and you fill Me with joy.  Your response to My call, your obedience to the Will of the Father, your Love and your charity for your brothers and sisters shrouded in darkness.

Give Me your smiles, My little children, for how much is contained in these smiles offered in the midst of the great battle.[8]  I receive it all.

Be at Peace, My little flock.

I will guide you in each step.

Remember that the Light of God is infinitely greater than the deepest darkness.  Engrave this Truth in yourselves and do not forget it.

All other “light” fades, but the Light of God remains alive, strong, eternal, beautiful.

Beautiful, children, you cannot imagine.  [smile]

I bring you flashes, little rays, of this infinite Light that you might survive, but the fullness of this Light – that will one day envelop you completely – will recompense you for everything, will heal you of all wounds.

Remember that this Light awaits you.  [smile]

I bless you, My little ones.

Each one of you.  I leave you My Love and My Light:  My Jesus.

Say with Me:

“Blessed and praised, at every instant and in every place,be the Holy Name of Jesus.  His Most Sacred Heart.  His Most Precious Blood.And His Cross be our refuge and salvation.  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.”

Be at Peace,

Remain in My Heart.

Your Mother Who loves you so much,

Mary Most Holy,

Queen of Heaven and Earth,

And the Refuge of all the children of God.



[1] This writing was begun during the public Holy Hour on the Feast of the Assumption; it was continued during the Holy Hour of the following day. and it was finished that evening.  These have been days of many interruptions and obligations and of much exhaustion; I think this is why it was dictated in parts.  I have used two hyphens (- -) to indicate and separated the different parts.

[2] I perceived in this writing that She was joyful, looking down on Her children who have responded to Her, who love Her.  So much tenderness.   She is often sorrowful, but on this occasion I perceived a tender joy, as a Mother Who is moved by the love of Her children.

[3] The pallium is a liturgical vestment that is conferred by the Holy See and worn exclusively by Archbishops (Metropolitans) as a sign of their authority over an ecclesiastical province.  Our Lady is speaking here directly to Archbishops.  My sense is that She is asking them to stand up first, in order to support and enable the Priests to also stand up.

[4] Much is said today of “being like Jesus.”  Often it is understood in a partial sense, for instance, of being charitable to the poor, or fighting for justice – which are good, but very limited ways of being like Him.  (A much more problematic but increasingly prevalent understanding is the sense of accepting and even condoning sin out of a false sense of charity – a truly false sense of “being like Jesus.”)  However, the essence of “being like Jesus,” of imitating Him in His Mission as the Redeemer, is to do and say exclusively – as He Himself did – all that the Father asks to be said and done.

[5] When She said these words, I perceived a great number of men carrying what seemed like shields, very solid, sturdy, and on these shields were the words of the Creed.  It is not something I see with my eyes, but rather an interior perception that I do not know how it is communicated – it is not through the senses – but it is real nonetheless.

[6] She said these words very seriously and solemnly – as if a vast panorama opened before Her and She were seeing all the consequences and sufferings that this standing up implies.  Difficult to put into words.  And at the same time with an infinite understanding and compassion…brief but very full words.

[7] How much tenderness in these words…like a caress.

[8] The smile that is born of trust, of Faith, of the certainty of the Victory and of the nearness of Their Presence and of Their Love.  The smile sent to Heaven in the midst of pain, of fear, of confusion, that becomes union with God, and that is like a slap to the enemy, who does all he can to make us look only at ourselves and the darkness with which he tries to surround us, so that we might fall into pride, fear, despair.  This is why, when Our Lady asks us to smile at Her, it is to help us to look up at Heaven and at the Light.  When we only look at ourselves, at darkness, we cease to smile and darkness envelops us.  And She helps us to overcome that great danger by something as simple as a smile. Impressive!



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