Message from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia
September 3, 2023 Dear children, thank you for listening to my call in your heart. My children, be righteous and continue to be in the Faith because only in this way will you be glorified. My children, do not waste time, I am here with Mother's love to ask you again for urgent conversion. My children, beware of the wolves disguised as lambs; pray for the Church and for the consecrated so that they do not lead My children into the confusion that reigns at this time. My children, the war is near and will break out without your realizing it; the persecution will continue. My children, your freedom is in the balance; soon it will be taken away from you by those who believe they are gods on earth without understanding that God is only one; do not be afraid – always be in the true doctrine of the Faith with strength and courage, I am here to protect you. Children, confess and feed on the Eucharist – your only salvation. Now I leave you with Mother's love and bless you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.