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Fr. Gobbi – A Sign of Sure Hope

Updated: Jul 1, 2024

August 15, 1995

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven

"Look today at your heavenly Mother, assumed to the glory of paradise, even with her body. Unite yourselves to the joy of all the angelic cohorts, of the saints, and of the souls who are still being purified in purgatory.

Share also in the joy of the Church, pilgrim in the desert of the world and of history, which contemplates your heavenly Mother as a sign of consolation and sure hope.

- I am a sign of sure hope for the Church, as she walks toward her perfect glorification, which she will know at the moment when Jesus Christ returns to you in glory.

In these last times of the great tribulation, in the conclusive hour of the second Advent through which you are living, what great hope is opened up in the life of the Church by the assurance of having always been assisted and protected by me with the beating of my motherly and merciful Heart! Thus my presence close to the Church is a comfort to her suffering, a consolation to her weariness, strength to her proclamation, support to her faith, aid to her journey toward holiness.

- I am a sign of sure hope for humanity today, so possessed by the Evil One, so threatened in its very life, so lacerated by egoism and hatred, by fratricidal struggles and wars. As Mother, I help all humanity to return to its Lord, along the way of repentance and prayer, of conversion, and of a change of heart and life.

And thus, I am preparing for it new days of peace and not affliction, of serenity and joy. Above all, in these last times, I am making myself present in a powerful way to prepare humanity to receive Jesus who is about to return in glory to bring about its total and perfect transformation.

- I am a sign of sure hope for all of you, my poor children, who are carrying the weight of many sufferings and great sorrows. These sufferings must now increase for all, and the pains will increase more and more, because you are living through these last times of the great tribulation.

Look today to your heavenly Mother, assumed into the glory of paradise, if you wish to cross the thresholds of hope. From my Immaculate Heart, I let fall the dew of divine mercy, a gentle balm which is placed on the open and bleeding wounds of all my children.

- I am a sign of sure hope for you sinners and you who are far away, for you the sick and discouraged, for you the oppressed and persecuted, for you the stricken and crushed, for you who are smitten by violence and hatred, for you who are trampled underfoot and slaughtered by fratricidal struggles and wars.

At the conclusive moment of the great trial, you will feel my motherly presence, which assists you to cross the threshold of hope, in order to enter into the new era of peace, which will come for the Church, for humanity and for all of you, with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world."

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