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2017 Message from Our Lady to Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller through Sister Amapola

April 5th, 2017

Florecita, write these Words for My son Gustavo, your Archbishop.

My little son, whom I carry in My arms and under My Mantle of Love, I am your Mother, the Mother that our Jesus has given you from His Cross, as a sign of all that He loves you.

Son, you will be surprised to receive and read these words, written here on such plain paper, using such poor means – but they are My Words of Love for you.  From My Heart to yours.  How much you have called out to Me, son, in the face of all the tremendous needs of our poor, suffering children, and which move you so much.  I have heard each one of the groans of your heart, little son, and I have united them to My tears in the Chalice of the Blood of our Jesus that He offers to the Father, asking for and obtaining Mercy for so many.

Son, receive these little children of Mine, receive them with Love, for they come from Us to announce great things to you – very great Mercies and consolations for Our children, and that through the faith of these little ones of Mine, we will be able to pour out here in this city.

Son, your heart belongs to Me, and deep within, you hear My voice that tells you “Yes, I send them to you, son.”  Do not be afraid.

We have brought you here for this, for this great Work of Grace and Mercy.  You are part of Our Plan, I, your Mother, ask for your help.

Son, you could never imagine the great Love that we want to share with each one – with you.

Receive these words that these children of Mine bring to you, given to you from Us, from your Jesus, and from Me.  We give them to you as consolation, encouragement, Peace, and the assurance that We have heard your heart.

Son, remember your brother Bishop who received My Juan Diego, My little messenger.  Look at how much I have been able to do over so many years in millions of My children, because of that openness of My son, Priest and Bishop, to what I asked of him.

Just as I now ask you to help Me.  These children of Mine have a great and painful mission – they will need your help, your support.

Do not be afraid to receive them – their only desire is to do My Will; and for years I have prepared them in the midst of deserts and sorrows, for this hour.

Our Plans of Love are advancing quickly, because the wave of hatred of our enemy has swept away many of My children, and it is already time for the great counterattack of Your God, who rises in defense of His children.

Your true mission, son, is just beginning.  This is the call to give everything to Me, your Mother and Queen, the Great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy.  Let Me carry you in my arms, son – abandon yourself to Me like a little child.  How much, how much I love you!

Soon, child, you will see My smile, which will console you for so many sufferings that I alone see [1], My little one.

My son, I embrace you to My Heart.  I give you My Motherly blessing, and My Jesus blesses you too.  Do not fear.  We are always with you, and it is We Who have brought these little ones of Ours to you with Our Words of Love and Grace for you.

I bless you, child of My Heart.

And I bless all the children that We have placed under your care.


Your Mother, the Mother of Jesus,

Mother of all the children of God.

Your Mother who loves you so.


[1] Webmaster: It is understood that Our Lady is not excluding God’s knowledge here.




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