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Fr. Michel Rodrigue
Recent and Important Message from Our Lady to Fr. Michel Rodrigue
This crucial message was given on June 22, 2024. Our Lady asked that it be made public a few days later on June 27, the Feast of Our Lady...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue Talk on the Opening of the Seals in the Book of Revelation
In this video, the subject matter is principally Seals One, Two, Three, and Six. The prototypical end times messenger, Marie-Julie...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue Speaks on the Coming Battle
In this video, Father talks on what many know is coming: an end times confrontation between good and evil. [This confrontation is and...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue – The Call ... And a Q & A
In his own words: the mystic Fr. Michel Rodrigue talks about our callings from God. How will you respond? [Doing God’s Will is the most...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue Talk on the Sword of St. Michael
In the two videos below, we learn about the Sword of St. Michael (also known as "St. Michael's Line), which is a line of very significant...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue Talk on Spiritual Warfare and Exorcism
Although not his diocese's exorcist, Fr. Michel Rodrigue has quite a bit of knowledge and experience in this area. While only those...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue on Making Your House into a Refuge During the Reign of the Antichrist
The only necessity is that you own your house. Even if you have a mortgage you can have a refuge. Outside of that non-negotiable, you can...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue – Angels Among Us
In this video, Fr. Michel Rodrigue speaks on a topic that is rarely talked about: the angels and their role in salvation history. He...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue Video on Prophecy, the Warning, and Hope
In this short, 34-minute video, Fr. Michel speaks in his own words (his words not being manipulated as happened in the past on YouTube)...
Marie-Julie Jahenny and Father Michel Rodrigue Video
Though the great end times messenger, Marie-Julie Jahenny, was never officially approved by her local diocese, she was supported by and...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue Speaks on St. Michael, Angels, and Demons
In this talk, Fr. Michel gives a great overview of St. Michael, Guardian of the Remnant, and of angels and demons. St. Michael, guard us,...
In His Own Words: Fr. Michel Rodrigue Speaks on the Plan of Creation and St. Michael
With Fr. Michel, the only accurate way to know what he is saying is to stick with his talks. There are videos, etc. that have misquoted...
The Warning COULD Happen Any Time Now
Click below to watch this very important, new video on Father Michel regarding the Warning, which could happen any time now; St. Michael...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue – Two New Videos
As I always say, go with the actual words of Fr. Michel Rodrigue, a messenger who has been attacked so terribly. He does not have a...
New Interview of Fr. Michel Rodrigue
Since Fr. Michel Rodrigue does not have a website, there have been YouTube videos that have not been faithful to what he has received. It...
Very Urgent Message from Fr. Michel Rodrigue
[Photo of a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe that has been shedding tears of blood recently in Mexico] World War III is about to start...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue on the New Religion to Come, Etc.
In this video, among other things, the messenger Fr. Michel Rodrigue spoke in a 2019 retreat on what many call “the One World Religion”...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue Giving a Talk in a 2019 Retreat (1 of 2)
With Fr. Michel Rodrigue, the most reliable way – or I daresay the only way – to know for sure what he has said is through videos in...
What is new with Fr. Michel Rodrigue?
In this video, Xavier Ayral gets us up-to-date with the Canadian messenger Fr. Michel Rodrigue, who is a mystic, a founder of a new...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue on WWIII, the Antichrist, Etc.
In this reliable video on Fr. Michel Rodrigue, he speaks on what has been revealed to him on the above topics. Make preparations now...
Trustworthy Video on Fr. Michel Rodrigue
There are a number of questionable YouTube videos reputedly on or about this holy priest. Some may very well be from the dark side so as...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue Speaks on the Warning Vs. Project Blue Beam
This is a discussion of the power of Light over darkness. To be sure, Project Blue Beam, masterminded by the evil ones, will fool many,...
Actual Words of Fr. Michel Rodrigue Versus...
A large number of fake messages have been put out regarding this authentic messenger. As usual, the likely culprit is The New World Order...
Fr. Michel Rodrigue: Special Protection from the Holy Family
Message from God the Father to Fr. Michel Rodrigue October 30, 2018 “My son, listen and write. I desire that this message be...
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