Manuela Strack – “I know each and every one of you, and I love you infinitely!”
Apparition of the King of Mercy to Manuela Strack in Sievernich, Germany October 25, 2024 I see a large golden ball of light floating...

“Aviso! There will be this sign of grace on every place of grace where my Most Holy Mother appeared.”
Apparition of the King of Mercy on November 25, 2022, above the Maria Annuntiata fountain on the property of the Jerusalem House A big...
Messages from Our Lady to German Visionary Manuela Strack
[The source for the below text and messages from Our Lady is a page on Manuela Strack's official website: https://maria-die-makellose.de/...
Message from St. Michael to Manuela Strack
February 8, 2024 This video is on Mrs. Strack’s website. St. Michael the Archangel gave her this message at the Sanctuary of Monte...
“even if the Church is shaken by the tempter in this time of tribulation”
Message from St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joan of Arc to Manuela Stack July 16, 2024 A large golden ball of light floats above us in...

“Pray for the conversion of sinners! I do not want them to be lost.”
Message from the King of Mercy to Manuela Strack June 25, 2024 – at the “Jerusalem House” [Sievernich, Germany] I see a large golden ball...
Introduction to Manuela Strack and Message
[Source for all that is below is on her website here: https://maria-die-makellose.de/sievernich-uk/index.html ] The Apparition Site of...
Manuela Strack – “The Vulgate shines down upon us.”
[The Douay-Rheims Version is the translation of the Latin Vulgate translation of St. Jerome. Current private revelation regularly says...
Messages from Jesus, St. Michael and St. Joan to Manuela Strack
September 19, 2023 (following the coronation of the statue of St. Michael and Holy Mass in the parish church in Sievernich, Germany) A...

Manuela Strack – “Your wealth before the Father is love”
Message from Jesus to Manuela Strack Apparition of the King of Mercy on Dec. 25, 2022 I see a bright, golden sphere of light hovering...

Messages from Jesus and Pope Benedict to Manuela Strack
[Official Translations] Epiphany, January 6, 2023 I see the deceased Pope Benedict XVI. He is surrounded by a bright light. He wears a...

“He was faithful to the Holy Scriptures, to the Father and to Me.”
Message from Jesus to Manuela Strack Apparition of the King of Mercy on January 25, 2023, above the Maria Annuntiata Fountain at the...
Manuela Strack – “Germany, your pride is unsurpassable.”
Messages from Jesus and St. Michael to Manuela Strack Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel on March 21, 2023 (Official Translation,...

“Dear friends, it is not relative. There is only one truth of faith.”
Message from Jesus to Manuela Strack Apparition of the King of Mercy on March 25, 2023, above the Maria Annuntiata fountain with rain of...
Messages to Manuela Strack
Apparition of the King of Mercy on April 25, 2023 above the Maria Annuntiata fountain (Official Translation) During the Rosary prayer in...