Gisella Cardia
Gisella Cardia – “My children, many will be faithful to the Antichrist who is already present”
Gisella Cardia – “the evil tries to destroy you by putting false things and false doctrines into your minds”
Announcement by Gisella Cardia’s Lawyers on the False Charges against Her
Gisella Cardia – “Pray for the priests – the stench of satan’s house reaches up to Peter’s Church.”
Gisella Cardia – “gather often to recite the Holy Rosary, a powerful weapon to destroy the Evil”
Gisella Cardia – [Jesus] “is the only Way, Truth and Life!”
“I come to guide and instruct you, as Mother, Advocate, and Coredemptrix of humanity”
“know that the One True Religion is the Christian, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman one. There is no other equal”
Gisella Cardia – “Children, be ready, but you need not fear”
Gisella Cardia – “My daughter, do not be afraid of what is happening.”
Gisella Cardia – “this humanity disinterested in the calls from heaven”
“What was revealed at Fatima ... is in its full fulfillment.”
“where heresy and blasphemy are approved with such freedom”
“you have not yet understood what God's Justice will be”
My Son “is still being crucified today by men and false shepherds”
Gisella Cardia – The One World Religion is Coming
Gisella Cardia – “I say to you: do not be afraid”
“Be ready to help your confused brothers and sisters”
Gisella Cardia – “pray for France...”
Gisella Cardia – “this immense miracle”
“Children, pray for the hypocritical and perverse bishops”
Gisella Cardia – “Be ready for the coming diseases”
Gisella Cardia – “there is no man who can destroy God’s Work”
“soon they will deceive you and say it is only a memory”
New Messages from Jesus and Mary to Gisella Cardia
Video of Doctor Declaring Authentic the Stigmata of Cardia
Gisella Cardia – “close to the Sacraments”
Gisella Cardia – “do not be afraid”
A Brief Defense of Gisella Cardia
Jesus: “Do not hinder My works.”
Gisella Cardia – “humanity … does not listen to my words”
Gisella Cardia – “Nothing but the voice of the Gospel.”
Gisella Cardia – “always follow the True Doctrine of the Faith”
Gisella Cardia – “Communism has entered the Church!”
Gisella Cardia – “When the Word of God is manipulated”
Gisella Cardia – “drink from His Fount of Mercy”
Gisella Cardia – “My children, I ask you once again to stock up.”
Gisella Cardia – “Three-quarters of the Church will deny my Son!”
Gisella Cardia – “Pray for America because it will be crushed.”
“Children, persecutions will be increasingly fierce”
“The time is near! The prophecies are about to be fulfilled.”
Gisella Cardia – “the year to come will be the year of Revelation”
Gisella Cardia – “Ask Me for a grace this night and I will hear you”
“God’s teachings are being interpreted in the worst of ways.”
“happy to see you reunited in the recitation of the Holy Rosary”
“lead them to my Son, Jesus, who needs you at any cost”
Gisella Cardia – “beware of Wolves disguised as sheep”
“where there is confusion, there is no God”
Gisella Cardia: “from the month of October onward”
“the Word of God is one and is forever and can never be changed”