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Our Lady of Garabandal
Our Lady of Garabandal’s Two Public Messages
[St. John Paul II was one of many luminaries who believed Garabandal was authentic:
Our Lady of Garabandal and the Present Crisis in the Church
November 15, 2024 I do not do commentary pretty much as a rule, but today I believe it is necessary. I posted these two messages a long...
Heaven Tells Luz de Maria That Garabandal Is an Authentic Marian Apparition
Below is a special page on Luz de Maria's website on Our Lady of Garabandal. The full text is below or here is the direct link:...
Interview of Garabandal Visionary, Jacinta, 60 Years Later
Rough English Translation of the 2021 Spanish Interview of Jacinta Gonzalez by Jose Maria Zavala Three of the four visionaries of Our...
1980 Interview of the Primary Visionary of Garabandal
Below is the link to a video in which Conchita Gonzalez – one of the four visionaries of Our Lady from 1961-1965 in Garabandal, Spain –...
1973 Interview With Garabandal Visionary Conchita Gonzalez
This is an original interview with the principal Garabandal visionary, Conchita Gonzalez, just eight years after the final apparition in...
The Chastisement Revealed by Our Lady of Garabandal
[Verbatim – Source: The Workers of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel de Garabandal – ] CHASTISEMENT...
Expert Explains Garabandal and Joey Lomangino's Blindness
March 14, 2023 Interview with Glenn Hudson Dear Mr. Hudson, thank you for agreeing to this email interview. Since...
Source: (verbatim) The “extremely great” Miracle which Conchita mentions in her Diary is...
Source: (verbatim) by Connie Hoebich for NEEDLES – Spring 1974 From earliest times God has used...
Expert Glenn Hudson Clears up Garabandal Confusion
[Photo: Conchita with St. Teresa of Calcutta] There is always plenty of misinformation on the Internet, and the apparitions at...
Pope Going to Moscow Bodes Trouble
(Above: Our Lady of Garabandal) February 11, 2023 In this recent video, Garabandal expert Glenn Hudson tells what Our...
Classic Video on Garabandal: "After the Visions"
This is one of the best documentaries ever on Our Lady of Garabandal. It is extremely trustworthy. Definitely check it out below....
Our Lady of Garabandal and St. (Padre) Pio – Part Two
Here are two great YouTube videos on Our Lady of Garabandal. One is a short but very good introduction to Garabandal: The second video...
A Superb Website on Our Lady of Garabandal
[Photo of Conchita Gonzalez, the primary Garabandal visionary, with Joey Lomangino] The Workers of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel de Garabandal,...
Two Classic Videos on Our Lady of Garabandal
Please take the time to watch these superb and authoritative documentaries on Our Lady of Garabandal. They can change your life! Click...
Interview of Jacinta, One of the Garabandal Visionaries
[ Source: ] JACINTA'S INTERVIEW – 1983 Q. Do you often think about the apparitions? A. Yes, enough. Sometimes I...
Some Very Notable Believers in Garabandal
St. (Padre) Pio Pope St. John Paul II Pope St. Paul VI St. Teresa of Calcutta St. Jose Maria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei St....
Our Lady of Garabandal and St. (Padre) Pio -- Part One
The below links testify to the absolute belief of St. (Padre) Pio that Our Lady of Garabandal was appearing to the four visionaries...
SOURCE: "Where and what is Garabandal? San Sebastian de Garabandal is a small farming village...
Message of Our Lady of Garabandal
June 19, 1962 "Loli and I were in the calleja [place near the first apparition] and She told us a message for the whole world and it is...
Our Lady of Garabandal on Russia
[Conchita and Mari Loli are two of the four Garabandal visionaries.] Conchita's Aunt Antonia testified to having heard the visionaries...
Our Lady of Garabandal’s Public Message (2 of 2)
[It hurt Her so much to give this message, She had St. Michael say it for Her.] June 18, 1965 "Since my message of October 18, 1961 has...
Our Lady of Garabandal’s Public Message (1 of 2)
October 18, 1961 "Many Sacrifices must be made. Much penance must be done. We must pay many visits to the Blessed Sacrament, but first of...
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